The Gazette 1977
at the psychiatrically treated fraction of the offender population, to responsible public evaluation. Other delegates had voiced similar sentiments, and one of the niost eminent contributors, Dr. Wilfreid Rasch, Pro- fessor of Forensic Psychiatry at the Free University of West Berlin, had spoken of the need to keep prison walls penetrable to tbe ordinary public whose visits would help to destroy the stereotypes of the personality of criminals. Good public relations, he went on, could
encourage people to take in a prisoner as to a foster family. That such a prospect is unlikely in the near future in Ireland was underlined by Dr. Daly, who said that while after-care was a well tried approach in other countries in dealing with offenders, co-ordinated rehab- ilitation was not really possible here, while the welfare services in the Department of Justice might not legally concern themselves with discharged offenders.
Acts of The Oireachtas, 1976
34. Emergency Powers Act 1976 -16th October 1976 35. Criminal Justice Act 1976 - 7th December 1976 36. Electricity Supply (Amendment) Act 1976 - 37. Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1976 — , 0 D . . 20th December 1976 38. Broadcasting Authority (Amendment) Act 1976 , o „ c • • . - 20th December 1976 39. Building Societies Act 1976 - 21 st December 1976 40. Wildlife Act 1976 - 21st December 1976 PRIVATE ACTS 1. Local Government (Provisional Order of Confirmation) Act 1976. Relating to County of Louth and Drogheda Corporation (Boundaries) Provisional Order. 1976 - 20 December 1976 A . ^ 14t *» December 1976
Name of Statute
Signed by President
2nd February 1976 16th March 1976 29th March 1976 31st March 1976 1. ACP-EEC Convention of Lome (Contracts of Guarantee between Ireland and European Investment Bank) Act 1978 - 27 January 1976 2. Diplomatic Restrictions and Immunities (Amendment) Act 1976 - 27 January 1976 3. Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act 1976 -2nd February 1976 4. Juries Act 1976— 5. Harbours Act 1976 - 6. Social Welfare Act 1976 - 7. Corporation Tax Act 1976— 8. Capital Acquisitions Tax 1976 —31st March 1976 9. Health Contribution Act 1976 - 1st April 1976 9. Committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas (Privileges and Procedure) Act 1976—6th April 1976 10. Family Law (Maintenance of Spouses and Children) Act 1976 - 6th April 1976 11. British and Irish Steampacket Co. (Acquisition) (Amendment) Act 1976- 13th April 1976 12. Foyle Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1976 -13th April 14. Criminal Law (Jurisdiction) Act 1976 -6th May 12. Industrial Relations Act 1976- 18th May 1976 18. Public Hospitals (Amendment) Act 1976 -23rd June 19. Regulations of Banks (Remuneration and Conditions of Employment) (Temporary Provisions) Act 1976 - 2 5 t h June 1976 20. Dairy Produce (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Act 1976 - 29th June 1976 21. Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1976 - 5th July 1976 22. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (Financial Support Fund) (Agreement) • Act 1976 - 6th July 1976 23. Superannuation and Pensions Act 1976—6th July 1976 24. Fisheries (Amendment) Act 1976 - 7th July 1976 25. Employment Premium Act 1976 - 7th July 1976 26. Foir Teoranta (Amendments) Act 1976 -7th July 1976 27. National Stud Act 1976 - 7th July 1976 28. Family Home Protection Act 1976 -12th July 1976 29. Social Welfare (No. 2) Act 1976 -12th July 1976 30. Adoption Act 1976 - 13th July 1976 31. Gas Act 1976- 19th July 1976 32. Appropriation Act 1976 - 21st July 1976 33. Criminal Law Act 1976 - 24th September 1976
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