The Gazette 1996
I NDEX 1996
EUROPEAN UNION Financial control: Irish Assoc for the Protection °f the Financial Interests of the European Communities (Hon P Carney). 7: 284; litiga- tion: 'Where can one sue in the European Union?' (TP Kennedy), 6: 249-251; Milk quo- tas, European Community and United Kingdom law (M Cardwell), rev. 4: 157-158; Reviewing Maastricht: issues for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference (A Dashwood, Ed), rev, 3: 113 EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS 'Discovery in aid of execution' (Stephen Glanville), 7: 293-294 EXPERT WITNESSES 6: 256 (pr ); duties and liabilities (David R Pigot), 1: 39-40 Violence Act, (Joan O'Mahony), 4: 136-138; Family Law Act, 5: 189-191 (Muriel Walls); pension aspects (Brian M Gallagher), 5: 201-206 FAMILY LAW AND CIVIL LEGAL AID COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1:18 1996 ' FAMILY LAW 'Domestic
HOSPITAL CHARGES 'Road traffic accident cases and hospital charges: a warning' (Keenan Johnston), 8: 333-334 IN-HOUSE SOLICITORS - NEWSBRIEF 4: 155, 5: 207, 6: 235, 7: 283 INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF IRELAND Sargison Memorial Medal award winners, 6: 236 INTOXICATION DEFENCE The Law Reform Commission report on intoxi- cation, rev, 2: 80 JOINT BANK ACCOUNTS 'Judicial reappraisal: Lynch v Burke and A1B' (Claire Mee), 2: 70-71 JUDGES Appointments: see Judicial appointments; training forjudges, 6: 225 (edl) JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, 1:9-10 (Lawhrief ); extra judgeships: archival materi- al (Kieran Conway), 5: 192-193; new appoint- ments, 5: 184; Buckley. John F, 5: 184; O'Donnell, Frank, 5: 184-185; White. Michael, 5: 185; solicitor judges. 1: 10; Bar Council alleges breach of trust by Law Society, 1: 7 (Pres): Law Society welcomes new appointments, 5: 179; media reports, 1: 12-15 JUDICIAL DOCUMENTS Service abroad: Hague Convention (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 JURISDICTION OF COURTS Brussels Convention: 'Where can one sue in the European Union?' (TP Kennedy), 6: 249-251 JURISPRUDENCE Textbook on jurisprudence (2nd ed) (H McCoubrey and ND White), rev, 8: 346 JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS ADVISORY BOARD Membership, 1:9-10
ment. 2: 63-64; entrance examination. Law Society decision, 26 July 1996. 6: 231; extrance examination. Law Society decision, 21 December 1995, 1: 16 LAW SOCIETY See also People and places (for pictorial items): annual conference. Cork (9-12 May 1996), 4: 146; 147 (pict) Committees: see also under names of individ- ual committees: list of members 1995-1996, 1: 17-20 Compensation fund payments: see Compensation Fund Council 1995-1996, 1: 26 (pict): election results, 1: 20; reports of meetings, 2: 61, 3: 97-98, 5: 175-176, 6: 230-231, 7: 272, 8: 318-319, 9: 363-364; Council 1996-1997, 9: 363; 364; conduct of lot pursuant to Council Regulation 23, 9: 365; Council elections, 6: 235-236 Parchment ceremonies: see People and places Presentations: see People and places President 1996-97: Francis D Daly, 8: 316 President's message: see President's mes- sage Retirement Annuity Plan: 21st birthday, 2: 76 Review Working Group, 1: 5 (edl), 2: 77 (Itr), 3: 117-118 (Itr): members, 2: 59-60; Special General Meeting, 7 March 1996, 2: 59-60 Seminars: see Seminars Appointments: director of communications - B Cahalane, 8: 323; Director of Policy, 9: 371; regulatory role: members' vote, 8: 323 LAWBRIEF (EG HALL) Consortium: loss of companionship, 8: 320-321; Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, 1:9-10; employer's liability for stress, 4: 140-141; litigating in the Queen's Bench Division, London, 2: 55-57; personal injury judgments: liability and quantum, 3: 99-100; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228; reasons for not practising law, 7: 281-282; rented accommodation: the legal duties of landlords, 5: 177-179; telephone assault, 9: 359-360 LAW SOCIETY OF ENGLAND AND WALES
FINANCE COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
FLAC (FREE LEGAL ADVICE CENTRES) Law Society presentation to FLAC, 4: 149; report of activities, 1996, 9: 386
FOREIGN AGENTS' FEES Personal liability, 3: 103-104 (pr) FOUR COURTS (DUBLIN) Bicentenary celebrations, 9: 373 FUTURE OF THE PROFESSION COMMITTEE 9: 360
GARDA SIOCHANA Media coverage of Garda visit to solicitors' Brm, 7: 271; 8: 318, 322
GAZETTE New editor: Conal O'Boyle, 8: 323
LAWLINK '96 3: 112
LAND CERTIFICATES Stolen land certificates, 5: 193
HAGUE CONVENTION 'Serving of judicial documents abroad' (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 HOLIDAY LAW Package Holiday and Travel Trade Act, 1995: Holidays will never be the same again' (Richard Lee), 3: 111-112
LEGAL EDUCATION See also Law School; Diploma in Applied European Law, 8: 314; Diploma in Legal French, 7: 297; Diploma in Property Tax, 5: 176; 'Education of solicitors for the new mil- lenium' (Patrick J O'Connor), 4: 139; semi- nars: see Seminars
LANDLORD AND TENANT Legal duties of landlords, 5: 177-179 (Lawbrief) LAW SCHOOL (LAW SOCIETY) See also Legal education; admission and entry requirements: Bloomer - Supreme Court judg-
MARCH 1998
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