The Gazette 1978



VOL. 72

MAY 1978


EPHL.DU1 T 0 1 Prt:id Hoftl Socie y.

[Photo by courtesy ofthe Irish Times)

Ordinary General Meeting Killarney, 7th May, 1978 The President, Mr. Joseph L. Dundon, then delivered his presidential address. I

Legal Education and Continuing Legal Education The first topic to which I would like to address myself is that of legal education and in close association with it, continuing legal education. Few of you except, perhaps our visitors from overseas, will be unaware of the con– siderable public interest which has been aroused by the implementation of our new arrangements for the education of apprentices. The essential ingredients of which, are that, with effect from January. 1979. the Society will provide for graduate apprentices, an inten– sive vocational period of training of 22 weeks in the Society's new Law School in Blackhall Place. based on the principle of learning by doing, that is to say simulating so far as that is possible, the conditions, with which the apprentice will be required to cope, in practice during the succeeding period as a working apprentice, leading up to qualification. There appears to be general agreement, even among our critics, that this system will be vcry much more satisfactory than the prescnt arrange– ments, which etTectively result in apprentices qualifying without, in most cases, having any expcrir.nce whatsover of the day to dny practicalities of being a solicitor. '7~

The President, Mr. Joseph L. Dundon, took the chair on the occasion of the half-yearly meeting which was held in the Dunloe Castle Hotel. Beaufort, near Killarney, on Friday, 7th May, 1978, at 10.00 a.m. The notice convening the meeting was read by the Director General, Mr. J. Ivers. The minutes of the annual general meeting" held on 24th November, 1977, having been circulated in advance, were taken as read, and signed by the President. Mr. Donal Browne, Vice-President of the Kerry Bar Association, on behalf of Mr. Gerald Baily, President, who was ill, welcomed the President. the members of the Council, the official guests. and members of the Society. to Kerry and wished them an enjoyable time in Killarney and a successful meeting. The appointment of the following members as Scrutineers of the ballot of the Council to be held on 9th November. 1978. wns unanimollsly- Rgreed. Scrutineers: Laurence Branigan, Eunan McCarron, Alexander McDonald. Brendan McCormack, Rnd Roderick Tierney.'

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