The Gazette 1978
General Index to
Volume 72, 1978
Allen, Mr. W. B., elected Junior Vice-President for 1979
Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church (Michael V. O'Mahony) 1 Monetary Judgements in Foreign Currency (Damen v. CShea)—(A. W. Kerr) Patronage and the Law (Michael Murphy) Professional Indemnity Insurance (M. Brooks) Recent Developments in the Law of Gifts (Jeremy Phillips) Rent Review Clauses - When time means money (M. Tyrrell) Sale and Retain - AWorm's-eye view (Fergus Goodbody) 37 Second Marriage after Church Annulments — A Problem of Legal Policy (W. Duncan) 203 Solicitors to Solicit? (John F. Buckley) 55 What is "Driving"? (R. Pierse) 215 Women and the Law — A Historical Note 192 BOOK REVIEWS Baily, Cross and Garner - Cases and Materials in Administrative Law (C. Gavan Duffy) 24 Brown and Jacobs — The Court of Justice of the European Communities (R. Pierse) 89 Charlesworth on Negligence - 6th edition (1977) - (David Pigot) 50 Drake (Charles) - Law of Partnerships - 2nd Edition (1977) - (L. Shields) 110 Kennedy and McWilliam - The Law of Compensation for Criminal Injuries in the Republic of Ireland (W. Dundon) 50 Kerr on the Law of Receivers - 15th Edition (M. Williams) 109 Miller (J. Gareth) - The Machinery of Succession (Hugh M. Fitzpatrick 25 Myles (G) - The Court of Justice of the European Com- munities (Gerald J. Moloney) 212 Nowlan (K.I.) - A Guide to the Planning Acts (M. Murphy) 211 Porter (David) - Profitable Management of a Solicitor's Office (J. Dundon) 51 Sweet & Maxwell - European Community Treaties — 3rd Edition 25 Trott (R) - Germany: Practical Legal Guide on Costs and Fees, Court Procedures and Commercial Law (John Fish) 150 Zander - Legal Services in the Community (Mary Griffin) 150 135 83 19 33 87 179 Adjudication for Stamp Duty (M. V. O'Connor) Barrister can be sued for Negligence for work done negligently before hearing (Saif Ali case) - (R. Conway) 216 Builders, Vendors and Lessors (Construction Industry Federation) 18 Capital Gains Tax not to be centralised (George Colley) 91 Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Estates of Deceased Persons and Inheritance and on Gifts (U.K.) Order 1978 112 Dublin County Council - Queries regarding Roads and Services should be accompanied by Site Map 70 Extending Time for Notice of Appeal from District Court (G. Maloney) 126 Family Home Protection Act 1976 - Notice for registra- tion in Registry of Deeds with Precedent attached (Rory O'Donnell) 71 Family Home Protection Act 1976 - Procedure for registering in Land Registry 71 Land Commission will henceforth express Measurements in Decimals of an Acre (M. Brennan) 49 Misuse of Language (Gerald J. Moloney) 198 National House Building Guarantee Scheme (Max Abrahamson) Ill Ordinary General Meeting - Remarks re Compensation Fund (D. Kearns) 126 151 Income Tax Lecture Note (D. Murray) 198 CearbhaD O'Dalaigh - An Appreciation Commission of Inquiry on Industrial Relations Committees for 1978 - Personnel Named CORRESPONDENCE Agricultural Credit Act, 1978 (D. Jones) 51 78 4 217 Agricultural Credit Corporation Loans (Dcrmot Jones) - handling charges eliminated where loan does not exceed 10 years 18 91 Anonymity (Michael Beatty)
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (24 November 1977) Annual Report of the Council Notice Convening Meeting Read Society's Balance Sheet Passed Report of Scrutineers on Poll Announced Report of the Council discussed: — by Mr. T. Desmond McLoughlin — by Mr. John Gleeson re Library — by Mr. Quentin Crivon re Correspondence Bye-Law Amending subscriptions Date of next Annual General Meeting for 1978 Note of Mr. Gavan Duffy's Services Vote of thanks to retiring President Re-Elected Members of the Council New Ordinary Members of the Council Dublin Solicitors Bar Association
2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
3 4 4 4 4
Southern Law Association Northern Ireland Representatives Retiring Members of the Council
4 4 4
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL - 1978 President's Report
153 154 154 154 154 154 154 156 155 15 155 157 157 158 159
Council Report Premises Education Legal Costs
Restrictive Practices Lending Institutions Parliamentary Affairs Conveyancing Matters Members' Services Registrar's Committee Bar Liaison
Compensation Fund Committee Professional Purposes Committee Parliamentary Committee
Finance Committee Education Committee
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 168 169 170 171
Education Advisory Committee Public Relations Committee Disciplinary Committee Premises Committee Company Law Committee Publications Committee E.E.C. and International Affairs Committee
Library Report
Conveyancing Committee Costs Committee
Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee
ARTICLES A Blow for the Restrictive Practices Commission (Abbey Films v. Ireland)—(Anthony Kerr) 105 Actions by Shareholders — A New Development (William O'Dea) 127 Agricultural Corporation Act 1978 (Vincent Crowley) ... 129 Aspects of our Present Law re Illegitimate Children (Tom O'Connor) 95 Case of the Tenacious Widow — Kiely v. Minister for Social Welfare (Robert Clarke) 79 Confidentiality in the E.E.C. Lawyer-Client Relationship (D.A.O. Edwards) 43 Consumer Information Act 1978 (Edward Donelan) 35 Conveyancing - Investigation of Title - Taxation Requisitions - Part II (Roderick Buckley) 9 Computers and the Law - 3rd Conference - Edinburgh 1978 (Joseph Dundon) 187 Contractual liability of Infants in Irish Law - A Response to the Law Reform Commission (R. Clarke) 207 European Social Charter and Illegitimacy (TomO'Connor) 5 Go Public - Your Privacy is Dead (Richard B. Morris ABA) 31 Human Rights (Batonnier Louis - Edmond Pettiti) 63 Legal Professional Privilege in Irish Law (John V. O'Dwyer) 61 Maintenance Agreements and the Family Law (Maintenance of Spouses and Children) Act 1978 (Gabriel McGann) 115
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