The Gazette 1978
Property not exceeding £50,000 - No Wealth Tax payable (J. F. Quinlan) Proposed modern edition of Battersby's Pocked Pleader (J. Coghlan) Solicitor's Responsibility for Counsel's Delay (Mainz v. Dodd) —(Rory Conway) Stocking of Revenue Forms at Post Offices (R.A. Fitzpatrick) Time between Lodgement of Documents and Incorporation of Companies about one month (P. Brown) Water charges still payable in Dublin County (J. Halpin) COUNCIL NOTES Annual Conference in May 1979 to be held in Galway Council expresses appreciation to Mr. Gavan Duffy on his retirement as Librarian 104 File References to be used in dealing with other firms ... 124 Identity Card to be provided for use in E.E.C. Countries 124 Increase of Jurisdiction in Courts approved 104 Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee — new rates from 26 June 1978 104 liaison with Bar Council - Discussions proceeding 104 Miss Margaret Byrne appointed Librarian 124 Parliamentary Committee examining Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Bills 104 Professional Indemnity Insurance necessary 104 Publication of Irish Conveyancing Law (Wylie) and A Guide to die Planning Acts (Nowlan) 124 Solicitors may become members of the Institute of Taxa- tion 104 Statutes and Statutory Instruments - Difficulty in obtaining 124 Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) (Amendment) Regulations 1978 providing for revised fees for solicitors from 28 September 1977 8 Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Amendment) No. 2 Regulations 1978 - in force from 1 January, 1979 186 Dublin Document Exchange now at 3, Molesworth Place, Dublin 16 49 49 151 17 17 Taxation Requisitions (Denis Barror) 128 17 124 DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION Annual Dinner to be held on 16th February 1979 Capital Gains Tax - Meeting with the Institute of Chartered Surveyors on 10 October Certificates of Reasonable Value discussed Comment on the National House Building Guarantee Scheme Motion to change name of Association to "Dublin Solicitors Association" defeated Ecumenical Religious Service at beginning of Law Term suggested EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND COUNCIL OF EUROPE Confidentiality in Lawyer - Client Relationships in E.E.C. (D. A. O. Edwards) 43 Disciplinary Action on a European Scale "Voeu De Bordeaux" on Disciplinary Actions 193 E.E.C. Law overrides subsequent National enactments (Italian Tax Administration v. Simmenthal) 27 Irish Solicitors (Mr. Rory Conway in Ministerfor Fisheries v. Schonenberg and Mr. Liam Young in Mulcahy v. European Commission) appear in European Court in Luxembourg 47 210 124 210 81 210 210 New Committee for 1978/79 210 Visit of European Judges to Society - June 1978 (Photo) Federation of Professional Associations - Annual General Meeting,' May 1978 - Address of President (Nuala Kernan) Fees orders increased by 77% in High Court, Circuit Court and District Court from 8 March 1978 Fees orders increased in Land Registry from 3 April 1978 47 Mr. Gavan Duffv retires as Librarian and Editor ot the Gazette 133 Independence of the Legal Profession - Address by Bruce St John Blake in Auckland, New Zealand, March 1978 197 International Bar Association - Preliminary Programme of Conference in Sydney, Australia - September 1978 60 Intemation Bar Association - Seminar on Extra - Territorial Problems in Insolvency Proceedings - Brussels, April 1978 Lawyers Professional Identity Card 193 108
International Bar Association - 17th Biennial Conference, Sydney, Australia, September 1978 International Legal Aid Association — Information
Judicature (Northern Ireland) Bill 1977
LAW SOCIETY NOTES Adhesive Stamps henceforth available for Revenue Pay- ments Annual Conference - Dunloe Castle, Killarney - May 1978 - Preliminary Notice Annual Conference Galway, May 1979 - Preliminary Notice Applications from members to take second Apprentices to be considered Apprentices - Student Requests
218 195
Bonds Draw - £3,500 paid out
186 201
Mr. Walter Beatty elected Senior Vice-President for 1979
Conveyancing Notes: Architects' Certificates of Compliance
Family Home Protection Act 1976 - No fee for declaration Fee Farm Grants may be void after 16 May 1978 189 Vendors should supply Maps on Transfer of Land .... 189,214 Negative Searches to be provided by Builders and Developers 209 Stamp Duty on New Houses - Certificates of reasonable Value 209 Council Dinner 69 Education and Training of Solicitors' Apprentices - Comments on the New Law Course (Richard Woulfe) 121 218 First Law Examinations (Old Regulations) — Course held in College of Commerce, Rathmines for August 1979 .. 186 Summer Examinations 1978 - Dates of Commencement and Fees payable 48 Guide to the Planning Acts (K. I. Nowlan), launching .. 211 Mr. Gerald Hickey elected President for 1979 201 Letters of Undertaking — Recommendations of Professional Purposes Committee 195 One Day Courses for Young Solicitors 123 Official Opening of Blackhall Place (with photos) 104 Overnight Accommodation and Bar Facilities 49 President's Diary - January/February 1978 16 Provision of Agreed Medical Reports 69 Society's Standard Form of Contract for Sale — Altera- tions in 1979 Edition 209 Seminar on Farmers and the Law, February 1979 214 Society to sponsor John Mathews Lecture 212 Society's Spokesman criticizes Points System and Teach- ing Methods in Law Faculties 217 Success of One Day Courses 290 Mr. Laurence G. Sweeney appointed Director of Training 70 Stamp Duty on New Houses 90 Student Advisory Meetings - February 1979 218 Undertaking's Committee - Letters of Undertaking Standard Forms 16/90 Vacancy for Assistant Examiner in Real Property 212 Mr. Richard Woulfe appointed Director of Education ... 70 189 Examinations: Examination Dates in December 1978 Time-Table for March 1978 Examinations 149 18 Examinations under Old Regulations — March, June, August, 1979
Lending Institutions to reject Leases of DweUinghouses being held in escrow after Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Bill 1977 comes into force
LOST WILLS Michael Dervan (Kilrush, Co. Clare)
132 27 92
Rev. Patrick Leader, C.C. (Clonakilty, Co. Cork) Edward McLoughney (Nenagh, Co. Tipperary) John Mdvin (Terenure, Dublin) Gerard O Beirne (Blackrock, Co. Dublin) Bridget O Donnell (Clonmet, Co. Tipperary)
92 92
Nora Riordan (Dublin)
Mergers, Take Oven and Monopobea (Control) Act 1978 be- comes Law on 3 July 1978
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