The Gazette 1996



contact Fitzpatrick & Gallagher, Solicitors, 34 Arran Quay, Dublin 7. Ref:- A . O ' D. Telephone: 8 72 4 6 8 8 / 8 72 4 2 5 7. B r o wn e, Ma r y, deceased, late of 4 86 Galtymore Road, Drimnagh, Dublin 12. Wo u ld any person having kn ow l e d ge of a will executed by the above named deceased please reply to B o x No. 30. Butler, De n i s, deceased, late of Ballinvassa, Donohill, Co. Tipperary. Would any person having knowledge of a will executed by the above named deceased wh o died on 11 March 1996, please contact James O'Brien & Company, Solicitors, 3 0 Castle Street, Nenagh. Telephone: 0 6 7 - 3 1 2 1 8, Fax: 0 6 7 - 3 3 3 5 7. Farrelly, He l e n a, deceased, late of Beaumont Convalescent Home, and formerly of The Webbers, Tivoli Terrace North, Dun Laoghaire, and of Longford. Wo u ld any person having any kn ow l e d ge of a will executed by the above named deceased who died on 11 July 1995, please contact Walsh, Harte & Co., Solicitors, 10 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4. Telephone: 6 6 0 0 9 2 2, Fax: 6 68 8817.

term of years granted by Indenture of Lease dated the 16th day of April 1915 and made between Henry William McCreery of the one part and John Murphy of the other part and subject to the reduced rent of £ 5 . 00 per annum.

Edward Walpole McEnnis, Lily Ashby and Mary Josephine McGrath the Lessors of the one part and Patrick McGrath and Mary Anne McGrath the Lessees of the other part for the term of 99 years from the 1st day of May, 1934 at the yearly rent of £20.00p. T A K E N O T I CE that I Kathleen McGrath being a person entitled under Section 3 of the above Act, propose to purchase the fee simple in the land described in Paragraph 1 A N D that I have applied to the County Registrar, the Courthouse, Kilkenny under Section 8 (3) of the above Act and under Section 9 and Section 10 (2) of the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) (No. 2) Act, 1978 for the conveyance in fee simple of the land described in paragraph 1.

3. Pa rt of t he l a n ds e x c l u d e d, if any:-

N / A

! T A K E N O T I CE that We, John Cleere I | and Mary Cleere, being the persons entitled under Section 3 of the above Act propose to purchase the fee simple ; in the land described in Paragraph 1. i S i g n e d: B o l a nd & C o mp a n y, Solicitors for the Applicants 9 Dean Street Kilkenny.

S i g n e d:

Ka t h l e en Mc G r a t h, 63 John Street, Kilkenny No l an Farrell & Go f f, Solicitors, New t own, Waterford. Ref: MOC / MA / Mc / 8 60


No r t h e rn I r e l and A g e n ts for all contentious and non-contentious | matters. Consultation in Dublin if j required, reasonable rates. Contact | Norville Connolly, D&E Fisher, Solicitors, 8 Trevor Hill, Newry, Tel: 0 8 0 1 - 6 9 3 - 6 1 6 16 Fax: 0 8 0 1 - 6 9 3 - 6 7 7 1 2. | D u n L a o g h a i re District Co u rt Applications mo v ed - Hooper and Company, 97 Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Telephone: 0 1 - 2 80 6 9 7 1; Fax: 0 1 - 2 80 1558, please contact Joyce Martin.

L A N D L O RD A N D T E N A NT ( G R O U ND R E N T S ) A C T 1967 No t i ce of Intention to A c q u i re F ee S i mp le ( S e c t i on 4)

Lost Title Deeds

Date: 29th day of March 1996

L A N D L O RD A N D T E N A NT ( G R O U ND R E N T S ) A C T 1967 N T O I CE O F I N T E N T I ON T O A C Q U I RE F E E S I M P LE | D A T E : 2 6 F E B R U A RY 1 9 96 I TO: John Edward Walpole McEnnis Lily Ashby & Mary Josephine McGrath or their unknown and unascertainable successors in title

To: The Un k n own and Unascertainable Successors in Title of Alice D o ve Scott and John Henry D o v e Scott

1. De s c r i p t i on of l a nd to wh i ch t he No t i ce refers:-

Am s t r ad P CW 9 5 1 2 - wanted. Tel. 0 6 5 - 2 8 6 1 2; Fax. 0 6 5 - 2 8 4 9 5.

All That and Those part of the lands of Newpark Lower containing 11 perches or thereabouts statute measure situate in the Parish of St. Maul, Barony of Gowran and County of Kilkenny.

L i t i g a t i on W a r R o o m 7 7 0 sq. ft. available in Arran Square Ideal as a war room for litigation. Short term arrangements, including we ek by we ek available Contact 8 72 2399.

! 1. De s c r i p t i on of l a nd to wh i ch t hs no t i ce refers:-


The property known as No. 63 John Street, situate in the Parish of St. Johns and City of Kilkenny.

2. Pa r t i c u l a rs of Ap p l i c a n t 's Le a s e :-


Indenture of Co n v e y a n ce and Assignment dated the 19th day of February 1996 and made between Laurence Dow l i ng of the one part and John Cleere and Mary Cleere of the other part for the residue of the

P e r s o n al I n j u ry C l a i ms in E n g l a nd a n d Wa l e s. Specialist P I solicitors with offices in London and Birmingham can assist in all types of injury claims. One of our staff is in Ireland for one we ek in

I 2. Pa r t i c u l a rs of a p p l i c a n t 's lease o r t e n a n c y :-


Lease dated the 8th day of October, 1935 and made between John


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