The Gazette 1979
MARCH 1979
Activities of the Council January- February, 1979
Law Clerks Remuneration: In light of the reaction received from Bar Associations, the Council decided that it would not oppose the adoption of the revised rates of remuneration. These have since been adopted by the Joint Labour Committee and a notice to that effect will appear in the public press shortly. If possible, the Labour Court will forward copies of the proposed revised rates to solicitors' offices. Restrictive Practices Commission Inquiry into the Conveyancing Monopoly and Advertising by Solicitors: The Public Relations Committee and the Conveyancing Committee have been reviewing the position so as to advise the Council on how it might handle the inquiry. The matter will be fully discussed at the March meeting. Professional Indemnity Insurance: The operation of the existing scheme was reviewed recently with the Society's brokers, J. H. Minet (Ireland) Ltd. The claims experience since the scheme was launched has been heavy and shows no indication of an improvement. In the circumstances, the underwriter has stated that the rates quoted for the coming year will show a substantial increase over those in operation at present. The matter is still under negotiation. Solicitors' Remuneration: Following strong representations by the President to the Minister for Justice, the solicitor members of the Statutory Rules Committee are now in direct discussion with officers of the Department of Justice on the revision of the existing fee scales. Public Relations: Seminars: The Committee reported on the Seminar held in Blackhall Place on 14th February, 1979, for members of the I.F.A. There was an attendance of 208. In April/May the Committee proposes organising an Industrial Relations/Labour Law Seminar to be held in four centres. In September it proposes holding a seminar on Conveyancing under the direction of Mr. John Wylie. This will be held in three centres. The Committee reported that complaints were lodged with the R.T.E. authorities on two occasions following what was regarded as biased coverage. A new leaflet entitled "Where There Is A Will" is now available. Copies can be had on application to the Society. Finance: The Fund Raising campaign for the Blackhall Place Premises is being re-activated after the Christmas recess. Commitments received at the time of going to press amounted to £431,000, of which £235,000 had already been received — £70,000 being in the Bond Scheme. It will be necessary to raise a further £250,000. At this time, when renewals fall due, particular attention is directed to the Society's Retirement Annuity Fund and associated schemes for life assurance and Permanent health insurances. Interested members should
contact Mr. J. Power, Trustee Department, Bank of Ireland, Baggot Street, Dublin 2. (Tel. 785933). Solicitors' Affairs The Registrars Committee has drawn the attention of the Council to the many firms which are in arrears with their Accountants' Certificates. The Committee is making a particular effort to bring the position up to date. Where satisfaction cannot be obtained quickly, the Committee has directed that disciplinary measures should be instituted against the firm concerned. Pressure of work on the part of the Auditors office will not be accepted as a reason for the non presentation of Certificates at the due time. The Council has approved of prosecution in the case of one unqualified person who purported to practise as a solicitor. The Professional Purposes Committee has had meetings with the medical organisations and the Federation of Insurers on the question of charges in respect of medical reports and the contents of such reports. It is hoped to issue further advice to members in the near future. Education: Highlight of the period under review was the official opening of the Society's Law School, representing the culmination of many years of work. The function is reported on separately. For the first course, five apprentices were awarded bursaries by the Society. In all, 73 apprentices are participating. The second course will commence in November 1979. Two candidates sat for the first sitting of the Final Examination — First Part, and one passed. A catering service is now available at lunch time for apprentices in Blackhall Place. Legislation: The Parliamentary Committee is currently examining the following Bills:— Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Bill, 1978. National Council for Educational Awards Bill, 1978. Landlord & Tenant (Amendment) Bill, 1979. It welcomes the comments of members on these and any other Bills introduced in the Oireachtas. The Committee is also examining recent reports of the Law Reform Commission. Views have been submitted to the Committee on Court Practice and Procedure and to the Minister for Justice regarding the jurisdiction of the The Society is now participating on an experimental basis in the deliberations of the Company Law Committee of the Commission Consultative des Barreaux de la Communaute Européenne. Following on the implementation of the Directive on the Right to give occasional services, the C.C.B.E. is now reactivating the question of the right of establishment. 59 District Court in family matters. E.E.C. & International Affairs:
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