The Gazette 1996
Index to Gazette, volume 90 - 1996
A comprehensive index to subjects covered in the Law Society Gazette
Local and international bar associations are indexed under Associations and societies. References are to issue number, followed by page number Abbreviations: (edl): Editorial; (/tr): letter; (pier): photograph (pr): practice note; (PreJ): President's mes– sage; (rev): review
Deductions from awards in personal injuries cases (Jack Hickey). 7: 289-292 Defending a charge of dangerous driving: a reminder and update (Robert Pierse), 7: 295-297 Discovery in aid of execution (Stephen Glanville). 7: 293-294 Does advertising by solicitors affect medical litigation? (Brendan Healy; Ken Murphy; originally published in Irish Doctor), 6: 232-233 Domestic Violence Act, 1996 (Joan O'Mahony),4: 136-138 The education of solicitors for the new millen– ium (Patrick J O'Connor), 4: 139 The expert witness (David R Pigot), I: 39-40 Family Law Act, 1995 (Muriel Walls), 5: 189-191 Holidays will never be the same again (Richard Lee), 3: 111-112 Joint bank accounts: a judicial reappraisal (Claire Mee), 2: 70-71 Keeping an eye on Euro cash (Hon Mr Justice Paul Carney), 7: 284 More attention to complaints would reduce lit– igation (Ken Murphy) (article first published in IriJh Medical TimeJ!. 7: 279 The National Archives (Kieran Conway), 5: 192-193 Pension aspects of the Family Law Act, 1995 (Brian M Gallagher), 5: 201-206 Powers of Attorney Act, 1996 (John Costello). 5: 197-199 Restraint of trade and competition law in Ireland (Marguerite Bolger), 6: 245-247 Road traffic accident cases and hospital charges: a warning (Keenan Johnston), 8: 333-334 Serving of judicial documents abroad (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 Solicitor in the news: John O'Donoghue TD
(Kyran Fitzgerald). 5: 181-183 Solicitor in the news: Mervyn Taylor T (Kyran Fitzgerald). 7: 275-277 Trade Marks Act, 1996: an overview (Ruth Finlay). 8: 325-327 Tran.~fer (~f Sentenced Persons Act, 1995 (Maire R Whelan), I: 33-35 Transferring files between solicitors (Owen Binchy and Niall Casey), 9: 381-386 Trusts - a new era: issues of risk for trustees (Rachel Curran). 8: 340-344 The WaJte Management Act, 1996: obligations and enforcement (David Meehan), 8: 335-338 Where can one sue in the European Union'? (TP Kennedy), 6: 249-251 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES AIJA - annual conference 1996 (Switzerland). 3: 104 Association of Pension Lawyers in Ireland: pensions law conference, April 1996, 6: 254 Copyright Association of Ireland. 2: 75 Corporate and Public Services Solicitors' Association: council 1996/97,8: 334; inau– gural meeting, 6: 235. 7: 283 Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association: garden party, 6: 242 (pic!); seminars, 6: 252 European Company Lawyer' Association (AEJEIECLA), 6: 235 IBA crime seminar, 2: 77 Irish Association for the Protection of the Financial Interests of the European Communities. 7: 284 Leitrim Bar Association meeting, 4: 148 (pict) Roscommon Bar Association. October 1996. 9: 378 (pier) ASSAULT Telephone assault. 9: 359-360 (Lawhrief)
ADVERTISING BY SOLICITORS 7: 304 (/tr); medical litigation. effects on (opin– ions of Brendan Healy and Ken Murphy). 6: 232-233; SolicitorJ (AdvertiJinl-:) Rel-:ulations. 1996.9: 361-362 AGRICULTURAL LAW Milk quotas, European Communi'.v and United Kingdom law (M Cardwell). rev. 4: 157-158 APPOINTMENTS Generally. .'lee People and p/o.ces; judicial• .'lee Judicial appointments APPRENTICES See also SADSI news; Moot Court Competi– tion World Semi-Finals. 4: 150 (pic!); 151
ARBITRATION COMMITTEE Members. 1995-1996. I: 17
ARTICLES Chairing company meetings: powers and duties (Muiris a Ceidigh). 2: 72-74 Civil actions for child sexual abuse: Statute of Limitations problems (David Goldberg), I: 27-30
MARCH 1998
SADSI: see SADSI news Sligo Bar Association meeting, October 1996, 9: 378 ipia) Society of Young Solicitors (SYS): see Younger members' news ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE Legal assistants: advertising of appointments, 9: 357 (edl) BANKING Joint bank accounts: a judicial reappraisal' (Claire Mee), 2: 70-71; status enquiries sys- tem, 3: 119 (Itr) BAR COUNCIL Courts and Court Officers Bill : allegations of breach of trust by Law Society, 1: 7 (Pres) BAR COUNCIL (ENGLAND AND WALES) Chairman: Robert Owen QC, 8: 344; lay com- plaints commissioner, 7: 273 BOOK LAUNCHES Competition law and policy in Ireland (Oak Tree Press), 7: 303 Competition law source book (Round Hall Sweet and Maxwell), 3: 98 The Licensing Acts 1833-1995 (C Cassidy), 7: 303 Notes for Guidance on the Finance Act, 1996 (Revenue Commissioners), 7: 303 BOOK REVIEWS The canon law, letter and spirit: a practical guide to the code of canon law , Veritas Publications, 1995, rev by EG Hall, 7: 303 Capital acquisitions tax (B Bohan), Butterworths, rev by J Costello, 3: 115 Capital Taxes Acts, 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81 Company structures (D Wainman), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by M Moran, 4: 156 Concise guide to European patents: law & Practice (G Paterson), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by K Parkinson, 4: 156-157 Copinger and Skone James on copyright (1st SU PP to 13th ed) (Gamett et al) Sweet & Maxwell, 1994, rev by EG Hall, 1: 41-42 E quity and the law of trusts in Ireland (Hilary Delany), Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, rev by JMG Sweeney, 5: 213-214 European patent materials and index (Edited by V, C and T Vossius), Sweet & Maxwell, rev by K Parkinson, 4: 157 The European patent system: the law and prac- BARRISTERS New senior counsel, 2: 67 BAR ASSOCIATIONS See Associations and societies
BRUSSELS CONVENTION 6: 249-251; jurisdictional rules, 6: 249; compa- nies, 6: 251; contract, 6: 49-250; exclusive jurisdiction, 6: 251; insurance and consumer contracts, 6: 251; tort, 6: 250-251; scope, 6: 249 CANON LAW The Canon law, letter and spirit, (Veritas Publications), rev, 3: 303
