The Gazette 1979
The President Mr. J. L. Dundon took the Chair at 11.30 on Friday, 24 November 1978 in the Members' Room in Blackball Place. A list of those attending the meeting is filed with these minutes. The Director General Mr. James J. Ivers was in attendance. The notice convening the meeting was read by the Director General. Minutes: Having been published in the May issue of the GAZETTE the minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held in Killarney on 7th May, 1978, were taken as read. There being no objection, the minutes were signed by the President. Annual Report: The adoption of the Auditors Report and financial accounts for the year ended 30th April, 1978, was proposed by Mr. A. Smyth, seconded by Mr. P. D. M. Prentice and agreed. On the proposition of Mr. P. C. Moore, seconded by Mr. J. Carrigan, Messrs. Coopers and Lybrand were re- elected as the Society's Auditors for the year ending 30th April, 1979. Council Elections: The Scrutineers Report on the Council Election was read by the Director General as follows:- Valid Poll 1084 Buckley, John F. (747 votes); Dundon, Joseph L. (694); Quinlan, Moya(686); Blake, Bruce St. John (619); Beatty, Walter (592); Binchy, Donal G. (592); Bourke, Adrian Patrick (586); O'Mahony, Michael V. (582); Carrigan, John (580); Osborne, William Anthony (570); Shaw, Thomas D. (563); Curran, Maurice R. (554); McEvoy, W. D. (554); Hickey, Gerald (545); Houlihan, Michael P. (528); Allen, William Brendan (525); O'Donnell, Patrick Frank (521); Prentice, Peter D. M. (515); Shields, Laurence K. (514); O'Connell, Michael G. L. (503); Smyth, Andrew F. (499); Collins, Anthony E. (493); Pigot, David R. (489); Fitzpatrick, Thomas J., T.D. (489); Monahan, Raymond Thomas (480); Margetson, Ernest (476); Killeen, Sarah Carmel (466); Cullen, Laurence,(45 7); O'Connor, Patrick (445); Donnelly, Andrew J. O. (438). The foregoing were returned as ordinary members of the Council for the year 1978-79. The following members also received the number of votes placed after their names: Doyle, Gerard M. (423); Maher, Austin V. (374); Hoey, B. Vincent (371); O'Connor, James Philip (351); McCourt, Philip E. (274); Br unke r, Eric ( 262 ); O ' L e a r y, Mo na ( 242 ); O'hUadhaigh, Donal (228). Provincial Delegate (Leinster) Valid Poll 153: Smyth, Michael M. (89); Hogan, Christopher, (64). Provincial Delegates Returned Unopposed (Connaught): Patrick J. McEllin, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. (Munster): Patrick Glynn, 84 O'Connell Street, Limerick. (Ulster): Peter F. R. Murphy, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal.
Declaring the results of the election, the President expressed his thanks to the Scrutineers. In doing so, he remarked that he was glad to see that the poll was increasing. Report of Council As a report had been circulated in the October issue of the GAZETTE, the President took it as read. Speaking to the report Mr. T. C. G. O'Mahony, asked if as a small community, we could face the cost of computerising the processes associated with legal practice. The President said he was advocating that the profession familiarise itself with and learn to control the computer process in the legal area. Mr. O'Mahony, then went on to comment on the lack of progress being made in the matter of solicitors' remuneration and to advocate a stronger line of action on the part of the profession. In the discussion which followed, the President and Mr. Osborne, Chairman, Costs Committee reviewed the developments to date. They indicated that some progress could be expected in the near future. The adoption of the report was proposed by Mr. D. Pigot, seconded by Mr. J. Jermyn, and agreed. Bond Scheme: At the request of the President, Mrs. Quinlan drew the successful bonds as follows: £1000 prize —Bonds Nos. 1024 and 1455; £500 prize - Bonds Nos. 1185 and 1060; £250 prize - Bonds Nos. 1239 and 1469. At the conclusion of the draw, the President encouraged members, especially the younger members to participate in the scheme, designed to help the financing of the Blackhall Place project. Annual General Meeting 1979: This was fixed for 11.30 a.m. on Friday, 23rd, November, 1979. Motion: Mr. Heney proposed the following motion: "That the Council of the Society appoint a professional member of staff to deal with Government Departments, Local Authorities and other agencies in respect of all problems arising in solicitors offices in their dealings with such bodies." In proposing the motion, Mr. Heney, referred to the countless delays, beyond the control of the solicitors in everyday practice. While he could take steps to improve his own organisation, there was little he could do in the case of official agencies. He was referring particularly to the Adjudication Office, the Registry of Deeds and Local Authorities whose delays presented great difficulties for solicitors practising in Dublin. To deal with the problem on an individual basis was not adequate and it was unfair to expect a voluntary committee to deal with the problem on a continuing basis. It seemed to him that what was needed on the staff of the Society was a professional person who would deal with the problems on a general basis and ensure that the situation with the various agencies was continuously monitored.
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