The Gazette 1992


JUNE 1992

Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents (4th and 5th editions) (Butterworths) Irish Forms and Precedents (1910) (Butterworths) Warren's Forms of Agreements (4 vols.) (Matthew Bender) Longmans Commercials Precedents (4 vols.) Palmers Company Precedents. (Sweet & Maxwell) Practical Will Precedents. (Longmans) Practical Thist Precedents. (Longmans) Practical Lease Precedents. (Longmans) Precedents for the Conveyancer. (Sweet & Maxwell) Kelly's Draftsman Melville. Forms & Agreements on Intellectual Property & International Licensing. (Sweet & Maxwell) Computer Contracts: Negotiating & Drafting (Matthew Bender) medical dictionaries, are available for speedy answering of reference queries and the Encyclopaedia Britannica is stocked for general information requests. If a member needs to track down the address of a lawyer in Belize, a summons server in Portugal or the phone number of an attorney in Arkansas the library has a selection of national and international law directories available for consultation. Inter Library Loans Although the vast majority of queries can be satisfied from the library's own stock, in some cases it is necessary to borrow material or order photocopies from other libraries and institutions. The library has formal arrangements established with Trinity College library and the British Library Document Supply Service. There is also an informal network arrangement between law libraries in the country which co-operate by supplying material to one another. Reference Works A range of legal, language and

Law Society Library Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. DDE 79 Tfcl: (01) 710711. Fax: (01) 770511 Opening Hours: 9.00a.m. - 5.00p.m.

Textbooks - borrowing period: 3 weeks

Charges for document supply

Self-service photocopying in the library:

lOp per sheet

Requests received by telephone/fax/post for copies of law reports, judgments, legislation, articles, precedent forms, etc., are subject to a handling charge:


plus photocopying:

15p per sheet

packing & postage: fax transmission:


£1.00 per sheet

VAT is charged on all orders.

Judge Wine retires

Conclusion The library facilities are available to all members and apprentices. Personal callers are always welcome and otherwise queries are taken by telephone, letter and fax. The library staff attempt to process all queries and supply necessary documents within 24 hours. Urgent materials can be collected by courier as required. published in 1976 and there are now two consolidated sets available covering the periods 1976-82, and 1983-89, published by the Irish Association of Law Tfeachers and the General Council of the Bar respectively. The IALT has also recently published an Index to cover the period 1966-75, which is based on the holdings of Law Libraries in legal institutions and Universities. *(1) The Pink Pages were first

Judge Hubert Wine, who retired last April after a legal career spanning 54 years. Judge Wine became an apprentice in law in 1938 and qualified as a solicitor in 1943. He was thefirst solicitor ever to appear in the Court of Criminal Appeal. He was appointed a District Judge in 1976. ^ FORENSIC ^ HANDWRITING EXPERT Dr Keith W Snape FORMER SENIOR POLICE LABORATORY EXPERT

* (2)Madden & Kerr, Unfair Dismissal Cases and Commentary, FIE 1990.

Hlghfleld, Billing* End Road, Plculngton, Blackburn, Lanes, England BB2 6QY Tel: 0044 254 581555 Fax: 0044 254 581556

Mary Gaynor Assistant Librarian



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