tice of the EPC (1st supp by G Paterson), Sweet & Maxwell, rev K Parkinson, 4: 157 Income Tax (N Judge), Butterworths, rev by J Costello, 3: 115-116 Inland waters (Donal O Laoghaire, Ed), Butterworths, rev by GV Maloney, 3: 114-115 Journal of valuation tribunal judgments (DM Killen and B Williams), vol 1. Sept 1988-June 1994, rev by T O'Connor, 6: 258 The Law Reform Commission report on intoxi- cation, rev by T Cahill, 2: 80 The Licensing Acts 1833 to 1995 (C Cassidy), Round Hall Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, rev by TD Shaw, 8: 346 Marketing for lawyers (2nd ed) (Matthew Moore), Law Society of England and Wales, rev by C MacDomhnaill, 6: 258 Milk quotas, European Community and United Kingdom law (M Cardwell), Oxford University Press, rev by TP Kennedy, 4: 157-158 Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), Gill & Macmillan, rev by JFB, 3: 114 Privacy: sur\'eillance and the interception of communications. Law Reform Commission, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 9: 395 Property law (Paul Coughlan), Gill & Macmillan, rev by JMG Sweeney, 1:41 Rating law: the Uniform Business Rate (P Askham and D Mackmin), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, 1: 42 Religion, morality and policy (Trinity College Schools of Law and of Bibilcal and Theolog- ical Studies), rev by J Costello, 4: 156 Report of the Constitution Review Group, Stationery Office Dublin, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 6: 257-258 Reviewing Maastricht: issues for the 1996 Inter- governmental Conference (A Dashwood, Ed), Sweet & Maxwell, rev EG Hall, 3: 113 Setting-up and managing a small practice (M Smith), 4: 159 Sexual harassment in the workplace: a practical guide for employers and employees (N Harvey, AF Twomey), Oak Tree Press, 3: 113 Tax Acts 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan. 2: 81 Tax guide 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81 Telecommunications law and practice (2nd ed by CD Long), Sweet & Maxwell, 1995, rev by EG Hall, 2: 80 Termination of employment statutes (commen- tary by A Kerr), Sweet & Maxwell, rev by EG Hall, 4: 158-159 Textbook on jurisprudence (2nd ed) (H McCoubrey and ND White), Blackstone Press, 1996, rev by EG Hall, 8: 346 A textbook on media law (Marie McGonagle), Gill and Macmillan, rev by E Murphy, 5: 213 VAT Acts 1995/96 (Butterworths Ireland), rev by R Grogan, 2: 81
London Bar Association Ball, 8: 334; Motor Neurone Disease Association: charity film pre- miere, 6: 255, 7: 271; Solicitors' Benevolent Association: AGM, 4: 143; concert (October 1996), 7: 286 (piety, 287 (pictf 294
CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE 'Civil actions for child sexual abuse: Statute of Limitations problems' (David Goldberg), 1: 27-30 CIRCUIT COURT New judicial appointments, 5: 184-185 CIVIL BILLS Guidance on issuing civil bills (County Registrars' Association), 2: 77 COMPANIES REGISTRATION OFFICE Company formation fees, 7: 302 COMPANY AND COMMERCIAL LAW COMMITTEE Commercial law noticeboard. 7: 302; mem- bers, 1995-1996, I: 17 COMPANY LAW 'Chairing company meetings: powers and duties' (Muiris O Ceidigh), 2: 72-74; Company structures (D Wainman), rev, 4: 156 COMPENSATION FUND Payments out, 1995, 1: 33; 1996, 1: 33, 2: 66, 3: 98. 5: 176, 6: 251, 8: 344, 9: 362
COMPENSATION FUND COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
COMPETITION Competition (Amendment) Act, 1996, 7: 302; Competition law and policy in Ireland, 7: 303; 'Restraint of trade and competition law in Ireland' (Marguerite Bolger), 6: 245-247
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I\DE\ )996
COUNTY REGISTRARS New powers: Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, I: 10- I I
DISTRICT COURT Dublin District Court: new system of case list– ing, 7: 302; territorial jurisdiction: rati nali a– tion, I: II
COMPLAINTS ABOUT SOLICITORS Role of Law Society, 4: 152-154
COUNTY REGISTRARS' ASSOCIATION Guidance on issuing civil bills, 2: 77
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 'Domestic Violence Act, 1996'
CONSORTIUM ',,, of companionship, 8: 320-321 ,:..awhrief) ("ONSTITUTIONAL LAW Report (~fthe Constitution Review Group, rev: 6: 257-258 CONSUMER CONTRACTS Unfair terms in co~sumer contracts regula– tions, 3: III CONVEYANCING COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, I: 18; new certificate of title system, 9: 378; objections and requisi– tions on title - 1996 edition, 4: 142; practice notes: see Practice notes COPYRIGHT Copinger and Skone James on copyright ( I st supplement to 13th ed), rev, I: 41-42; Copyright Association of Ireland, 2: 75 CORRESPONDENCE Advertising by solicitors (Manus Sweeney), 7: 304; building society mortgages (Richard E McDonnell), 3: 119; continuing legal edu– cation (Patricia McNamara), 3: 117; con– veyancing fees (Sean O'Brien and Co), 4: 161-162; cut-price soliciting (John Dillon-Leetch), 3: 120; dental injuries from fruit juices (Kevin Brophy), 8: 347; despon– dent mortgagees (Noeline Blackwell), 5: 214; divorce referendum petition (Peadar 0 Maolain), 8: 348; Law Society reform, I: 37-38 (Andrew Dillon), 2: 77 (John P O'Malley), 3: 117-118 (Robert Ashe), 8: 347-348 (Robert Ashe); mortgage brokers in the UK (John M Spencer), 4: 161; multiple claims (Christopher Cronin), 3: 119; raising our profile (Sean 0 Ceallaigh), 4: 161; sta– tus enquiries system (James Bardon), 3: 119; strange world (Anthony Brady), 5: 214; suc– cessors in title: law families, I: 38 (James J O'Connor), 3: 117 (Donal P O'Hagan); 117 (Michael Peart), 5: 214 (Dan Miley), 7: 304 (Henry CP Barry), 8: 347 (John B Jermyn); typing errors (Corrigan Coyle, Kennedy), 8: 347 CORPORATE AND PUBLIC SERVICES SOLICITORS' ASSOCIATION See Associations and societies CORPORATE COMMITTEE Members, 1995-96, 4: 155
O'Mahony),4: 136-138
COURT DRESS Wearing of wigs: Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, I: 9 (Lawhrief) COURTS AND COURT OFFICERS ACT, 1995 County registrars, I: 10-11 (Lawhrief); court dress: wearing of wigs, I: 9 (Lawhril'/); judi– cial appointments, I: 9-10 (Lawhrie.f); Bar Council alleges breach of trust by Law Society, I: 7 (Pres); number of judges, I: 10 (Lawhrief); territorial jurisdiction of the District Court, I: II (Lawhrie.f) COURTS SERVICE Interim Report of the Working Group, 4: 133 (edl) CRIMINAL ASSETS BUREAU Legal officer appointed: Barry Galvin, 6: 234; media coverage of Garda visit to solici– tors' firm, 7: 271,8: 318; 8: 322 CRIMINAL LAW Driving offences. see Road traffic offences; Drug Trafficking Bill, 1996; seven day detention opposed by Law Society, 2: 53 (edl), 3: 101; intoxication defence: Law Reform Commission report on intoxication, rev, 2: 80
DOW CORNING CORPORATION Claims against, 4: 159; 8: 321
DRUG-RELATED CRIME Criminal Justice (DruR Tra.fftcking) Bill, 1996; seven day detention opposed by Law ciety, 2: 53 (edl), 3: 101
DUBLIN DISTRICT COURT New system of case listing, 7: 302
EDITORIALS (VIEWPOINT) Courts service: Interim Report of the Working Group, 4: 133; Criminal Justice (D rug Trafficking) Bill, 1996: opposition to seven day detention, 2: 53; Law Society Review W rking Group: strategic plan for profession till required (Ken Murphy), I: 5; oversupply of solicitors: widening the river (Ken Murphy), 3: 93; personal injury awards: caution on capping vindicated by Deloitte & Touche report, 8: 313-314: training judges, 6: 225; when is a solicitor not a legal adviser? advertisement for legal assistants in AG's office (Ken Murphy), 9: 357
EDUCATION COMMITTEE See also Legal education; 'Education of solic– itors for the new millenium'. (Patrick J O'Connor), 4: 139; entrance examination: decision of 26 July 1996, 6: 231; members, 1995-1996, I: 17
CRIMINAL LAW COMMITTEE 5: 183; members, 1995-1996, I: 18
EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY Stress-related illness, 4: 140-141 (Lawhrief)
CRIMINAL LEGAL AID SCHEME Exceptional cases in the District Court, 3: 104
