The Gazette 1958-61
E. All causes, matters and disputes, whether of a civil or criminal nature, within the juris diction of the District Court, not herein before specifically mentioned or not specific ally assigned to either the Civil and Juvenile Division or the Custody Division. CUSTODY DIVISION. The business of this Division shall consist of:— A. The preliminary investigation of indictable crimes and offences and the hearing of sum mary charges ancillary to such crimes or offences (whether the defendant shall have been summoned or arrested), except the preliminary investigation of such indictable crimes and offences as is allocated to the Civil and Juvenile Division. B. (i) All other informations, complaints and summary charges in respect of which the defendant shall have been arrested except:— (i) such informations, complaints or summary charges as are allocated to the Civil and Juvenile Division, and (ii) proceedings under Section 8 of the Enforcement of Court Orders Act, 1940. (2) All summary charges under sections 220 to 225 inclusive of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, and section 65 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1906. All applications for Warrants of Arrest or Search. D. (i) The attestation of statutory declarations of persons who have lost or mislaid pawnbrokers' duplicates, and the inquiry as to the ownership of goods and chattels in respect of which such lost or mislaid duplicates were issued. (2) The making of orders for the con demnation and destruction of diseased, unsound or unwholesome foodstuffs under the Public Health Acts. All applications under the Police Property Act, 1897. F. Proceedings for the estreating of any re cognisance which is entered into consequent on an order made in this Division and which C. E.
is deposited with the Chief Clerk of the Dublin Metropolitan District Court. Dated this iyth day of July, 1959. (Signed) OSCAR TRAYNOR, Minister for Justice. EXAMINATION RESULTS AT the Final Examination for apprentices to Solicitors held on i9th, 2oth and 2ist days of May the following passed the examination :— Passed with Merit: i. Conal J. Clancy ; 2. Fion- Michael P. M- Connellan; Francis G. M. Gannon; Thomas J- N. Gannon, B.C.L.; Michael J. Hogan, B.C.L. ; Patrick J. Madigan, B.A.; Noelle Maguire; James F. MacCarthy; Thomas F. O'Connell, B.C.L. ; John A. O'Dwyer, B.C.L.; George J. P. O'Sullivan, B.C.L., LL.B. ; Thomas D. Shaw, B.C.L. ; Donald O. Stuart; Gerrard A. Walsh; Rosaleen Walsh, B.A. 26 Candidates attended; 16 passed. The Council has awarded a Silver Medal to Conal J. Clancy and a Special Certificate to Fionnuala Duane. The following passed in Part i or Part 2 Final Examination :— Part I (in alphabetical order) : Richard J. Black> B.C.L. ; Thomas C. Buckley, B.A.—(A) ; James E- Cahill, B.A.—(A) ; Margaret T. C. Casey, B.A. —(A) ; Fionbarra Dempsey, B.C.L.—(A) ; Marie T. Donnellan ; Fergus L. Fahy; Patrick J. Farrell —(A) ; David R. Felton ; John G. Fish ; Adrian F. J. Fitzgerald, B.C.L.; Marie Neasa Gibbons, B.C.L.—(A); Peter F. Houlihan; Charles B. Kingston, B.A.—(A) ; Dominic Mockler, B.A., B.C.L. — (A); Patrick G. McMahon, B.C.L. ; Donald M. Pratt, B.A., LL.B.—(A). Part II (in alphabetical order) : Timothy D. Allmani Thomas J. Ballagh, B.A. ; Michael E. Binchy, B.A. ; Michael J. Fitzsimons, B.C.L.—(B) ; Thomas J. Furlong ; Thomas J. D. Lane, B.A.Mod, LL.B. —(B) ; Edward M. Masterson ; Dermod Morrissey- Murphy; Cathal N. Young. (A) denotes having already passed Part II. (B) denotes having already passed Part I. At the First Law Examination for apprentices to solicitors held on 2jth and 26th days of May, 1959, the following passed the examination :— Passed with Merit: Maurice R. Curran ; Mary P. M. Berkery; Michael J. Browne; Colin A. Chapman. nuala Duane, B.C.L., LL.B. Passed (in alphabetical order) :
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