The Gazette 1958-61
me Rent Restrictions Act, 1946, and pro ceedings by way of summons under sections 15 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, as extended by section 42 (2) of the Rent Restrictions Act, 1946. (3) Complaints by way of summons brought by the Dublin Corporation, the Dublin County Council, or the Dun Laoghaire Borough Corporation for the recovery of rates. (4) Proceedings by way of summons under the Cottier Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1856, and sections 81, 84, 85 and 86 (as amended and extended in the case of the last mentioned section by section 7 of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887) of the Landlord and Tenant Law Amendment Act (Ireland), 1860. (5) Proceedings in ejectment instituted by Summons by the Dublin Corporation. orders, restaurant certificates, certificates for the grant of wholesale beer dealers' licences and occasional licences, public dance hall licences and authorisations for the supply of excisable liquors in register ed clubs on special occasions, game dealers' licences, and all other licensing applications not hereinbefore specified. (2) The Annual Licensing District Court for the hearing of applications for certificates of character by licensed vintners, spirit grocers, wholesale and retail beer dealers, for general exemption orders, restaurant certificates and for public dance hall licences. (3) The Licensing District Court for the hearing of applications for certificates of character by licensed pawnbrokers. (4) The Licensing District Court for the grant of certificates to applicants for moneylenders' licences. (5) The Licensing District Court for the grant of general dealers' licences. (6) Appeals under the Betting Act, 1931, jurisdiction to hear which is conferred on the District Court under the said Act. (7) Applications for renewal of certificates of registration of clubs, objections to such applications, complaints under section 9 (i) of the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, cancellation of certificates of registration of clubs under section 9 (2) and the making and cancellation of an C. (i) Applications for the temporary transfer of publicans' licences, special exemption
order under section 9 (3) of the said Act. (8) Applications for Certificates of Qualifica tion under the Auctioneers and House Agents Act, 1947. (9) Applications under the Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1956. D. (i) Applications and proceedings under the Illegitimate Children (Affiliation Orders) Act, 1930, and the Married Women (Maintenance in case of Desertion) Act, 1886. (2) Sanitary and dangerous buildings sum monses and complaints consequent on defaults in compliance with orders made on sanitary summonses. (3) Applications under section 4 of the Acquisition of Derelict Sites Act, 1940, for the annulment of preliminary orders of Sanitary Authorities made under section 3 of the said Act. (4) Applications by Public Assistance Author ities to recover the cost of (a) public assistance ; (b) general assistance, under the provisions of section 28 and 29 respectively of the Public Assistance Act, 1939, and applications by Public Assistance Authorities under section 30 (3) (Jj) of the said Act. (5) Complaints under section 68 of the Dublin Police Act, 1842 (i.e. for the delivery of goods not exceeding in value £50, un lawfully detained, to the owner). (6) Complaints under Section 16 of the Sum mary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851 (i.e. complaints for recovery of wages, hirage and tuition fees), and under Section 17 (i) of the same Act (i.e. disputes at sales in fairs and markets). (7) Applications and proceedings under the Enforcement of Court Orders Acts, 1926 and 1940. (8) Proceedings in relation to disputes or matters in respect of which jurisdiction is given by the Employers and Workmen Act, 1875, to a Court of Summary Juris diction. (9) Claims under sections 164, 167 (i) and 167 (2) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894. (10) Proceedings for the estreating of any re cognisance which is entered into con sequent on an order made in this Division and which is deposited with the Chief Clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan District Court.
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