The Gazette 1978
M accountwithACCis stateguaranteedgoodsense* nvestment decisions aren't always reached easily. Conflicting claims and promises can be confusing-even to trained minds. So here's a proposition that's both attractive and straightforward from ACC. We pay depositors attractive rates of interest on all money. All deposits are state guaranteed and are trustee securities. And withdrawals are - e a s y . D f t N ^ u V" v - So investing \ ^ ACCmakes good • " sense whether your ^ ' investment is for ' 3
a day or for a year. For a combination
' v V Já?iír
of interest and security, v t W / it's a hard offer to beat. . A . ' ; We' ll help y ou g r ow
Agricultural Credit Corporation Ltd., Head Office, ACC House, Upper Hatch Street, Dublin 2. Phone: 780644.
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