The Gazette 1981


MARCH 1981 Bills before the Oireachtas 1980

During the Dáil Session 15 October to 18 December 1980

and the Seanad Session 22 October to 19 Dcccmbcr 1980

Title of Bill



Position as at 19 December 1980

National Film Studios of Ireland Limited Bill, 1979.

To authorise the Minister for Finance to take up shares in National Film Studios of Ireland Limited, to provide for the guaranteeing of borrowings by the Company and other related matters. To provide for the establishment of the Irish Film Board to encourage the development of a film industry in the State. To amend and extend the Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited Acts, 1959 to 1978.

26/11/79 (Dáil)

Passed by Dáil Éireann 12/1 1/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 10/12/80.

Irish Film Board Bill, 1979.

26/1 1/79 (Dáil)

Passed by Dáil Éireann 9/12/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 10/12/80. Passed by Dáil Éireann 15/10/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 22/10/80.

Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

20/3/80 (Dáil)

National Heritage Bill. 1980.

To amend and extend the National Monuments Acts, 1930 to 1954.

14/5/80 (Dáil) Private Member's Bill

Defeated 15/10/80.

Health (Mental Services) Bill. 1980.

To repeal all existing legislation governing the treatment of mental illness and replace it with provisions which will have full regard to modern developments in psychiatry. To define Irish Whiskey and certain descriptions used in relation to Irish Whiskey and to repeal the Irish Whiskey Act, 1950.

23/6/80 (Dáil)

Second Stage (Dáil).

Irish Whiskey Bill. 1980.

23/6/80 (Dáil)

Passed by Dáil Éireann 12/1 1/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 3/12/80.

Dumping at Sea Bill. 1980.

To control dumping in the sea.

25/6/80 (Dáil) 15/10/80 (Dáil)

Passed by Dáil Éireann 19/1 1/80.

Johnstown Castle Agricultural College (Amendment) Bill, 1980.

To amend the Johnstown Castle Agricultural College (Amendment) Act, 1959, so as to permit the sale or transfer of parts of the estate and to provide for other related matters. Gives effect (with some modifications and extensions) to the recommendations in the 20th Interim Report of the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure for increasing the monetary limits of the civil jurisdictions of the District and Circuit Courts and for conferring new jurisdiction in family law matters on these Courts and provides for other related matters. Amends and extends the Courts of Justice Acts 1924 to 1961 and the Courts (Supple mental Provisions) Acts 1961 to 1979. To amend the law relating to rape and indecent assault on females. To establish the National Institute for Higher Education, Dublin, on a statutory basis and to provide for other related matters. To establish the Thomond College of Education, Limerick, on a statutory basis and to provide for other related matters. Amends and extends the law relating to Building Societies. Fmpowers the Minister to pay a subsidy to a Society in respect of interest on loans made by the Society. Amends S. 23 of the Principal Act - the Building Societies Act, 1976. Repeals S. 12 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1979.

Passed by Dáil Éireann 26/11/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 3/12/80.

Courts Bill, 1980.

15/10/80 (Dáil)

Second Stage passed. Committee Stage to be ordered.

Criminal Law (Rape) Bill. 1980.

15/10/80 (Dáil) 15/10/80 (Dáil)

At Second Stage.

National Institute for Higher Education, Dublin Bill, 1980.

Passed by Dáil Éireann 29/10/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 26/11/80. Passed by Dáil Éireann 19/11/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 3/12/80. Passed by Dáil Éireann 26/11/80. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 3/12/80.

Thomond College of Education, Limerick Bill, 1980.

15/10/80 (Dáil)

Building Societies (Amend- ment) Bill, 1980.

15/10/80 (Dáil)


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