EMPLOYMENT LAW Sexual harassment in the workplace: a practi– cal guide for employers and employees, rev, 3: 113; termination (~f employment statutes, rev, 4: 158-159 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Inland waters (Donal 0 Laoghaire, Ed), rev, 3: 114-115; 'Waste Management Act, 1996: oblig– ations and enforcement' (David Meehan), 8: 335-338 EU AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, I: 18
DISCIPLINARY CASES Baldwin, Thomas Gerard, 8: 339; Brennan, John Kieran, I: 31-32; Martin, Gerard J, I: 31 DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE Annual report 1995/1996, 9: 393; 394; mem– bers, 1995-1996, I: 17 DISCIPLINARY TRIBUNAL 4: 153; annual report 1995/1996, 9: 391-393; members, 1995/1996, 1: 17 DISCOVERY 'Discovery in aid of execution' (Stephen Glanville), 7: 293-294
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I NDEX 1996
EUROPEAN UNION Financial control: Irish Assoc for the Protection °f the Financial Interests of the European Communities (Hon P Carney). 7: 284; litiga- tion: 'Where can one sue in the European Union?' (TP Kennedy), 6: 249-251; Milk quo- tas, European Community and United Kingdom law (M Cardwell), rev. 4: 157-158; Reviewing Maastricht: issues for the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference (A Dashwood, Ed), rev, 3: 113 EXECUTION OF JUDGMENTS 'Discovery in aid of execution' (Stephen Glanville), 7: 293-294 EXPERT WITNESSES 6: 256 (pr ); duties and liabilities (David R Pigot), 1: 39-40 Violence Act, (Joan O'Mahony), 4: 136-138; Family Law Act, 5: 189-191 (Muriel Walls); pension aspects (Brian M Gallagher), 5: 201-206 FAMILY LAW AND CIVIL LEGAL AID COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1:18 1996 ' FAMILY LAW 'Domestic
HOSPITAL CHARGES 'Road traffic accident cases and hospital charges: a warning' (Keenan Johnston), 8: 333-334 IN-HOUSE SOLICITORS - NEWSBRIEF 4: 155, 5: 207, 6: 235, 7: 283 INSURANCE INSTITUTE OF IRELAND Sargison Memorial Medal award winners, 6: 236 INTOXICATION DEFENCE The Law Reform Commission report on intoxi- cation, rev, 2: 80 JOINT BANK ACCOUNTS 'Judicial reappraisal: Lynch v Burke and A1B' (Claire Mee), 2: 70-71 JUDGES Appointments: see Judicial appointments; training forjudges, 6: 225 (edl) JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, 1:9-10 (Lawhrief ); extra judgeships: archival materi- al (Kieran Conway), 5: 192-193; new appoint- ments, 5: 184; Buckley. John F, 5: 184; O'Donnell, Frank, 5: 184-185; White. Michael, 5: 185; solicitor judges. 1: 10; Bar Council alleges breach of trust by Law Society, 1: 7 (Pres): Law Society welcomes new appointments, 5: 179; media reports, 1: 12-15 JUDICIAL DOCUMENTS Service abroad: Hague Convention (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 JURISDICTION OF COURTS Brussels Convention: 'Where can one sue in the European Union?' (TP Kennedy), 6: 249-251 JURISPRUDENCE Textbook on jurisprudence (2nd ed) (H McCoubrey and ND White), rev, 8: 346 JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS ADVISORY BOARD Membership, 1:9-10
ment. 2: 63-64; entrance examination. Law Society decision, 26 July 1996. 6: 231; extrance examination. Law Society decision, 21 December 1995, 1: 16 LAW SOCIETY See also People and places (for pictorial items): annual conference. Cork (9-12 May 1996), 4: 146; 147 (pict) Committees: see also under names of individ- ual committees: list of members 1995-1996, 1: 17-20 Compensation fund payments: see Compensation Fund Council 1995-1996, 1: 26 (pict): election results, 1: 20; reports of meetings, 2: 61, 3: 97-98, 5: 175-176, 6: 230-231, 7: 272, 8: 318-319, 9: 363-364; Council 1996-1997, 9: 363; 364; conduct of lot pursuant to Council Regulation 23, 9: 365; Council elections, 6: 235-236 Parchment ceremonies: see People and places Presentations: see People and places President 1996-97: Francis D Daly, 8: 316 President's message: see President's mes- sage Retirement Annuity Plan: 21st birthday, 2: 76 Review Working Group, 1: 5 (edl), 2: 77 (Itr), 3: 117-118 (Itr): members, 2: 59-60; Special General Meeting, 7 March 1996, 2: 59-60 Seminars: see Seminars Appointments: director of communications - B Cahalane, 8: 323; Director of Policy, 9: 371; regulatory role: members' vote, 8: 323 LAWBRIEF (EG HALL) Consortium: loss of companionship, 8: 320-321; Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, 1:9-10; employer's liability for stress, 4: 140-141; litigating in the Queen's Bench Division, London, 2: 55-57; personal injury judgments: liability and quantum, 3: 99-100; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228; reasons for not practising law, 7: 281-282; rented accommodation: the legal duties of landlords, 5: 177-179; telephone assault, 9: 359-360 LAW SOCIETY OF ENGLAND AND WALES
FINANCE COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
FLAC (FREE LEGAL ADVICE CENTRES) Law Society presentation to FLAC, 4: 149; report of activities, 1996, 9: 386
FOREIGN AGENTS' FEES Personal liability, 3: 103-104 (pr) FOUR COURTS (DUBLIN) Bicentenary celebrations, 9: 373 FUTURE OF THE PROFESSION COMMITTEE 9: 360
GARDA SIOCHANA Media coverage of Garda visit to solicitors' Brm, 7: 271; 8: 318, 322
GAZETTE New editor: Conal O'Boyle, 8: 323
LAWLINK '96 3: 112
LAND CERTIFICATES Stolen land certificates, 5: 193
HAGUE CONVENTION 'Serving of judicial documents abroad' (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 HOLIDAY LAW Package Holiday and Travel Trade Act, 1995: Holidays will never be the same again' (Richard Lee), 3: 111-112
LEGAL EDUCATION See also Law School; Diploma in Applied European Law, 8: 314; Diploma in Legal French, 7: 297; Diploma in Property Tax, 5: 176; 'Education of solicitors for the new mil- lenium' (Patrick J O'Connor), 4: 139; semi- nars: see Seminars
LANDLORD AND TENANT Legal duties of landlords, 5: 177-179 (Lawbrief) LAW SCHOOL (LAW SOCIETY) See also Legal education; admission and entry requirements: Bloomer - Supreme Court judg-
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LEGAL HISTORY Four Courts bicentenary celebrations, 9: 373-377 (piety, extract from address by Dr Maurice Craig, 9: 373 LEGISLATION UPDATE (PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE) See also Legislation index; Acts passed by the Oireachtas, 1: 21, 2: 65, 3: 105, 7: 299-301, 8: 328, 9: 371; selected statutory instruments, 1: 22, 2: 66. 3: 105, 7: 301, 8: 328, 9: 371 LICENSING ACTS The Licensing Acts 1833 to 1995 (C Cassidy), rev, 8: 346 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS 'Civil actions for child sexual abuse: Statute of Limitations Problems' (David Goldberg), 1: 27-30
NERVOUS SHOCK PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228 (Lawbrief) NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), rev, 3: 114
