The Gazette 1996
LEGAL HISTORY Four Courts bicentenary celebrations, 9: 373-377 (piety, extract from address by Dr Maurice Craig, 9: 373 LEGISLATION UPDATE (PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE) See also Legislation index; Acts passed by the Oireachtas, 1: 21, 2: 65, 3: 105, 7: 299-301, 8: 328, 9: 371; selected statutory instruments, 1: 22, 2: 66. 3: 105, 7: 301, 8: 328, 9: 371 LICENSING ACTS The Licensing Acts 1833 to 1995 (C Cassidy), rev, 8: 346 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS 'Civil actions for child sexual abuse: Statute of Limitations Problems' (David Goldberg), 1: 27-30
NERVOUS SHOCK PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228 (Lawbrief) NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), rev, 3: 114
James, 3: 120; Binchy, Joan, 3: 120; Bowler Geraghty, Susan, 3: 120; Coakley, Conor, 6: 255; Halley, Martin M (Maxie), 3: 120, 4: 160; Keegan, Ernst, 5: 212; Maher, John, 9: '369; O'Connor, Thomas K, 3: 120; Pigot, David R, 5: 211-212; Purcell, Matthew M, 4: 160; Quigley, Barbara, 3: 120 O'Connor brothers, 3: 98 Parchment ceremonies: 14 December 1995, 1: 24-25; 19 April 1996, 3: 108-109; 18 October 1996, 8: 330 Presentations: First Report of Working Group on a Courts Commission - presentation to Minister for Justice, 4: 148; Law Society cheque to FLAC, 4: 149; new standard Certificate of Title, 9: 377 Prize bond winners, 1: 35, 9: 365 Prizes: AIB conveyancing prize, 8: 331; Guinness & Mahon Private Bank tax prize, 3: 107, 8: 330; King's Hospital Prize, 2: 69 Roscommon Bar Association, October 1996, 9: 378 Seminars and conferences: see Seminars Sligo Bar Association meeting, October 1996, 9: 378 Solicitors' Benevolent Association concert (1 October 1996), 7: 286; 287 Union Internationale Du Notariat Latin: Dublin meetings, 4: 148 Visit to Court of Justice of EU - Justice John L Murray, Seamus Boyle and Bemie Malone, solicitors, 5: 195 Worldwide audience for solicitor: Fr Martin Clarke, solicitor, celebrant of Christmas Day Mass, 1: 23 PERSONAL INJURIES Capping of awards: Deloitte & Touche report, 8: 313-314 (edl)\ 'Deductions from awards in personal injury cases' (Jack Hickey), 7: 289-292; addendum, 8: 327; judgments: liabil- ity and quantum, 3: 99-100 (Lawbrief)', prac- tice direction: personal injury actions in which liability is admitted, 5: 186-187; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228 (Lawbrief) PLANNING LAW Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), rev, 3: 114 POWERS OF ATTORNEY Enduring powers of attorney, 5: 197-198; 210 (pr), 9: 387 (pr)\ practice directions: 5: 187-188; 6: 237-238; Powers of Attorney Act, 1996, 5: 197-199 (John Costello); 210 (pr), 9: 387 (pr)\ Powers of Attorney Bill, 1995, 2: 57 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE 'Discovery in aid of execution' (Stephen POLICY COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
OBITUARIES See People and places
PARLIAMENTARY AND LAW REFORM COMMITTEE See also Legislation update; members 1995-1996, 1: 18 PATENTS Concise guide to European patents: law & practice (G Paterson), rev, 4: 156-157; European patent materials and index, rev, 4: 157; The European patent system: the law and practice of the European Patent Convention, rev, 4: 157 PENSIONS APLI pensions law conference, April 1996, 6: 254; 'Pension aspects of the Family Law Act, 1995 ' (Brian M Gallagher), 5: 201-206 PEOPLE AND PLACES Admissions to roll of solicitors, 6: 242; 243 Anniversary celebrations: Four Courts bicente- nary, 9: 373-377 Appointments: English Law Society, 8: 323, 9: 371; Legal Officer of Criminal Assets Bureau, Barry Galvin, 6: 234 Awards: IQA award for P O'Connor and Son, 9: 398; ISO 9002 award for Athlone firm, 7: 286; lawyer gets IT degree - Proinnsias O Cillin, 2: 67; Sargison Memorial Medal - Michael Corrigan and John A Campbell, 6: 236; Sixth Diploma in Property Tax, 7: 286; 287 Book launches: see Book launches; Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association Garden Party, 6: 242 Encounter Group meeting, Bandon, Co Cork, 2: 68 International Moot Court Competition World Semi-Finals: Law Society apprentices team, 4: 150 Law Society: annual conference, Cork (9-12 May 1996), 4: 147; annual dinner, 8 March 1996, 2: 68; 69; Council members, 1995/96, 1: 26; dinner in honour of Patrick A Glynn (outgoing President), 1: 24; lunch for wives of past presidents, 8: 330; meeting with rep- resentatives of largest Dublin Firms, 8: 331; Midsummer Party, 21 June 1996, 5: 194; Vice Presidents: Elma Lynch and Laurence Shields, 9: 378 Leitrim Bar Association meeting, 4: 148 Obituaries: Baily, Luxie, 5: 212; Binchy,
LITIGATION COMMITTEE Medico/Legal Liaison Group, 6: 253
LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATIONS See Associations and societies
MARRIAGE See Family law
MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT Courts and Court Officers Act: provisions, 1: 10 MEDIA See also Mediawatch; new radio series on the law, 7: 273; A textbook on media law (Marie McGonagle), rev, 5: 213 MEDIAWATCH Ambulance chasers, 3: 102; anti-crime back- lash: lawyers and law targeted, 6: 229; Drug Trafficking Bill: opposition to seven day deten- tion, 3: 101; Registrar's Committee: report of the lay members, 3: 101-102; solicitor judges, 1: 12-15; Tales of Hoffman: today's lawyers on TV, 4: 135 MEDICAL LITIGATION Advertising by solicitors, effect of (Brendan Healy and Ken Murphy), 6: 232-233; breast implant litigation in the USA, 4: 159; 8: 321; 'More attention to complaints would reduce lit- igation' (Ken Murphy), 7: 279
MARCH 1998
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