The Gazette 1994


INDEX VOL. 8 8 ( 1 9 9 4 )

Law Society Justice Media Awards, 6: 211-12 book launches, see Book launches Class of '64, 8: 313 exhibitions Ideal Homes Exhibition - Fair and Murtagh solicitors stand, 9: 332 (pict.) IPBS table quiz winners, 10: 367 (pict.) Law Society annual conference 1994, 5: 186 (pict.) Law Society Council 1993-1994, 1: 22 (pict) Law Society Council annual dinner, 3: 85 (pict), 3- 104 (pict), 3 106 (pict.) Law Society garden party, 7: 259 (pict.) obituaries Blake, Madeleine, 6: 220 de Vere White, Terence - tribute by Daire Hogan, 7: 263-65 Ludlow, Hugh A. (former State Solicitor for West Cork), 3: 108 O'Donovan, James W. (Past-President of Law Society), 1: 32 parchment ceremonies February 4, 1994, 2: 62 (pict), 2: 63 (pict), 2: 78 (pict) April 22, 1994, 4: 144-45 (pict), 5: 184 (pict), 5: 185 (pict.) June 24, 1994, 6: 224 (pict.) presentations Bank of Ireland sponsorship of annual conference, 10: 368 (pict.) County Cavan Solicitors Association - presentation to Judge David Sheehy, 6: 223 (pict.) Law Society presentation to Bill Mackey, Bar Manager of Law Club, 4: 145 (pict) Law Society presentation to Mr. Justice John Pringle, Judge of High Court of N.I., 2: 62 (pict.) Local Authority Solicitors Association - presenta- tion to Enda Gearty, 1: 21 (pict) Matheson Ormsby Prentice - presentation to Edward Montgomery and Peter Prentice, 2: 60 (pict.) West Cork Bar Association - presentation to Liam Collins, 6: 222 (pict.) President of Law Society Patrick A. Glynn, 1994-1995, 10: 349 (pict) retirements Finlay, Thomas (Chief Justice), 7: 241 (pict), 7: 246, 7: 262 Gilvarry, James P. (District Court), 8: 294 (pict) Seales, Bernard J., 3: 94 Sheehy, David (Circuit Court), 6: 223 (pict.) Woulfe, Richard (Director of Education), 5: 165 (pict.) reunions

NOTARIES PUBLIC applications for appointments

amendments to Rules of the Superior Courts, 4: 139 office of notary public, 5: 176-77 ( Lawbrief)

NURSING HOMES legal regulation (Mel Cousins)

care and welfare regulations, 1993, 1: 16 Health (Nursing Homes) Act, 1990, 1: 15-18 subvention regulations, 1993, 1: 16-18

OBITUARIES, see People and Places

OFFICE MANAGEMENT, see Practice Management

OMBUDSMAN insurance ombudsman reviews first year in office (P. Marrinan-Quinn), 2: 67-68

PARCHMENT CEREMONIES, see People and Places

PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE legislation update, see Legislation Update review of activities, 1993-1994, 9: 326 (Pres.)

PEOPLE AND PLACES achievements and honours

Irish apprentices win third place in client counsel- ling competition, 5: 190 Irish solicitor admitted to Masters Programme at Yale - Anne Neary, 3: 112 Law Society Vice-President obtains Hons LL.B. degree, 7: 252 Vice-President Pat O'Connor obtains Hons LL.B. Degree, 7: 252 (pict.) admissions to roll of solicitors, 10: 368 (pict.) anniversary celebrations Irish Society for European Law - 21st anniversary, 5: 178 (pict.) law firms, see Law Firms appointments Chief Justice - Hon. Mr Justice Liam Hamilton, 9: 317 (pict.) District Court - Judge William Early, 5: 184 (pict.) District Court - recent appointments, 1: 1 (pict.) Gazette Public Relations Executive and Editor - Catherine Dolan, 10: 373 High Court - Dermot Kinlen, 7: 258 (pict.) Law School staff changes, 7: 272-73 Law Society Professional Practice Department, 7: 262 UCC Professor of Law - Brian A. Carroll, 3: 102 UCD Adjunct Law Faculty visiting fellow - Brian J. O'Connor, 2: 79 awards Diploma in Property Tax for Solicitors Awards Ceremony, 9: 332 (pict.)

past auditors of SADSI, 6: 223 (pict.) SADSI mid-summer ball, 7: 258 (pict) seminars and conferences

Caring for the Mentally Incapacitated, 5: 184 (pict.) CLE seminar on Landlord and Tenant Law, 6: 222 (pict.) CLE seminar on the Quest for Quality, 7: 258


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