James, 3: 120; Binchy, Joan, 3: 120; Bowler Geraghty, Susan, 3: 120; Coakley, Conor, 6: 255; Halley, Martin M (Maxie), 3: 120, 4: 160; Keegan, Ernst, 5: 212; Maher, John, 9: '369; O'Connor, Thomas K, 3: 120; Pigot, David R, 5: 211-212; Purcell, Matthew M, 4: 160; Quigley, Barbara, 3: 120 O'Connor brothers, 3: 98 Parchment ceremonies: 14 December 1995, 1: 24-25; 19 April 1996, 3: 108-109; 18 October 1996, 8: 330 Presentations: First Report of Working Group on a Courts Commission - presentation to Minister for Justice, 4: 148; Law Society cheque to FLAC, 4: 149; new standard Certificate of Title, 9: 377 Prize bond winners, 1: 35, 9: 365 Prizes: AIB conveyancing prize, 8: 331; Guinness & Mahon Private Bank tax prize, 3: 107, 8: 330; King's Hospital Prize, 2: 69 Roscommon Bar Association, October 1996, 9: 378 Seminars and conferences: see Seminars Sligo Bar Association meeting, October 1996, 9: 378 Solicitors' Benevolent Association concert (1 October 1996), 7: 286; 287 Union Internationale Du Notariat Latin: Dublin meetings, 4: 148 Visit to Court of Justice of EU - Justice John L Murray, Seamus Boyle and Bemie Malone, solicitors, 5: 195 Worldwide audience for solicitor: Fr Martin Clarke, solicitor, celebrant of Christmas Day Mass, 1: 23 PERSONAL INJURIES Capping of awards: Deloitte & Touche report, 8: 313-314 (edl)\ 'Deductions from awards in personal injury cases' (Jack Hickey), 7: 289-292; addendum, 8: 327; judgments: liabil- ity and quantum, 3: 99-100 (Lawbrief)', prac- tice direction: personal injury actions in which liability is admitted, 5: 186-187; PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder, 6: 227-228 (Lawbrief) PLANNING LAW Northern Ireland planning law (JA Dowling), rev, 3: 114 POWERS OF ATTORNEY Enduring powers of attorney, 5: 197-198; 210 (pr), 9: 387 (pr)\ practice directions: 5: 187-188; 6: 237-238; Powers of Attorney Act, 1996, 5: 197-199 (John Costello); 210 (pr), 9: 387 (pr)\ Powers of Attorney Bill, 1995, 2: 57 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE 'Discovery in aid of execution' (Stephen POLICY COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17
OBITUARIES See People and places
PARLIAMENTARY AND LAW REFORM COMMITTEE See also Legislation update; members 1995-1996, 1: 18 PATENTS Concise guide to European patents: law & practice (G Paterson), rev, 4: 156-157; European patent materials and index, rev, 4: 157; The European patent system: the law and practice of the European Patent Convention, rev, 4: 157 PENSIONS APLI pensions law conference, April 1996, 6: 254; 'Pension aspects of the Family Law Act, 1995 ' (Brian M Gallagher), 5: 201-206 PEOPLE AND PLACES Admissions to roll of solicitors, 6: 242; 243 Anniversary celebrations: Four Courts bicente- nary, 9: 373-377 Appointments: English Law Society, 8: 323, 9: 371; Legal Officer of Criminal Assets Bureau, Barry Galvin, 6: 234 Awards: IQA award for P O'Connor and Son, 9: 398; ISO 9002 award for Athlone firm, 7: 286; lawyer gets IT degree - Proinnsias O Cillin, 2: 67; Sargison Memorial Medal - Michael Corrigan and John A Campbell, 6: 236; Sixth Diploma in Property Tax, 7: 286; 287 Book launches: see Book launches; Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association Garden Party, 6: 242 Encounter Group meeting, Bandon, Co Cork, 2: 68 International Moot Court Competition World Semi-Finals: Law Society apprentices team, 4: 150 Law Society: annual conference, Cork (9-12 May 1996), 4: 147; annual dinner, 8 March 1996, 2: 68; 69; Council members, 1995/96, 1: 26; dinner in honour of Patrick A Glynn (outgoing President), 1: 24; lunch for wives of past presidents, 8: 330; meeting with rep- resentatives of largest Dublin Firms, 8: 331; Midsummer Party, 21 June 1996, 5: 194; Vice Presidents: Elma Lynch and Laurence Shields, 9: 378 Leitrim Bar Association meeting, 4: 148 Obituaries: Baily, Luxie, 5: 212; Binchy,
LITIGATION COMMITTEE Medico/Legal Liaison Group, 6: 253
LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATIONS See Associations and societies
MARRIAGE See Family law
MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT Courts and Court Officers Act: provisions, 1: 10 MEDIA See also Mediawatch; new radio series on the law, 7: 273; A textbook on media law (Marie McGonagle), rev, 5: 213 MEDIAWATCH Ambulance chasers, 3: 102; anti-crime back- lash: lawyers and law targeted, 6: 229; Drug Trafficking Bill: opposition to seven day deten- tion, 3: 101; Registrar's Committee: report of the lay members, 3: 101-102; solicitor judges, 1: 12-15; Tales of Hoffman: today's lawyers on TV, 4: 135 MEDICAL LITIGATION Advertising by solicitors, effect of (Brendan Healy and Ken Murphy), 6: 232-233; breast implant litigation in the USA, 4: 159; 8: 321; 'More attention to complaints would reduce lit- igation' (Ken Murphy), 7: 279
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I NDEX 1996
ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Personal injury cases: see Personal injuries: 'Road traffic accident cases and hospital charges: a warning' (Keenan Johnston), 8: 333-334 ROAD TRAFFIC OFFENCES 'Defending a charge of dangerous driving: a reminder and update' (Robert Pierse), 7: 295-297 SADSI NEWS Apprentice welfare pack, 8: 338: committee members. 3: 106; election of auditor, Paul Murray, 3: 106; Gold Medal Competition. 8: 338; nominations for auditor, 8: 338 SEMINARS DSBA seminars, 6: 252: IBA crime seminar. 2: 77: law in the marketplace. 3: 108-109 (pict), 110; public housing, 6: 243 (pict); setting up in practice, 5: 199 SERVICE OF DOCUMENTS 'Serving of judicial documents abroad' - Hague Convention (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment in the workplace: a practi- cal guide for employers and employees, rev. 3: 113 SOCIAL WELFARE 'Deductions from awards in personal injuries cases' (Jack Hickey), 7: 289-292, 8: 327 SOCIETY OF YOUNG SOLICITORS (SYS) See Younger members' news SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION See Charitable events and functions SOLICITORS' RETIREMENT FUND COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996. 1: 19 SPORTS ACTIVITIES AIB law/sailing challenge: DSBA/Law Society Yacht Club, 4: 143; 149 (pict); Business Houses Athletic Association: solicitors/Four Courts teams, 7: 282; Captain's Prize. 5: 194 (pict); 206; golf outing to Woodbrook, 5: 206; Lady Solicitors' Golf Society outing to Woodenbridge, 7: 282; Law Society Athletics Club, 5: 188; Law Society of England and Wales Tennis Team v Law Society of Ireland Tennis Team. 7: 277, McEntee Cup. 6: 238; President's Prize, 6: 247; soccer blitz, 5: 191; tennis tourna- ment winners, 29 June 1996, 5: 195 (pict) SOLICITOR JUDGES See Judicial appointments
