The Gazette 1972

the Bill became law. It is at least doubtful whether such documents are admissable in evidence and in any case it subjects the profession and the public to un- necessary inconvenience and expense. Many solicitors' offices have standing orders with the Government Publications Sales Office for copies of Acts as published. Few offices have standing orders for copies of Bills either in the prcliininaty or final stages and to expect them to place such orders would merely result in unnecessary expense. The Council still think that there is an unanswerable case for publication of Acts in the English only version immediately after enactment so that the public can liave immediate access to legislation. I have been directed to pursue this matter with your Department and with the Stationery Office as a matter of importance to the public and the profession.

The Secretary Department of Justice, 72/76, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

7 June, 1972

Dear Sir, I am directed by the Council to refer to your letter of May 29th. The Council however regard the matter as still being in a most unsatisfactory position. It is not in accordance with the ordinary principles of legis- lation that an Act should not be available to the public and to the members of the legal profession until six months adtcr enactment. In the present instance the convenience is particularly serious because solicitors have only a limited time under the act to bring applica- tions for relief on behalf of their clients. Almost six months have gone by and the Act is still unavailable. It is not a solution to suggest that solicitors should purchase copies of the Bill as passed by both Houses with copies of Iris Ofiguil containing the date on which

Yours faithfully, Eric A. Plunkett, Secretary,


REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Imie of New Land Certificates

(3) Registered Owner: Robert Hood Mahaffey. Folio No.: 1138. Lands: Mongalvin, County Donegal. Area: 68a. 2r. 24p. (4) Registered Owner; Mary Heuston, Lily Dunlea, Kath- leen O'Neill. Eilis Kent. Folio No.: 41053. Lands: Cloghatisky. County: Galway. Area: 2a. 3r. 8p. (5) Registered Owner: Jeremiah Harney. Folio No.: 8619. Lands: Granny. County Kilkenny. Area: 28a. Or. l i p. LOST WILL Peter O'Riordan deceased formerly of 3 Herbert Park. Ballsbridge, Dublin 2, and late of Riverside House, Innishannon, Co. Cork. The Representatives and next-of-kin of the above deceased who died on the 9th June, 1972, would be obliged for any person in possession of what purports to the lest Will of the deceased to communicate with the undersigned Solicitors as early as possible. Dated thia 7th day of July, 1972. R. NEVILLE fc CO..,Solicitors Bandon, Co. Cork.

An application has been received from the registered owner mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a land certificate in substitution for the original land certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original land certificate is stated to have been lost or Inadvertently destroyed. A new certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the certificate is being held. Dated this 30th day of June, 1972. D. L. MCALLISTER Registrar of Titles. Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. (1) Registered owner: Sheelagh Crawford. Folio No.: 24201. Lands: Carrowkeel, County Mayo. Area: 0a. lr. 6p. (2) Registered Owner: Patrick J. O'Flaherty. Folio No.: 26407. Lands: Ballykcefe. Couny: Limerick. Area: Oa. 2r. 3p.

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