The Gazette 1979
APRIL 1979
The Society's representatives are adopting a conservative approach towards the development. Appointments The Council has recommended to the President of the High Court that Mr. P. F. O'Donnell and Mr. B. Russell be appointed to fill the vacancies on the Disciplinary Committee following the resignation of Mr. F. Lanigan and Mr. T. Jackson. Mr. F. Armstrong has been nominated as one of the Society's representatives on the Incorporated Council for Law Reporting. March Council Commissioners for Oaths The Minister for Justice has been requested to make statutory provision whereby all solicitors in practice would become Commissioners for Oaths. Solicitors' Remuneration Discussions took place between the Solicitor members on the Statutory Rules Committee and officers of the Department of Justice, with a view to finding a solution to the present difficulties regarding the revision of the statutory instruments on solicitors' remuneration. Restrictive Practices Inquiry A Committee comprising Messrs. Curran, O'Donnell, O'Mahony, Daly, McEvoy and Osborne was appointed to deal with the presentation of the Society's viewpoint. No date yet has been fixed for the inquiry. It was appreciated by the Council that the cost of representing the Society would be substantial. Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee Steps to implement agreed new scales have been suspended pending the determination of the postal strike. April Council The Council learned with deep regret of the death of a Past President, Desmond J. Collins. His son, Anthony, serves on the Council. Solicitors' Accounts Regulations On the recommendation of the Finance Committee the Council has approved of all Licensed Banks enjoying Trustee Status for the purpose of the Regulations. The practical effect of the decision is that in addition to the Banks already approved, the following Licensed Banks have now been approved as repositories of clients funds: Allied Insn Finance Company Limited, Bank of Ireland Finance Limited, Bowmaker (Ireland) Limited, Forward Trust (Ireland) Limited, Hill Samuel & Company (Ireland) Limited, Lombard & Ulster Banking (Ireland) Limited, Mercantile Credit Company of Ireland Limited and United Dominions Trust (Ireland) Limited. Section 174 of the Finance Act, 1967 The Council requests that in the event of a member being requested to furnish information under the above authority to the Revenue Commissioners, he should in the first instance inform the Society. 60
Post Office Strike At the request of the Council, the President Mr. G. Hickey released the following Press statement: COURTS HAMPERED BY POST STRIKE Prolongation of the postal dispute will seriously inter- fere with the administration of justice, said Mr. Gerald Hickey, President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, in a statement issued this morning. He warned that major problems have already been created for litigants, particularly those in difficult financial ircumstances, as well as for the business sector of the ommunity, and for the other professions who require legal services. Mr. Hickey continued: "The High Court's civil litigation programme has virtually collapsed in the past week. The Law Society is seriously concerned that the continuance of the dispute will make it impossible to pro- vide for the pressing legal needs of the community." Mr. Hickey said that, in common with others con- cerned in the well-being of the community, he appealed to the Post Office staffs in the dispute to meet again and consider an early return to work. Paying a tribute to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and its officers for making "tremendous efforts to resolve the dispute" he urged the Post Office workers to be guided by them. "Further prolongation of the dispute will only serve to leave a feeling of bitterness which will take years to overcome. An early resumption of work will not only enable the provision of essential legal services to be resumed but will allow the country to recover some of the revenue and international prestige it has lost during the dispute. 1 %INTEREST " A TAX NOT ^ DEDUCTED
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