PRISONERS 'Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act, 1995' (Maire R Whelan). I: 33-35 PRIVACY Privacy: surveillance and the interception of communications. Law Reform Commission report, rev. 9: 395 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT 'Transfer of files between solicitors' (O Binchy and N Casey). 9: 381-386 Members. 1995-1996. 1: 19: services provided, 1:11: transfer of files between solicitors. 9: 381 PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE COMMITTEE Members. 1995-1996, 1: 17 PROFESSIONAL NAMES, NOTEPAPER AND NAMEPLATES New regulations, 5: 208 PROPERTY LAW Property law (Paul Coughlan), rev, 1:41 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 17 PUBLICATIONS/LIBRARY REVIEW COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 19 RATING AND VALUATION Rating Law: The Uniform Business Rate (P Askham and D Mackmin), rev, 1: 42 REGISTRAR'S COMMITTEE 9: 381; complaints procedure. 4: 152-153: members, 1995-1996, 1: 17; second report of lay members, 3: 101-102 RELIGION See also Cation law; Religion, morality and policy, rev, 4: 156 REMUNERATION Recommended scale for newly-qualified solic- itors, 5: 185 RESTRAINT OF TRADE 'Restraint of trade and competition law in Ireland' (Marguerite Bolger), 6: 245-247 PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE COMMITTEE PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE See Professional Guidance Committee
Glanville), 7: 293-294; litigating in the Queen's Bench Division, London, 2: 55-57 (Lawhrief); powers of attorney: see Powers of attorney; 'Serving of judicial documents abroad' - Hague Convention (TP Kennedy), 9: 367-368 PRACTICE DIRECTIONS Personal injury actions in which liability is admitted, 5: 186-187: Powers of Attorney Act, 1996 Enduring Powers of Attorney Regulations 1996, 5: 187-188, 6: 237-238 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Marketing tactics: Maister approach, 6: 252-253 PRACTICE NOTES Company and Commercial Law Committee: Irish Stock Exchange - Listing Rules; Takeover Panel, 1: 38 Conveyancing Committee: expert witnesses. 6: 256; homebond protection - stage pay- ments, 4: 144; postal closings, 9: 387-388; Powers of Attorney Act, 1996, 5: 210; sale °f licensed premises - tax clearance certifi- cates, 2: 78 Family Law and Civil Legal Aid Committee: residential property tax - clearance certifi- cates, 4: 144, 5: 209 Litigation Committee: personal injury list - 'no show' by solicitors, 6: 256; Powers of Attorney Act, 1996 - enduring powers of attorney, 9: 387 Practice Management Committee: new office manual, 9; 388 Professional Guidance Committee: destruction °f files and other papers, 6: 256; foreign agents' fees: personal liability, 3: 103-104; ,e gal expenses insurance, 9: 388-389; pro- fessional undertakings: main principles, 5: 209; Registration of Business Names Act, 1963, 5: 209; professional names, notepaper and nameplates: new regulations, 5: 208 Taxation Committee: revenue audits of solici- t s ' practices, 1: 38 PREMISES AND BLACKHALL PLACE DEVELOPMENT PLAN COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 19 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 18; services offered, 253; setting up in practice seminar, 5: 199
Back to business, 7: 269; a changing profes- s 'on, 3: 95; Courts and Court Officers Bill; B a r Council allegations of breach of trust. I: money laundering legislation, 7: 269; a Ome for reflection, 5: 173
REVENUE See Taxation
MARCH 1998
IND IA 1996
STAMP DUTY PUBLIC OFFICE New procedures, 1: 32
TAXATION COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, I: 19; practice notes: see Practice notes
TRUSTS Equity and the law of trusts in Ireland (Hilary Delany), rev, 5: 213-214; 'Trusts: a new era - issues of risk for trustees' (Rachel Curran), 8: 340-344
TAXING MASTERS Courts and Court Officers Act: provisions, 1:10
Irish Stock Exchange: new listing rules. 7: 302
UNDERTAKINGS Law Society booklet, 5: 209
STRESS Employer's liability. 4: 140-141 (Lawbrief) SUPERIOR COURT RULES COMMITTEE I: 10 TAXATION Capital acquisitions tax: Capital acquisitions tax (B Bohan), rev, 3: 115; new forms and guide, 2: 67; Capital Taxes Acts 1995/96 , rev, 2: 81; Finance Act 1996: guidance notes, 7: 303; Income tax (N Judge), rev, 3: 115-116; residential property tax: clearance certificates. 4: 144; 5: 209 (pr): revenue audits of solici- tors' practices, 1: 38 (pr): Tax Acts 1995/96, rev, 2: 81; Tax guide 1995/96 , rev. 2: 81; VAT Acts 1995/96 . rev, 2: 81
TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Accounting software: user groups, 1: 40
VIEWPOINT see Editorials
TECHNOLOGY REVIEW COMMITTEE Members, 1995-1996, 1: 19
WASTE MANAGEMENT 'Waste Management Act, 1996: obligations and enforcement' (David Meehan), 8: 335-338 YOUNGER MEMBERS' NEWS Careers seminar, 6: 240-241; Conference du Jeune Barreau - Luxembourg, June 1996, 5: 199; recommended scale for newly-qualified solicitors, 5: 185; Society of Young Solicitors (SYS): Autumn conference 1995, 1: 36; Spring conference 1996, 7: 271
TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications law and practice (2nd ed by CD Long), rev, 2: 80; telephone assault, 9: 359-360 ( Lawbrief) TRADE MARKS Trade Marks Act, 1996, 7: 302; overview (Ruth Finlay), 8: 325-327 TRAVEL TRADE Package Holiday and Travel Trade Act, 1995, 3: 111
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MARCH 1998
INDEX 1996
Alphabetical list of cases examined or commented on in articles and cases reported in the ILT digest supplement
63-64, 4 (June): 3 Burke v Blanche. High Court, 27 July 1989, 7: 289-290 Byrne v 1TGWU, High Court, 30 November 1995, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4 Byrne v Southern and Western Railway Company. Court of Appeal, unreported, February. 1884. 6: 227
Daly v Revenue Commissioners [ 1996] 1 ILRM 122, ILT digest, 3 April/May): 2 De Bloos v Bouer (Case 14/76) [1976] ECR 1497, 6: 250 Decospan NV v Benhouse Ltd [1995] 2 ILRM 620, ILT digest, 2 (March): 4 Dennehy v Nordic Cold Storage Ltd, High Court, 8 May 1991, 7: 290 Dennry (Henry) & Sons (Ireland) Ltd v Minister for Social Welfare, High Court, 18 October 1995, ILT digest, 4 (June): 4 Director of Public Prosecutions v O Suilleabhain [1995] 2 ILRM 617, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Director of Public Prosecutions (Whelan) v Delaney [1996] 1 ILRM 70, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Doran v Delaney & Co, High Court, 12 September 1995, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4 Doran v Power [1996] 1 ILRM 55, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 3-4 Dublin County Council v Westlink Toll Bridge Ltd, Supreme Court, 13 February 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 4 Dumez v Hessiche Landesbank (Case 220/88) [1990] ECR 49, 6: 250 Dunne v National Maternity Hospital [1989] 1 ILRM 735, 1: 40 Dunnes Stores Ltd v MANDATE, Supreme Court, 19 January 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 1
