The Gazette 1994
INDEX VOL. 8 8 ( 1 9 9 4)
LEGAL SKILLS Lawyers' Skills (ed. P.A. Jones), (rev.), 1 :25, 27 LEGISLATION PROPOSALS, see also Courts and Court Officers Bill 1994; Solicitors (Amendment) Bill 1994 Law Society submissions, 1993-1994, 9: 324
courts charter, 5: 182 criminal injuries compensation, 2: 50, 7: 262 delays in legal system, 7: 261, 8: 289 disciplinary cases and procedures,-5: 181, 6: 232, 8: 289-90 Dublin Corporation injury claims, 1: 9, 3 : 113 (Itr), 7: 261-62 employment prospects for newly-qualified solicitors, 5: 181 exclusion of solicitors from posts in AG's office, 7: 261 farm retirement scheme - legal fees, 8: 290 judicial appointments procedure, 7: 26l, 8? 289 Law Society education and admissions policy, 1: 9-10 Law Society local bargaining claim: LCR, 1: 10 new career options for solicitors - Law Society bro- chure, 3: 94 personal injury awards "capping" debate, 1: 9, 2: 49-50, 6: 232, 7: 261, 8: 289, 10: 359-60 public liability claims, 2: 50 Solicitors (Amendment) Bill, 1994, 1: 9, 2: 49, 3. 93- 94, 5: 181, 6: 232 tributes to Chief Justice Thomas Finlay, 7: 262
LEGISLATION UPDATE (PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE) Acts enacted by the Oireachtas 1993, 3: 96-97 1994, 10: 357-58
LICENSING licence duty - public houses, 2: 65 (pr.) seven-day licences and hotel licences difficulties discussed with Department, 6: 214
LIFE ASSURANCE Family Law Bill, 1994, and, 5 197
LIMERICK Law Firms in Limerick (B. Cahalane), 8: 298 (pict), 8: 299-301 LIMITATION OF ACTIONS The Limitation of Actions (J.C. Brady and A. Kerr) 2nd ed., (rev), 5 195 LITIGATION Civil Litigation in the 90s - Law Society conference, 5: 191-93 LITIGATION COMMITTEE practice notes, see Practice Notes review of activities, 1993-1994, 9. 326 (Pres.) LOCAL GOVERNMENT, see Environmental Law; Plan- ning
MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE capping of awards
Law Society conference debate, 5: 192-93
MEDICAL REPORTS personal injury actions, 3: 89 (edl.)
MEDICAL WITNESSES fees, 3: 89 (edl.), 3 113 (Itr) use of subpoenas, 3 89 (edl.), 7: 257 (Itr)
MENTALLY INCAPACITATED Caring for the Mentally Incapacitated - the Legal Response (seminar), 4: 153, 5: 184 (pict)
State Entrepreneurship, and European Community Law (J.H.V. Stuyck, A.J. Vossestein, Eds.), (rev), 3 118 National Monopolies MUSIC INDUSTRY Entertainment Industry Contracts: Negotiating Drafting Guide (D.C. Farber), (rev), 9- 340 and
MARITIME LAW Ireland and the Law of the Sea (C.R. Symmons) (rev), 8: 306-7
MEDIA AWARDS, see Justice Media Awards
MEDIA TRAINING courses for bar associations, 7: 250
NEGLIGENCE wrongful conviction due to solicitor's negligence liability for mental distress, 1: 11 (Lawbrief)
MEDIATION Could it Make your Practice more Profitable? (B. MacMahon), 10: 379-81
on Civil Liberties in Northern
Beef Tribunal fees, 3 93 Book of Estimates increased resources for courts and legal aid, 1: 10
Ireland (ed. B. Dickson) 2nd ed., (rev), 2: 55 criminal law - joint North/South seminar, 1: 10, 2: 79 cross-border practice - draft protocol, 7: 248, 9: 324 presentation of parchments to N.I. delegates, 6: 213
Compensation Fund, 5 181, 6: 232 Courts and Court Officers Bill, 10: 360
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