The Gazette 1979



particular judgments copies will be obtained or members will be directed as to how to obtain them. (ii) Government Publications (a) All Bills as issued, Amendments, Order papers and Dáil and Senate Debates. (b) Under the Statutory Instrument Act 1947, the Library receives a copy of all Statutory Instruments as issued. (c) Stationery Office and HMSO Catalogues are received and publications of relevance to the profession are obtained. (iii) Findings of the Employment Appeals Tribunal and decisions of the Labour Court. (iv) Annual Reports of some State-sponsored bodies. (v) National Daily and evening newspapers. 17.5 In order to supplement existing holdings the Finance Committee has sanctioned the purchase of the Irish Reports on Microfiche and a Reader Printer. The purchase of a Reader Printer will enable the Library to subscribe to other material available on microfiche, particularly the E.E.C. Official Journal, and will help save valuable space.


Applications are invited for the post of EXECUTIVE EDITOR of the Gazette. Persons interested in this part-time, remunerative post should communicate with: THE DIRECTOR GENERAL BLACKHALL PLACE DUBLIN 7 before November 30th. Christmas Cards The Society is producing a Christmas Card which will shortly be on sale. The price will be 15p each. The card will be on good quality white board with the coat of arms of the Society in gold on the front. The left side of the inset will show a line drawing of the Italian corridor in the Society's premises and the right side will carry the greeting. This card is the first of a series, each of which will have a drawing of some outstanding feature of the Society's headquarters. As the supply of cards will be limited intending purchasers should make early application enclosing cheque for the appropriate amount, plus 20p for postage. Orders for a dozen or more cards post free. Any profit from the sale of cards will be donated to the Solicitors' Benevolent Association.

Transatlantic Crossing Shardana, John Gore-Grimes' yacht, a Nicholson 31, which he sailed in a Transatlantic race from Marble Head (just outside Boston) to Crosshaven in 20 days and 14 hours. The Transatlantic was a race to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Irish Cruising Club.


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