A&N Pharmacy Ltd v United Drug Wholesale Ltd, High Court, 15 February 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 1 Alha P«dio Ltd v HaItone (Cork) Ltd 11995| 2 ILRM 466. ILT digest, 1 (January/February): I Allied Irish Banks pic v Finnegan, Supreme c «urt, 16 February 1996, ILT digest. 4 (June): 2; 4 Arcado v Havilland (Case 9/87) [I988| ECR •539. 6: 249-250 treason v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [•977] AC 405, 1: 40 Attorney General v Dunleavx 11948| IR 95, 7: 296 B (C) v Director of Public Prosecutions, High Court, 9 October 1995, ILT digest, 4 (June): 1 B < p ) v L(A) 11996| 1 ILRM 154, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 3; 4 Barry v £ ar/y Hjgh Cf)urt January 19%, ILT digest, 4 (June): 1 Partlett v Barclays Bank Trust Co [1980] 1 All EB 139, 8: 342-343 B «rton v Armstrong [1969] 2 NSWR 451. 9: 360 Bell v Pederson, High Court, 29 May 1995. ILT d 'gest, 3 (April/May): 4 Bes t v Wellcome Foundation [19961 1 ILRM H ILT digest, 2 (March): 4 Bloomer v Law Society of Ireland, Supreme Court, 6 February 1996, ILT digest, 2: B
C V B [19961 1 ILRM 63, ILT digest, 2 (March): 3 Cartut Foods v Eagle Star Insurance Co (Ireland) Ltd [1995] 2 ILRM 474, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 1;2 Casey r Tralee UDC and Kerry Co Council, High Court, 24 February. 1995, 3: 100 Chaine -Nickson v Bank of Ireland [1976] IR 153, 8: 342 Clare County Council v Mahon. High Court, 17 October 1995, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4 Coakley (Denis) & Co Ltd v Commissioner of Valuation, Supreme Court, 7 November 1995, ILT digest, 4 (June): 4 Connolly v Bus Eireann, High Court, 29 January 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 2 Considine v Shannon Regional Fisheries Board [ 1994] 1 ILRM 499. 3: 114 Coppinger v Wateiford County Council [1996] 2 ILRM 427, 8: 321 Cork Corporation v Lynch [ 1995] 2 ILRM 598, ILT digest, 2 (March): 4 Countyglen pic v Camay, Supreme Court, 12 February 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 3 Crilly i' Farrington, High Court, unreported, 26 Aug 1992. 8: 333
Effner v Kantner (Case 38/81) [ 1982] ECR 825, 6: 250
ma r c h 1998
I\DE\ )99(}
Kelly v Hennessy 119861 ILRM 321. 6: 227-228 Kelly v Hennessy. Supreme Court. November 1995. ILT digest. 4 (June): 2 Kellr v Ireland. High Court. 12 December 1995.ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 3 Kenny Homes & Co Ltd \' Galway City and County Manager 1199512 ILRM 586.ILT digest. 2 (March): 3 Kerry County Council I' Kerilu, Supreme .court. I February 1996. ILT digest. 4 (June): 4 King v Neilan 11996] I ILRM 17.ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Klein wort Benson v Glasgow Cir..... Council [199612 All ER 257, 6: 250
Minister If)r Energy and Communications I' Campbell, High ourt, 29 January 1996. ILT digest, 4 (June): 2 Murphy I' Crollill 1196511R 699. 7: 291 Mlill'hy I' DoH' JOlles Puhlishing CompallY (f;urope) 11Ic' High Court. II January 1995. ILl' digest. 4 (June): 2 Murphy I' J Donohoe Ltd. ILl' digest. 4 (June): 3 Murray I' Times Newspapers. Irish Times. 8 April. 1996. 6: 250 Transport,
F(R) v F(M) 119951 2 ILRM 572. ILT digest. 2 (March): 3 F(T) \' Ireland 1199512 ILRM 321.ILT digest. I (January/February): I Ferndale Films Ltd \' Granada Television Ltd [199312 IR 88. 6: 250 Ferris v Ward. Supreme Court. 7 November 1995. ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 4 Flannery v Forbes Dean [19951 2 ILRM 393. ILT digest. I (January/February): I: 2: 4 Flynn v Wicklow Co Council. High Court. December 1995. ILT digest. 4 (June): 3
Nestle v National Westmillster Bank pIc 119331 I All ER. 8: 342: 343
Gannon v B&I Steam Packet Co Ltd 119931 2 IR 359. 6: 251 Gillespie v Commonwealth of Australia ( 1991 ) 104 ACTR 1,4: 140 GPA Group pic v Bank of Ireland. Supreme Court. 9 November 1995. ILT digest. 4 (June): 3
Learoid v Whitley (1886) 33 CHD 347,8: 342 Letang v Cooper 119651 I QB 232. I: 29 Looney v Bank (~f Ireland. High Court. 3 November 1995. ILT digest. 4 (June): 4 Lynch v Burke and Allied Irish Banks pIc 119961 I ILRM 114. ILT digest. 2: 70-71. 3 (April/May): 2
O'Donovan v Douglas Developments Ltd. High Court. 7 October. 1994. 3: 100 a 'Haran I' Del'ille (1966) 100 ILTR 53. 8: 320 O'Loughlin I' Tel>ling 119881 ILRM 617. 7: 289 O'Sullivan I' larnrod Eireann. High Court. 14 March 1994.7: 290 O'Sullivan \' Sherry. Supreme Court. 2 February 1996. ILT digest. 4 (June): 2 Ownu \' Greene 1193211R 225. 2: 70-71
Handbridge Services Ltd v Aerospace Communications Ltd [19941 I ILRM 39, 6: 250 Hedle_v Byrne v Heller and Partners Ltd [19641 AC 465. I: 39 Hibernian Transport Companies Ltd, In re, Supreme Court. 4 July 1995, ILT digest, 3 (AprillMay): I Horgan (John) Livestock Ltd, In re, Supreme Court, 7 November 1995. ILT digest, 4 (June): 2 HURhes v a 'Flaherty, High Court, 19 January 1996, ILT diRest, 4 (June): 1-2 Hyland. In re, High Court, 22 January 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 4
M(K) v M(H), 96 DLR (4th) 289 (1993), I: 29 McAuley v Commissioner of An Garda Siochana. Supreme Court. 15 February 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): I McGuinness v O'Reilly, High Court. 30 Nov 1992.7: 290 McKenna v An Taoiseach [19961 I ILRM 81, ILT digest, 3 (AprillMay): 1-2 McKenna v Best Travel Ltd [19951 2 ILRM 471, ILT digest. I (January/February): 4 McKinley v Minister for Defence [19921 2 IR 333,8: 321 McQuillan v MaRuire. High Court. 10 November 1995, ILT diRe,'II, 3 (AprillMay): 3 McSorley v Governor (~f Mountjoy Prison, High Court, 16 February 1996, ILT diRest. 4 (June): 3-4 Manning Furniture Ltd, In re 11996] I ILRM 13. ILT diRe,H, 2 (March): I Marinari v Lloyd." Bank pic 11996] 2 WLR 159,6: 250 Martin v Quinn [ 19801lR 244, I: 39 Metropolitan Properties Ltd v 0 'Brien 119951 2 ILRM 383, ILT digest. I (January/February): 3 Minister for Agriculture v Concannon, High Court. 14 April 1980, I: 39 Minister for Finance v Taxing Master, High Court, 9 February 1996, ILT diRest, 4 (June): 3
Palamos Properties Ltd v Hicke_v. High Court. II January 1995. ILT digest. 4 (June): 3 Parkarran \' M&P Construction. High Court. 9 November 1995. ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 2 People (DPP) v Aylmer 119951 2 ILRM 624. ILT digest. 2 (March): 2 People (DPP) v JR. High Court, 5 December 1995. ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 2 Peopll> v Quinlan. Circuit Court. 1962. 7: 296 Petch v Customs and Excise Commissioners [199311CR 789. 4: 140 Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Ltd \' Controller (~l Industrial and Commercial Property 119961 I ILRM I.ILTdigest, 3 (April/May): 3 Prendivilll>, In n> 119951 2 ILRM 578. ILT digest. 2 (March): 4 Primor pIc v Stokes Kl>nnedy Crowley. Supreme Court. 19 December 1995. ILT digest, 4 (June): 3 Private Research Ltd v Brosnan [19961 I ILRM 27, ILT digest, 2 (March): 4 Proetta v Neil, High Court, 17 November 1995, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4
!(D) v T(F), High Court. 16 February 1996.ILT diRest, 4 (June): 2 Inspector of Taxes v Arida Ltd 119961 I ILRM 74. ILT diRest, 2 (March): 4
Kalfelis v Schroder (Case 189/87) [ 19881 ECR 5565.6: 251
MARCH 1998
INDEX 199 6
