The Gazette 1958-61
OSCAR TRAYNOR, Minister for Justice, do hereby direct that the business of the District Court to be transacted in the Dublin Metropolitan District shall be distributed amongst the three Divisions of the Dublin Metropolitan Justices in the manner following—that is to say :— CIVIL AND JUVENILE DIVISION. The business of this Division shall consist of:— A. Civil proceedings instituted by Civil process (excluding all ejectment Civil processes) and all causes and matters arising out of or appertaining to such proceedings. (i) The preliminary investigation of indict able crimes and offences alleged against children and young persons, and the hear ing of all other informations, complaints and charges against children and young persons. (2) The preliminary investigation of indict able crimes and offences alleged against B. adults and all other informations, com plaints and charges against adults where the adult is either charged jointly with a child or young person or charged with a crime or offence arising out of or relating to a crime or offence in respect of which a child or young person is charged. (3) All applications for orders or licences relating to a child or young person at which the attendance of the child or young person is required. (4) All informations, complaints and charges under the School Attendance Act, 1926. (5) All applications under sections 74 and 75 of the Children Act, 1908, a,s amended by the Children Acts, 1941 to 1957. C. Proceedings for the estreating of any re cognisance which is entered into consequent on an order made in this Division and which is deposited with the Chief Clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan District Court. SUMMARY DIVISION. The business of this Division shall consist of:— A. All complaints of a criminal nature, and all summary charges in respect of which a summons shall have been issued against the defendant except such complaints or summary charges as are allocated to the Civil and Juvenile Division or to the Custody Division. (i) All civil processes in Ejectment. (2) All applications and proceedings under B.
DUBLIN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT Appointment of places for the transaction of the business of each of the three divisions of the Dublin Metropolitan Justices I, OSCAR TRAYNOR, Minister for Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by section 11 of the Courts of Justice (District Court) Act, 1946, do hereby appoint with effect from the ist September, 1959, the places mentioned in the second column of Schedule hereto to be the places for the transaction of the business of the Division of Dublin Metro politan Justices mentioned opposite in the first column of the said Schedule. Dated this iyth day of July, 1959. (Signed) OSCAR TRAYNOR, Minister for Justice. SCHEDULE.
Places for the transaction of the business of the Division
Division of Dublin Metropolitan Justices
Court No. i in the Courthouse at Morgan Place in the City of Dublin ; The Courthouse in No. 5 Upper Castle Yard, Dublin Castle. Courts No. i (whenever not re- required for the business of the Civil and Juvenile Division), No. 2 and No. 3 in the Courthouse at Morgan Place in the City of Dublin ; The Courthouse in Dun Laoghaire in the County of Dublin. Courts Nos. i, 2 and 3 in the Court house at Chancery Street in the City ofDublin (commonly known as Inns Quay Courthouse) ; Court No. 9 in the Circuit Court Building, Chancery Place, in the City of Dublin.
COURTS OF JUSTICE (DISTRICT COURT) ACT, 1946 DUBLIN METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COURT Distribution of the business of the court amongst the three divisions of the Dublin Metropolitan Justices. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of the Courts of Justice (District Court) Act, 1946, I,
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