The Gazette 1981
APRIL 1981
Minutes of the Half-Yearly General Meeting
1. To Insert a New Bye Law 29B so that it reads: Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Bye Law and in particular Bye Laws 29, 29a, 30 and 31 the member who shall at the date of the receipt of nomination be serving as Senior Vice-President of the Society shall not be required to be nominated for election to the Council but shall be deemed to be elected to the Council for the year commencing on the date of the November General Meeting (unless he shall, prior to the date of the receipt of nominations, notify the Secretary of his intention of resigning from the Council or of his intention not to serve as President of the Society in the said year). Mr. G. Doyle spoke against the Resolution on the grounds that the existing election system had worked well over the years and that the proposed change was an interference with the democratic process. He was supported by Mr. J. Carrigan. Mr. J. F. Buckley made the point that the demands on the Presidency now made it imperative that the person who was facing the Office and particularly, the person who would be expected to succeed as Senior Vice- President should have some degree of certainty in regard to their assignments. Even in a large office, arrangements had to be made by the individual concerned for the period in which he held Office in the Society. Mr. P. O'Connor supported the Resolution, on the grounds that, from the point of view of a country practitioner, it was absolutely essential to have the opportunity of making one's arrange- ments. On a poll, the Resolution was carried by 36 votes to 19. 2. To Amend Bye Law 33 so that it reads: The Secretary shall cause voting papers to be printed in the form in Schedule 'C' containing the names and addresses of all candidates who shall have been duly qualified and nominated in accordance with Bye Law 30 for election as ordinary members of the Council, arranged in alphabetical order, with the names of the respective nominators and giving the number of attendances during the year at Council Meetings of any candidate who was a member of the outgoing Council and shall at least one week before the date of the poll or election in each year send one of such voting papers to each member of the Society, who shall have paid his subscription for the current year, at his address on the roll book together with an envelope marked 'Voting Paper.' A copy of such voting paper shall at the same time be posted in the Hall of the Society. Proposed by Mr. Andrew Dillon Seconded by Mr. Rory O'Connor. On being put to the meeting, the Resolution was carried unanimously. I 17 Proposed by Mr. Andrew Dillon Seconded by Mr. Rory O'Connor
The Half-Yearly General meeting of the Society was held in the Lake Hotel, Waterville, Co. Kerry, on Friday, 1st May, 1981, at 10.00 a.m. Having called the meeting to order, the President called on Mr. Donal Browne, President of the Kerry Law Society to address the meeting. Mr. Browne said that it gave him great pleasure on behalf of the Kerry Law Society to welcome the members, especially on such an auspisious occasion when for the first time, a General Meeting was presided over by a Lady member of the Society. Apart from her charm and ability, the President, Mrs. Quintan, had played a leading part in the acquisition and furnishing of the Society's Headquarters at Blackhall Place, for which the members were deeply grateful. He referred to the importance of the Kerry Law Society having a member on the Council of the Society and was sure that the member in question, Mr. O'Connell, with the support of his colleagues in the county, had been of assistance to the Council. Concluding, he wished the meeting every success. The President then extended a welcome to Mr. M. Parke, President and Mr. K. Pritchard, Secretary, Law Society of Scotland, who were in attendance at the meeting. She also welcomed Mr. Jonathan Clarke, President and Mr. John Bowran, Secretary General, Law Society, London, and Mr. Roderick Campbell, Acting President and Mr. Sydney Lomas, Secretary of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland, who would be arriving later in the day. Notice The Director General read the notice convening the meeting. The attendance at the meeting was recorded in the Attendance Book. 59 members attended. Minutes The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held in Blackhall Place, Dublin 7, on 21st November, 1980, were taken as read ancTsigned by the President. President's Address The President then addressed the meeting and a copy of her address is filed with the minutes. Pension Scheme Mr. Curran presented a report on the Society's Pension Scheme and Income Continuance Plan, details of which arc filed with the minutes. Commenting on the Report, Mr. M. Curran expressed appreciation of the work done by the Society's Investment Managers, the Investment Bank of Ireland, which had produced a growth of 26% over the preceding 12 months. He also expressed the hope that more of the members of the Society would take an interest in the scheme. Resolutions: The Resolutions circulated for the meeting were taken as follows:—
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