The Gazette 1979
16.1 The Committee has continued to arrange for and encourage the publication of legal text books and commentaries and works in close collaboration with the Arthur Cox Foundation. 16.2 During the year two books were published both on Planning Law. A Guide to the Planning Acts by Kevin I. Nowlan and Planning and Development Law by E. M. Walsh, S.C. The works are complementary, the Guide to the Planning Acts being annotated synthesis of the 1963 and 1976 Acts and Planning and Development Law being a text book on Planning Law. The Committee has currently with the printers a book on Corporation Tax written by A. G. Williams, which should be rapidly followed by a book on Employment Law by Ercus Stewart. It is hoped that a work on Local Government by Mr. Justice Ronan Keane will be ready to go to the printers early in the new year and the Societey has also undertaken the publication of a Case Book on Constitutional Law by James O'Reilly and Mary Redmond which is scheduled for publication later in 1980. A second edition of Irish Cases on Evidence by J. S. R. Cole is in course of preparation as is a work on Capital Gains Tax by Kevin Kenny. The Committee is hoping to arrange for the publication of a second edition of W. J. McGuire's book on the Succession Act 1965 and is actively seeking an editor for the project and it is hoped that a commission to write a major work on Licensing Law in Ireland will soon be placed. 16.5 A heartening feature of the Committee's work is that it has clearly contributed along with other publishers to the creation of a climate in which prospective authors are aware that the chances of having a book on any aspect of the law published are not remote and the number of applications which the Committee has received continues to increase. Apart from the works mentioned above the Committee has received enquiries from several members of the staffs of the Law Faculties of the Irish universities who are engaged in the preparation of major works on important areas of the law and has indicated support for such works. The work of the Committee is unspectacular and while the time scale of each of its projects from initiation to final publication is often a long one the increasing number of Irish published law books is a reward in itself. Since October 1978, with the holding of the Society's lectures (Old Regula- tions) in Blackhall Place, there has been a great increase in the number of students using the Library. The Library was kept open on an experimental basis two nights a week until 9.30 p.m. from April to August. This arrangement worked well and the Library will be open two nights a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, until 9.30 p.m., from January to August of next year. 17.2 In September Mary Buckley, B.A., Diploma in Library and Information Studies, was appointed Assistant Librarian. Her appointment is indeed very welcome. 17.3 The total amount spent on the purchase of books and periodicals for the year ending 30th April 1979 was £3,622, and on binding £690.00. Unfortunately, the postal strike curtailed the book-purchasing programme towards the end of the year. Corres- ponding figures for the previous year were £5,217 and £1,239 respectively. I am taking this opportunity of listing for information some of the material received daily by the Library of which members may not be generally aware. (i) Unreported Judgments (a) All written judgments of the High Court and Supreme Court, which are received within approximately four to six weeks of delivery of the judgments. These are indexed and filed in the order in which they are listed in the pink indices, circulated with the Gazette , which are prepared by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting. (b) Northern Ireland written judgments received in the form of monthly bound parts. (c) Unreported English judgments are not kept but if there is a sufficient demand for 169 16.3 16.4 16.6 17.1 17.4
John F. Buckley
Walter Beatty Michael W. Carrigan Garrett P. Gill Desmond J. Moran William J. McGuire Donough O'Connor Michael V. O'Mahony
Margaret Byrne
Mary Buckley
Assistant Librarian
Margaret Byrne Librarian
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