Snath v Rhone Poulene Ireland Ltd. High Court. 1 1 January 1996 . ILT digest. 4 (June): 1 Smvth v Tunnev. Supreme Court. 2 N o v e mb er 1995. ILT digest. 4 (Junej: 3 Southern Health Board v An Bord Uchtala | 1 9 9 5 | 2 I LRM 3 6 9 . ILT digest. I (January/February): 2 Stacev v Branch \ 1995] 2 ILRM 136. 8: 34 1 Stuhlnngs v Wehh [ 19911 3 All ER 949; [ 1993| I AM E R 322 . 1: 28-29; 1:3 0 Sulcliffe v Thackrah \ 1974] AC 727. 1: 4 0 T(R) c Director of Central Mental Hospital | 1 9 9 5 ] 2 ILRM 3 5 4 . ILT digest. 1 (January/February): 1- 2 'Tansex r College of Occupational Therapists Ltd | 1 9 9 5| 2 ILRM 6 0 1 . ILT digest. 2 (March): 1- 2 Tessili v Dunlop (Case 12/76) | 1 9 7 6] EC R 1473, 6 : 2 5 0 'Tahiti and Twomex Services Ltd r Kerry Loads Ltd. High Court. 6 October 1995 . ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 1 Tomlinson. In re. High Court. 1 3 February 1996. ILT digest. 4 (June): 4
Umdare pie \ James Scott Ltd 11991 | 2 IR 88 . 6: 2 5 0 United Meat Packers (Ballaghaderreen) Ltd v Nordstern Allgetneine Versicherungs AG. High Court. 3 1 July 1995 , ILT digest. 4 (June): 1
R Chun-y ( >ok | I 9 9 4| I WLR 689. 9 : 3 6 0 R v Coventry (1983) 5 9 CLR 633. 7 : 29 6 R Hain. 2 NSWR 142. 7 : 29 5 R »• Ireland. The Times 2 2 Ma y 1996 . 9: 3 6 0 R v Spurge 11961 | 2 QB 205. 7 : 29 6 Rainsford v Limerick Corporation | I 9 9 5 | 2 'LRM 561. ILT digest. 2 (March): 3- 4 R 'rhardson r lamrod Eireann. High Court. '4 December 1995. Ill digest. 4 (June): 3 Riordan r Carroll. High Court. 2 8 July 1995 . HJ digest. 3 (April/May): 3 Rock r Ireland. High Court. 1 0 N o v e mb er 1995. ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 2 Rot' V Blood Transfusion Service Board. High Court. 1 4 February 1995 . / / . / ' digest. 4 (June): 1 Rosier v Rottwinkel [ 1986| QB 33. 6: 25 1
Van Keep v Surface Dressing Ltd. High Court. 11 June 1993. 7 : 29 1
Walker v Northumberland
County Council
11995] I Al l E R 7 3 7 , 4 : 14 1 Wall v Hegarty 11980] ILRM 124 . 1: 3 9 Ward of Court. In re. | 1 9 9 5] 2 ILRM 401. ILT digest. 1 (January/February): 2 ; 4 White v Burke. High Court, 2 6 April. 1995. 3 : 9 9 - 1 00 Woodfab Ltd v Coillte Teoranta. High Court, 11 August 1995. ILT digest. 3 (April/May): 4
Shearson Lehman Hutton v I VB (Case 89/91). 1 9 Jan 1993, 6 : 25 1 Shevill v Alliance (Case 6 8 / 9 0) 11992| I Al l HR 409. 6 : 2 5 0
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MARCH 1998
(I) STATUTES 1995 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 30-35), 1: 21 1995 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (No 36), 2: 65 1996 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 1-4), 2: 65 1996 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 5-7), 3: 105 1996 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 8-11), 4: 145 1996 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 12-30), 7: 299-301 1996 List of Acts of the Oireachtas (Nos 32-33), 9: 371 Civil Liability (Amendment) Act, 1964, s2, 7: 289 Competition Act, 1991, s4, 6: 245-247 Courts and Court Officers Act, 1995, 1:9-11 Criminal Justice Act, 1951, si 1, 9: 359 Domestic Violence Act, 1996,4 : 136-138 Family Law Act, 1995, 5: 189-191, si2, 5: 201-206 Finance Act, 1983, si 10A(9), 5: 209 Health (Amendment) Act, 1986, s2(l), 8: 333 Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1992, 5: 179 Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments Act, 1988, 6: 249 Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments Act, 1993, 6: 249 Offences Against the Person Act 1861, s47, 9: 359-360 Package Holiday and Travel Trade Act, 1995, 3: 111-112 Postal and Telecommunications Services Act, 1983, s4, 9: 359 Powers of Attorney Act, 1996, 5: 187; 197-199; Statutory provisions examined and/or special- ly mentioned in articles, editorials etc:
210, 6: 237, 9: 387 Registration of Business Names Act, 1963, 5: 209 Road Traffic Acts, 1961 to 1995, ss51A, 52, 7: 295; s53, 7: 295-296 Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act, 1993, 7: 289-291 Solicitors (Amendment) Act, 1994, s69, 9: 361 Statute of Limitations 1957, 1: 28 Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act, 1991, 1: 28 Trade Marks Act, 1996, 8: 325-327 Transfer of Sentenced Persons Act, 1995, 1: 33-35 (II) BILLS Adoption Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 1 Adoption (No 2) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 1, 9 (December): 1 An Bord Bia (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Borrowing Powers of Certain Bodies Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 1 Bovine Diseases (Levies) (Amendment) Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 1,2 (March): 1 Central Bank Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 9 (December): 2 Child Sex Tours Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 2 Civil Liability (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 4 Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 2 Commissioners of Public Works (Functions and Powers) Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 1, 3 (April/May): 1 Competition (Amendment) Bill, 1994, ILT digest, 2 (March): 1 Control of Horses Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 Waste Management Act, 1996, 8: 335-338
(July): 1, 7 (October): 1, 9 (December): 2 Criminal Assets Bureau Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 7 (October): 2, 8 (November): 1, 9 (December): 2 Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2, 2: 53, 3: 101, 6 (August/September): 2 Criminal Justice (Mental Disorder) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Criminal Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 1 (October): 2, 9 (December): 2 Domestic Violence Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 2 Dumping at Sea Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 2 Dumping at Sea Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Electoral (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Employment Equality Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2 European Parliament Elections Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2 Family Law (Divorce) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 3, 7 (October): 3, 9 (December): 3 Finance Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 4 Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 3 Garda Siochana Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 2 Harbours Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 1, 5 (July): 1 Health (Amendment) Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 3, 5 (July): 2 Health (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 2-3 Health (Amendment) (No 2) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 3 Independent Referendum Commission Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2
MARCH 1998
INDEX 1996
