The Gazette 1978



One Day Courses for Younger Solicitors

The cover photograph shows some of the Consultants planning a series of one day courses to be run as from the middle of September 1978. Most of these courses are introductory in nature. It's likely, therefore, that they will appeal more to solicitors in the earlier years of their professional life and they should not be attended by solicitors who have already developed an expertise in the particular field. Many practioners have said, however, that they have had no practical training in certain areas of legal practice and that they would like to attend a course which would not be too time consuming or too elaborate in its content but which would impart basic knowledge in that particular area and alert practitioners to the existence of problems even if the solution of those problems would be outside the scope of the course. Each course will have its own objectives expressed in terms of what a person attending the course will be able to do at the end of the day. Thus, for example, in Company Law the objective will be to ensure that the course attender will be able to form a Private Limited Company having seen demonstrations of and himself carried out exercises in the key steps necessary in the formation of a Company and having been provided with a check list of those steps. Normally, each course will be restricted to 24 participants on a first come first served basis. These courses are a contribution to the Society's Continuing Legal Education programme and it is anticipated that there will be a brisk demand for each of the one day

From left: Brendan Garvan, Dudley Potter, Garrett Sheehan and Frank Burke. courses: at £25 per course including documentation, lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea they must be seen as good value. All the courses will be held at Blackhall Place, Dublin and will commence at 9.30 a.m.: the programme so far arranged is as follows: September 28th Probate and Administration. October 5th Bankruptcy, Liquidation and Receivership 10th Wills and Settlements 17th Commercial Law 19th Applied Landlord and Tenant Law 20th Taxation Successful one-day courses in Criminal Litigation and Labour Law have already been run earlier in September and may be repeated if there is a demand for them. Details of each course — giving the course content and dates — will be independently publicised. Any practitioner desiring advance information about the courses is welcome to write to Mr. L.G. Sweeney, Director of Training, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Handicap 12 and under: Winner:Donal Binchy (8), 36 points. Runner-up: J. M. Tanham (10) 35 points. Over 30 Miles: Eric Bradshaw (14) 34 points. 1st nine: F. P. Gleeson (24) 21 points. 2nd nine: G. H. Crawford (17), 18 points (on last 6). By lot: D. Crowley (6), 32 points. Next outing Captain's (Henry N. Robinson) Prize at Milltown on Monday 2nd October, 1978. 123 25th Civil Litigation 27th Company Law. November 8th Family Law 15th Accountancy

Planning one-day courses are from left: John Quinlan, Laurence Sweeney, Brian O'Connor, Robert Johnston and Terry Cooney.


Outing to Nenagh 15th July, 1978 Presidents (Joseph L. Dundon's) Prize and I.L.S.C. Donal P 'Hagan (18) — 38 pts. (on last 6). Runner-up: W. R. White (10) 37 points. Ryan Cup: Brian Rigney (17), 38 points. Runner-up: Colum McKeown (18) 35 points.

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