The Gazette 1981
APRIL 1981
"Strong growth during 1980"
* Loans of IR£100 Million arranged for Irish Industry * Now established among leading Foreign Exchange Banks * Profits after tax reached IR£746 , 000
Balance Sheet Features as at 31st December, 1980
IR£ 4,178,401
Capital and Reserves Total Assets Deposits Advances
110,601,195 106,086,510 53,468,940
3 C Í u Jo
IRISH INTERCONTINENTAL BANK LIMITED A subs i d i ary o f Kr e d i e t bank N . V . , Bru s s e ls 91 , Merrion Square, Dubl in 2. Te l. ( 0 1 ) 7 6 0 2 91 and 6 0 7 1 4 4 . Te l ex 2 5 7 81 and 3 1 6 58
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