The Gazette 1980



Reports/Periodicals/Newsletters on EEC Law The following list was prepared as a guideline for the Society's EEC & International Affairs Committee on periodical material available on EEC Law. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Subscription prices are in pounds sterling.


Annual Sub.

Bulletin of the European Communities Office for Official Publications of the EEC, Boite Postale 1003, LUXEMBOURG. (incorp. Supplements to the Bulletin) Bulletin of Legal Developments British Institute of International & Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, LONDON WC IB 5DR.


Reports on activities of Commission and other Community Institutions.

£50 p.a.

Fortnightly survey of U.K. European, Foreign, Commonwealth & International legal events, conventions, international guidelines, statutes, etc.

Commercial Laws of Europe European Law Centre Ltd., Elm House, 10-16 Elm Street, LONDON WC1X OBD. Common Market Law Reports European Law Centre Ltd., Elm House, 10-16 Elm Street, LONDON WC1X OBD. Common Market Law Review Journal Dept. A. E. SijthofT, P.O. Box 66, Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS. European Commercial Cases European Law Centre Ltd., Elm House, 10-16 Elm Street, LONDON WC1X OBD. Eurolaw Commercial Intelligence European Law Centre Ltd., Elm House, 10 16 Elm Street, LONDON WC1X OBD.


Specialises in regular systematic publication of significant legislation in fields of marketing, con- sumer protection, data bank control, product lia- bility, patents and trade marks. Provides English translations of foreign Statutes, etc. Occasion- ally prints secondary legislation and treaties. Reports cases before European Court of Justice & Commission of the EC with English transla- tions. Weekly. Functions as a medium for the understanding & implementation of Community Law within 9 members & for dissemination of legal thinking on Community law matters. Aims to meet needs of both academic and practitioner. Quarterly: aims to reproduce selected judgments on aspects of national commercial law delivered by Courts and Tribunals of various Western European Countries and Institutions. Twice monthly survey of European commercial law developments: Covers international rela- tions; Bankruptcy; Consumer Protection; Insur- ance; Product Liability; Sale of Goods; etc. Also notes on Conferences, publications. Official Reports of cases before the Court of Justice of the EEC.





European Court Reports Hammicks, 16, Newman Lane, Alton, HANTS. GU34 2PJ.


Monthly journal concerning the management of technology, copyright and trade names. In- cludes book reviews; case comments.


European Intellectual Property Review ESC Publishing Ltd., 14, Suffolk House,

265, Banbury Road, OXFORD OX2 74N.


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