The Gazette 1977
NOTICES Assistant Solicitor required for Dublin Office especially for Litigation and Probate. Replies to Box No. 152. Cork City Office requires Assistant Solicitor with Conveyancing and/cr Company Law experience. Write giving full particulars of experience to-date to Box No. 153. Replies will be treated in strictest confidence. Northern Ireland Solicitor (27) seeks Master to qualify in Republic. Vast experience in Probate and Conveyancing. Salary Negotiable. Reply to Box No. 154. LOST WILLS John Hyland, late of Ballyboy, Clogheen, Co. Tipperary, farmer, deceased. Anybody having any knowledge of any Will of the above-named deceased, please contact H. Shannon & Co., Solicitors, Clonmcl, Co. Tipperary. Anne (otherwise Hannah) Dunleavy Deceased — Will any person having a will of the above named deceased who resided at 54, Aughrim Street, Dublin, and who died at the Mater Hospital, Dublin, on the 13th day of November, 1976, please contact Messrs. O'Doherty & Monahan, Solicitors, Sligo.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Issue of new Land Certificate A n application has been received from the registered o w n " reenticned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Lund Certificate usupd in respcct of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or in- advertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry' within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some Person other than the registered owner. Any such notification «hould state the grounds on which the certificate is being held. Dated 31st day of March, 1977 N. M. GRIFFITH Registrar of Titles Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. Schedule (1) Registered Owner: David P. McConnell; Folio No.: 5415; Lands: Newland West (part); Area: (1) 28a. lr. 30p.. (2)15a. 2r. 36p.; County: Kildare. (2) Registered Owner: Esther Meehan; Folio No.: 18193; Lands: Petitswood (Situate on the south side of the road leading from - Mullingar to Kinnegad in the town of Mullingar); Area: Oa. lr. 15p.; County: Westmeath. (3) Registered Owner: Mary Ellen Ward: Folio No.: 569R; Lands: Corgorman; Area: 4a. 3r. Op.; County: Roscommon. (4) Registered Owner: James Quiglcy; Folio No.: 23223; Lands: Drumnacarta; Area: 19a. 2r 25p.; County: Mayo. (5) Registered Owner: Valentine Patrick Daly; Folio No.: 20087; Lands: Drummond Otra; Area: 0a. 2r. 24p.; County: Monaghan. (6) Registered Owners: The Clongrennane Lime and Trading Company Limited; Folio No.: 2057; Lands: (a) Ciongrenan, (b) [Uhecndoran: Area: (a) 35a. 3r. 4p., (b) 63a. 2r. 38p.; County: ~®riow. (This folio is now closed and the property is contained in folio County Carlow). (7) Registered Owner: James Leonard; Folio No.: 32191; Lands: U) Killosolan, (2) Ticooly (O'Keily); Area: (1) 26a. 2r. 39p., (2) 5a. Or. 16 P-; County: Kildare. t (8) Registered Owner: Patrick Cannon; Folio No.: 4682; Lands: Knockroe; Area: 23a. lr. 8p.; County: Galway. c V 9 ) Registered Owners: Tnomas Cusack and Josephine Cusack; Jolio No.: 20906: Lands: (1) Carnaun, (2) Moanmore South, (3) Moanmore Lower; Area: (1) 22a. 2r. 9p., (2) la. lr. 3p., (3) 12a. 3r. 'P-í County: Clare. (This folio is closed and the property is now g a i n e d in folio 25304, County Clare.) .(JO) Registered Owner: Charles Tully; Folio No.: 13231; Lands: u 8lm (paj^. A r c a . 27a. 2r. 14p.; County: Cavan. V ( U ) Registered Owners: Patrick Tobin and Doreen Tobin; Folio 35064; Lands: Killeen; Area: 0a. 3r. 31p.; County: Kerry. , U2) Registered Owner: Hugh O'Donnell; Folio No.: 2655; Lands: ^bgarrow; Area: 0a. Or. 24p.; County: Donegal. U3) Registered Owner: Alice Donnelly; Folio No.: 1684; Lands: CO ; Lands: 'tnmons; Area: 21a. 2r. 21p.; County: Meath. . \14) Registered Owner: D. R. Wills; Folio No.: 18391; la >nham; Area: 0a. 2r. I0p.; County: Kildare. . U S ) Registered Owner: John McMahon; FoUo No.: 1911; Lands , hb «g; Area: 84a. Or. lp.; County: Clare. Atl ^ Registered Owner: Michael Lynch; Folio No.: 8903; Lands e a Upper; Area: 0a. Or. 32p.; County: Limcrick.
126 Broadford Rise, Ballinteer, Dublin, 14
Telephone 989964
All Work in - LAND REGISTRY,
TEL.: 983728
Indemnified to £50,000.
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