The Gazette 1980
European Law Digest European Law Centre Ltd., Elm House, 10-16 Elm. Street, LONDON WC1X OBD. European Law Review Sweet & Maxwell, North Way, Andover, Hants. SP10 5 BE. Financial Times European Law Letter Bracken House, 10, Cannon Street, LONDON EC4P 4BY. Legal issues of European Integration Kluwer, PO Box 23, Deventer, THE NETHERLANDS.
Wide ranging & factual survey of legislation and case law taken from each country. Emphasis on EEC law, transport law and industrial property law. Monthly. Covers the impact & effect of European Communtiy treaties and resultant legislation, consequent alteration of national law of each member state & changes in legal relations with states outside EC. Checklist of legal developments which affect business planning & decision making through- out Europe. Monthly. Law Review of the European Institute University of Amsterdam. Academic in style & content. Studies European Integration in interdisciplinary framework. Contributions from economists, lawyers, and political scientists. Documents legislation of EC i.e. Regulations, Directives, etc. Also prints Notices, Information, Bulletins, etc., Daily.
Official Journal of the European Communities Office for Official Publications of the European Community, Boite Postale 1003, LUXEMBOURG. Proceedings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities Information Department, Court of Justice of the European Communities, P.O. Box 1406, LUXEMBOURG. Societies in the U.K. & Ireland promoting the study of Eoropean Law Solicitors European Group, The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, LONDON WC2A 1PL. Northern Ireland Solicitors' European Group c/o Faculty of Law, Queen's University, Belfast. The Scottish Lawyers' European Group Law Society's Hall,
Weekly bulletin of Judgments, Opinions & Oral
Procedure of Court of Justice. .
Organizes courses and lectures on Community Law. Publishes a Newsletter regularly which deals with practical aspects of EEC Law, showing the relevance of EEC Law to the practitioner; it also includes details of forthcoming Seminars, etc., both national and international. Organizes lectures on Community Law. Publishes works on EEC Law.
Details of membership on application
Organizes courses and lectures on Community Law. Publishes a Newsletter regularly.
26 Drumsheugh Gardens, EDINBURGH EH3 7YR.
Irish Society for European Law, c/o The Hon. Secretary, ISEL, 51, Merrion Square East, DUBLIN 2.
Organ izes lectures on Community Law. Publishes the Journal of the Irish Society for European Law.
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