The Gazette 1985



AIJA — Bordeaux Congress

Young Lawyers International Association A I J A The Annual Congress for the Year 1985 will take place at Lisbon on 24th-28th September The topics for discussion are as follows:— 1. Legal Protection of Software. 2. The removal of minors from one jurisdiction to another. 3. The legal status of company directors, their civil and criminal responsibilities. 4. Free movement of goods within the EEC. Anyone interested please contact: Michael Irvine, Matheson Ormsby & Prentice, 20 Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 760981 Telex: 24333

The Annual Congress of the organisation was held at Bordeaux during the week 27th August to 2nd September 1984. The opening ceremony was addressed by the Minister for Justice, the Mayor of Bordeaux and the Batonnier of Bordeaux amongst others. The working sessions, which were held on Tuesday and Wednesday, concentrated upon the following subjects: (a) International White Collar Crime. (b) International Arbitration. (d) Trade Marks. (d) Prepaid Legal Insurance Plans. All of the topics provided interesting and stimulating discussions. To those who participated the challenge of communicating with persons of different legal back- grounds was rewarding and beneficial. In this regard particular attention should be given to the AIJA publica- tion on International Commercial Arbitration. The social side of the Congress was as usual a great success, the highlights of which were a spectacular reception at Chateau Loudenne, an old Chateau Bordelais, where hundreds of fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky and the wine never ceased to flow, and a memorable trip to the Chateau Cantemerle where after a magnificent lunch dancing was the order of the afternoon. As is customary, the visit to the homes of local lawyers provided an enjoyable experience and allowed everyone to meet colleagues on a rather more informal basis. From an Irish viewpoint the Congress marked a watershed in that, for the first time, an Irish member was elected to the post of First Vice President. Our congratu- lations and best wishes go to Michael Carrigan on attaining this distinguished office. Hopefully, support will continue to grow and that even more practitioners will make the trip to the Lisbon Congress in 1985 which takes place from 24th-28th September. Further details of this event will be published shortly. •


Members are reminded that the Society maintains an Employment Register for Solicitors. Those seeking employment and those Offices with posts to be filled are invited to contact The Education Officer, Mr. Albert Power, The Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin, 7.

Incorporated Law Society of Ireland

LUNCH FACILITIES BLACKHALL PLACE Members of the profession should note that lunch facilities are available in the Members' Lounge in Blackhall Place from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. each day, Mo n d ay to Friday. Reservations for lunch should be made at least 24 hours in advance. A variety of lunch meals are available ranging from Soup & Rolls through Cold Buffet to a hot three course lunch.



19 DUKE STREET, DUBL IN 2. Tel: 779954/770795. Telex: 91005 ASK EI


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