The Gazette 1981
JUNE 1981
Society present and desiring to vote for any electio: shall hand his voting paper for such election to the scrutineers of the ballots or one of them, and any member not finding it convenient to attend, and desiring to vote for any election, shall be at liberty to place his voting paper in the envelope marked 'Voting Paper' which should then be sealed and enclosed in the envelope addressed to the Secretary, forwarded to him for that election, on the outside of which the member so voting shall have written his name and either deliver the same to the Secretary or transmit it so that same may reach him not later than 1.00 p.m. on the said date; and in such cases the Secretary shall during the election hand such envelope addressed to him to the scrutineers of the ballots by whom they shall be opened and the envelopes mar- ked ''Voting Paper" shall be placed on one side until after the scrutineers of the ballot shall have ascertained that the member submitting such envelope is entitled to vote, and the envelope is addressed to the Secretary shall be preserved until after the declaration of the poll; when all the envelopes addressed to the Secretary shall have been opened and the scrutineers of the ballot shall have ascertained the total of such envelopes which have been submitted by members entitled to vote, the envelopes containing the voting paper placed in the proper ballot box. Of the admissibility of each voting paper, the scrutineers of the ballot shall be the sole judges. Proposed by Mr. Andrew Dillon Seconded by Mr. Rory O'Connor On being put to the meeting, the Resolution was carried unanimously. Appointment of Scrutineers: On the proposition of the President, the following were appointed as Scrutineers of the Ballot for Council for the year 1981/82: Messrs. L. Branigan, E. McCarron, A. J. McDonald, R. T. Tierney, P. D. M. Prentice, J. R. C. Greene, P. C. Moore and G. Doyle. Their appointments were agreed. The President expres- sed the Society's appreciation to the Scrutineers and in particular, to Mr. B. P. McCormack who had served as a Scrutineer for many years, for their help to the Society. This terminated the business of the meeting and the President declared the meeting closed.
To Amend Bye Law 34 to that it reads: The Secretary shall also cause voting papers to be printed in the Form 'D' for each province containing the names and addresses of all candidates who shall be duly qualified and nominated in accordance with Bye Law 30 for election as the provincial delegate for such province arranged in alphabetical order with the names of their respective nominators, and giving the number of attendances during the year at Council meetings of any candidate who was a member of the outgoing Council, and shall at least one week before the date of the poll or election in each year send papers to each member of the Society whose principal place of practice is in such province elsewhere than in the County and City of Dublin as regards the province of Leinster, who shall have paid his subscription for the current year, together with an envelope addressed to the Secretary, having the name of the province printed on the outside together with an envelope marked 'Voting Paper.' Where only one candidate is validly nominated in respect of each province, the scrutineers of the ballot shall be empowered to return such candiate for election without the necessity or printing or issuing voting papers in respect thereof. Proposed by Mr. Andrew Dillon Seconded by Mr. Rory O'Connor On being put to the meeting, the Resolution was carried unanimously. 4. To Amend Bye Law 35 so that it reads: In voting each member shall make a mark (thus X) with ink or pencil on his voting paper opposite to the name of the candidate for whom he intends to vote. Proposed by Mr. Andrew Dillon Seconded by Mr. Rory O'Donnell On being put to the meeting, the Resolution was car- ried unanimously. 5. To Amend Bye Law 36 so that it reads: The poll or election shall take place each year on the date appointed by the Council under Bye Law 29A. The Secretary shall provide 6 Ballot boxes - one for the election of the ordinary members of the Council and one for the election of each provincial delegate; and the scrutineers of the ballots shall attend in such place as the Council shall appoint, from 11 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and each member of the
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