Irish Steel Limited Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 4 (June): 1 lrish Takeover Panel Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 8 (November): 1 Johnstown Castle Agricultural College (Amendment) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 1 Local Government (Planning and Development) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 3 Malicious Injuries (Repeal of Enactments) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Marriages Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Metrology Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 1, 6 (August/September): 1 Misuse of Drugs Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 National Cultural Institutions Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 9 (December): 1 National Standards Authority of Ireland Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 3 Organised Crime (Restraint and Disposal of Illicit Assets) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2 Tensions (Amendment) Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 4, 5 (July): 4, 6 (August/September): 4 Rowers of Attorney Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 4, 2: 57 Rowers of Attorney Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July); 4 Rrohibition of Anti-Personnel Landmines Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 2 Rrosecution of Offences and Punishment of Crimes Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): Rrotection of Young Persons (Employment) Bi "> 1996, ILT digest, 2 (March): 2, 3 (April/May): 2, 5 (July): 2 Social Welfare Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4 Social Welfare (Charter of Rights) Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 4 Social Welfare (Means Testing) Hill. 1996, ILT ^gest, 6 (August/September): 4 6 ecomm anications (Miscellaneous Rrovisions) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 8 (November): 4 Trade Marks Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 3, 2 (March): 3 Transnational Information and Consultation of Employees Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 2, 6 (August/September): 2 Transport (Dublin Light Rail) Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 5 (July): 4, 6 (August/September): 4 Transport (Dublin Light Rail) (No 2) Bill, 1996, JLT digest, 5 (July): 4 Universities Bill, 1996, ILT digest, 7 (October): 2 Voluntary Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill, ,g 95, ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 2, 2 (March): 3 Waste Bill, 1995, ILT digest, 1 (January/ February): 2
(III) STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS List of selected statutory instruments 1995-1996, 1: 22, 2: 66, 3: 105, 4: 145, 7: 301, 8: 328, 9: 371. Statutory instruments examined in articles, or summarised in ILT digest: Abbatoirs (Control of Designated Bovine Offal) Regulations 1996 (SI No 106 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Access to Information on the Environment Regulations 1996 (SI No 185 of 1996), ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 3 Air Navigation (Personnel Licensing) (Amendment) Order 1996 (SI No 50 of 1996), ILT digest, 3 (April/May): 4 Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Emission Limit Values for Combustion Plant) Regulations 1996 (SI No 264 of 1996), ILT digest, 9 (December): 3 Animal Remedies Regulations 1996 (SI No 179 of 1996), ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 1 Borrowing Powers of Certain Bodies Act, 1996 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 232 of 1996), ILT digest, 7 (October): 1 Bovine Tuberculosis (Attestation of the State and General Provisions) Order 1996 (SI No 103 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Broadcasting (Receiving Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 (SI No 249 of 1996), ILT digest, 1 (October): 1 Capital Gains Tax (Multipliers) (1996-97) Regulations 1996 (SI No 149 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 4 Casual Trading Act, 1995 (Forms) Regulations 1996 (SI No 146 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Civil Legal Aid Act, 1995 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 272 of 1996), ILT digest, 9 (December): 3 Civil Legal Aid Regulations 1996 (SI No 273 of 1996), ILT digest, 9 (December): 3 Civil Service Regulation (Amendment) Act, 1996 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 197 of 1996), ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2, 7 (October): 2 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 2) Regulations 1996 (SI No 127 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 28) Regulations 1996 (SI No 245 of 1996), ILT digest, 7 (October): 1 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 121 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 37) Regulations 1996 (SI No 129 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 1 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 60)
Regulations 1996 (SI No 130 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 60) Regulations 1996 (SI No 246 of 1996), ILT digest, 1 (October): 2 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 86) Regulations 1996 (SI No 131 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 2 Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (Section 120) Regulations 1996 (SI No 247 of 1996), ILT digest, 7 (October): 2 Consumer Information (Consumer Credit) Order 1987 (Revocation) Order 1996 (SI No 248 of 1996), ILT digest, 7 (October): 2 Criminal Justice Act, 1994 (Section 44) Regulations 1996 (SI No 167 of 1996), ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 2 Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act, 1996 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 257 of 1996), ILT digest, 8 (November): 1 Disabled Persons Maintenance Allowances Regulations 1996 (SI No 165 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 4 Diseases of Animals (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) Order 1996 (SI No 271 of 1996), ILT digest, 9 (December): 1 Diseases of Animals (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy) (No 2) Order 1996 (SI No 278 of 1996), ILT digest, 9 (December): 1-2 Diseases of Animals (Carriage of Cattle by Sea) Order 1996 (SI No 17 of 1996), ILT digest, 2 (March): 1 District Court (Local Government (Delimitation of Water Supply Disconnection Powers) Act, 1995) Rules 1996 (SI No 93 of 1996), ILT digest, 4 (June): 3 District Court (Service of Summonses) Rules 1995 (SI No 305 of 1995), ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 3 Dublin Transportation Office (Establishment) Order 1995 (SI No 289 of 1995), ILT digest, 1 (January/February): 4 Enduring Powers of Attorney (Personal Care Decisions) Regulations 1996 (SI No 287 of 1996), ILT digest, 5: 187-188, 6: 237, 9 (December): 4 Enduring Powers of Attorney Regulations 1996 (SI No 196 of 1996), ILT digest, 6 (August/September): 4 Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (Commencement) Order 1996 (SI No 13 of 1996), ILT digest, 2 (March): 2 Environmental Protection Agency (Advisory Committee) Regulations 1996 (SI No 229 of 1996), ILT digest, 7 (October): 2 Environmental Protection Agency (Extension of Powers) Order 1996 (SI No 126 of 1996), ILT digest, 5 (July): 2
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