The Gazette 1979



Also, there was a need to encourage the profession to present their difficulties to the Society. He emphasised that in proposing the motion, he was not in any way to be taken as attacking the public bodies he mentioned. Seconding the motion Mr. K. O'Brien referred to the difficulties experienced with the Dublin Corporation sealing procedure and the Land Registry. Mr. R. O'Donnell as Chairman of the Conveyancing Committee, accepted that there was much merit in the proposal. He then outlined for the information of the meeting, various representations which had been made over the year by the Conveyancing Committee Mr. D. McEvoy was of the opinion that the proposer and seconder should submit a detailed memorandum since the resolution dealt with a very wide area. Miss C. Killeen favoured the establish- ment of a special committee to review the position. Mr. A. Mulligan felt that if the decision was to set-up the Committee, then it should have a definite time limit within which to report. The President said he appreciated the difficulties being experienced by the profession. Members of the staff and particularly the Director General had been dealing continuously with the problems outlined in association with the Professsional Purposes and Conveyancing Committees. The difficulty for the Society was twofold. The recruitment of a suitable professional person was a costly step, and ultimately the profession would have to decide if it would be.prepared to make the necessary funds available. Also, the Society's past experience indicated that it would not be easy to recruit staff of the required calibre. He suggested that the matter be referred to the incoming Council with a view to a report back to the members at the next half-yearly meeting in Galway. Mr. M. O'Mahony suggested that the item be a specific one on the agenda for that meeting. This was agreed.

Appointment of Committees for 1978/'79: By agreement, the following arrangements were made:- Registrar's and Compensation Fund: T. D. Shaw, Chairman; A. J. Donnelly, J. Hooper, C. Killeen, P. O'Connor, M. V. O'Mahony, L. K. Shields, A. Smyth, M. Quinlan.

Finance, Premises, Services and Costs: W. Beatty, Chairman M. Curran, Vice-Chairman B. St. J. Blake, Charman, Services; M. Quinlan, Chairman, Premises; W. A. Osborne, Chairman, Costs; G. Overend, (Past President); P. D. M. Prentice. Parliamentary: D. Binchy, Chairman; J. Carrigan, Vice-Chairman;

S t a ff R d a t i o n s


J. L. Dundon, R. Glynn, S. Killeen, R. T. Monahan, M. G. L. O'Connell, P. F. O'Donnell, B. Russell, B. McGrath (Past President), A. Bourke. Professional Purposes: R. O'Donnell, Chairman, Conveyancing Committee; L. Cullen, A. J. Donnelly, G. Doyle, (non Council) Michael Enright, (non Council) P. Glynn, R. Grattan D'Esterre Roberts, C. Hogan, (non Council) M. P. Houlihan, J. Maher, (Past President) P. Murphy, P. McEllin, M. M. Smyth. Public Relations: W. D. McEvoy, Chairman; M. V. O'Mahony, Vice-Chairman; J. F. Buckley, Chairman, Publications and Library; D. G. Binchy, F. Daly, C. Meredith, P. Murphy, P. O'Connor, P. F. O'Donnell, M. Quinlan, A. Bourke. F.E.C. and International Affairs: J. Dundon, Chairman; R. T. Monahan, Vice-Chairman; A. Collins, J. Fish, (non Council) B. T. McGrath (Past President) G. J. Moloney, L. K. Shields, A. F. Smyth. Walter Beatty, Brendan Allen, Mrs. M. Quinlan, T. Fitzpatrick, Bruce St. J. Blake, J. Carrigan, W. A. Osborne, Peter D. M. Prentice, Joseph L. Dundon, John F. Buckley, W. D. McEvoy, Maurice Curran, Donal Binchy, Thomas D. Shaw, Ernest J. Margetson. Education: John F. Buckley, Chairman; F. Daly, Vice-Chairman; A. Bourke, M. Curran, W. D. McEvoy, Rory O'Donnell. E. J. Margetson, Chairman; D. R. Pigot, Vice-Chairman; Policy Committee: Gerald Hickey, President;

Other Business: Mr. D. Moran indicated that the present lay-out of the Conditions of Sale was not satisfactory and he suggested a reversion to the old system. The President indicated that he would refer the point to the Conveyancing Committee.

Vote of Thanks: Mr. G. Hickey, Senior Vice-President took the Chair at this point. Mr. D. Moran, in proposing a vote of thanks to the President, said the past year had been a memorable one in the annals of the Society. The activites of the year of which the high-light had been the official opening of Blackhall Place, had placed a great burden on the President. He had graced the office with dignity and was due the thanks of the Society for excellent services far beyond the normal line of duty. Mr. McCarron in seconding the resolution, thanked the President for his kind remarks about the work of the scrutineers. Mr. G. Doyle said he would like to be associated with the vote of thanks to the President for all that he had done for the Society and for the encouragement he had given to the Council during his year of office. Mr. Hickey, associated himself with the previous comments and paid tribute to the help given by Mrs. Dundon. He then put the Resolution, which was carried with applause. The Senior Vice-President then declared the meeting closed.

Company Law Committee: B. O'Connor, Chairman;

W. Beatty, A. Collins M. G. Dickson, M. Finlay, R. Flynn, H. Fry, M. Irvine, P. Kilroy, J. O'Dwyer, L. K. S!ii'ids.


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