The Gazette 1979
N Of mutual benefit Today's Solicitors face an almost impossible task. Their clients expect an efficient, wide ranging service and yet the busy practitioner often finds it onerous to keep right up to date in all the areas which require specialised knowledge and day-to-day familiarity. Why not call on the resources of the Sun Life of Canada to help you extend your services to your clients?
Would it help you if—
faced by a client requiring estate planning, you could receive detailed recommendations which, following your endorsement, could then be implemented. faced by a client who is concerned at the possible consequences of the death of a partner or co-director, you could receive detailed recommendations on the best way to solve the problem — together with suggested draft legal forms which you could use if desired, faced by a client who needs pensions advice for retirement or tax-planning purposes, you could provide a full service from initial enquiry to Revenue approval, —merely by asking your secretary to complete the coupon below?
TO: S UN L I FE A S S U R A N CE C O M P A NY OF C A N A D A (Incorporated in Canada in 1865 as a limited C omp a n y. A Mutual C omp a ny since 1962). H A W K I N S H O U S E , H A W K I N S S T R E E T , D U B L I N 2. I would like to know more about how your Comp a ny can help me. Please me your b o o k l e t, 'The P r o f e s s i o n al Adviser'
S u i L i f e o f C c n a d a One of the world's great financial institutions
N A ME (Mr./Mrs./Miss)
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