The Gazette 1992


JUNE 1992

] Northern Ireland I The Northern Ireland Judgments Bulletin, containing unreported Northern Ireland judgments and the Northern Ireland Law Reports are also available. The Bulletin of N.I. Law provides an index to recent developments in the areas of statute and case law. Legislation - Ireland The library receives many queries on | legislation e.g. "Has the Solicitors | (Amendment) Bill, 1991 passed its Second Stage?" "When did the Statute of Limitations (Amendment) Act, 1991 become law?" Members need to know what stage a Bill is at, when an Act came into force, if any statutory instruments have been j made under a specific section of an Act, and these are questions which can usually be answered over the í telephone. A subscription is taken out annually to all Bills, Dail Í Debates, and the library receives j copies of all Statutory Instruments | under the S.I. Act, 1947. A chart of the progress of Bills through the j Houses of the Oireachtas is maintained and is updated monthly. The loose-leaf " I r i sh Current Law Statutes Annotated" is also subscribed to. The official indexing of Irish legislation is unfortunately not up to date, the most recent Index to the Statutes only goes up to 1985, so queries which involve checking if Acts have been amended can only be pursued accurately up to 1985. Statutory Instruments are indexed up to 1986, both in the official series produced by the ' Stationery Office, and in

Butterworths' Index to Irish Statutory Instruments compiled by R. Humphreys. The library staff maintain an index to post 1986 Statutory Instruments, numerically by S.I. number, and alphabetically by enabling Act.

copies of all Irish legal textbooks, at least one copy of the principal UK textbooks and loose-leaf encyclopedias and subscribes to approximately 120 law reports and journals. Textbooks can be borrowed for periods of three weeks at a time. Periodicals are not lent, but there is a self service photocopying machine in the library. Irish periodicals are indexed in O'Higgins "Bibliography of Periodical Literature Relating to Irish Law" which covers the period 1966-1983. If a member wishes to do subject research in English periodicals he/she can scan through the Legal Journals Index, which is published monthly and indexes all legal journals published in the United Kingdom. Precedents The library has a wide range of forms and precedents available for consultation. We can supply objects clauses for companies,

Older Irish Acts The library has a set of The


at large passed in the


held in Ireland 1310-1800 and Oulton's Index to the Statutes in Force 1310-1835. If a member needs the Statute of Frauds, 1695, or the Dublin Theatres Act, 1786, these can readily be photocopied. Another source of early Irish Legislation, "The Green Book", contains an account of the principal reported decisions on the Irish Statutes, Rules and Orders of Court from 1224-1860. The library does not hold pre 1922 Local and Personal Acts, but can order such documents through its inter-library arrangements. Reports Statutes is purchased. The library can supply any public English Statute back to 1800. Pre 1800 English Statutes can be ordered and are usually made available within 24 hours. UK Statutory Instruments are not subscribed to, but again should a member require one an order can be left with the library staff and the item is usually ready for collection or faxing by the following day. Legislation - UK The current series of UK Law

(2) Forms and

shareholders agreements, computer contracts, etc.

Recently, a member contacted the library with what he considered a far- fetched request - "had we got a

General Materials (1) Textbooks and precedent joint venture agreement for growing crops?" In the event the 5th edition of Butterworths Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents provided a form which with a little re-drafting would fit the bill! As well as the 4th and 5th editions of Butterworths, the library staff can search for precedent forms in a number of other source books which include: NATIONWIDE Investigations Nationwide Group Olympia House, Dame Street, Dublin 2. Republic of Ireland Periodicals The library purchases multiple

Tel: 773080 Fax: 777825 Telex: 328320 DX 90 Dublin A 24 Hour Confidential Investigation Service Local, National and International Established 1963


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