The Gazette 1972
THE LANDLORD AND TENANT (Amendment) ACT, 1971 The Secretary, Department of Justice, 72/76, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. 26th April 1972 Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, Eric A. Plunkett, Secretary.
they think this practice should be continued. As the matter is rather urgent the Council would be obliged for an early reply.
A number of queries have been received from mem- bers who have been unable to buy the recent Landlord and Tenant Act. I am aware that the green paper as passed by both Houses is available but this is not a satisfactory substitute. I shall be obliged for informa- tion as to when the text of the Act will be available.
The Controllor, Stationery Office, Beggar's Bush, Dublin 4.
Yours faithfully, Eric A. Plunkett, Secretary.
17 May 1972
Dear Sir, Thank you for your letter. I feel it is unnecessary to point out the gravity of this matter because this statute contains provisions enabling parties to obtain certain advantages if action is taken within twelve months from the date of operation of the Act. It is therefore absolutely essential that the Act should he available to members of the profession and their clients without delay. Would it not be possible to print the English version of the Act immediately, as is usually done, without waiting for the bilingual version. As this matter is on the agenda for the Council of the Society I should be obliged for a reply at your early convenience.
Department of Justice, 72 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 3 May, 1972
E. A. Plunkett, Esq. Dear Sir,
I am directed by the Minister for Justice to refer to your letter (EAP.L/5/72) of 26 April cóncerning the text of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act, 1971. The text of the Act in bilingual form will, it is anticipated, be on sale through the usual channels within the next two months. Yours faithfully, R. B. Toal
Yours faithfully, Eric A. Plunkett, Secretary.
Department of Justice, 72 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 26 May, 1972
Dear Sir, I am directed by the Minister for Justice to refer to your letter (L/5/72) of 16 May and previous cor- respondence concerning the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act, 1971. An English only version of the text of the Act will not be published but, as already indicated, the Act in bilingual form will be placed on sale shortly. Although in the case of some legislation promoted by the Minister in recent years, an English only text of the Act was published before publication of the bilingual text, this is not the normal procedure. Only in special circum- stances is an English only text of an Act published. Copies of the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Bill, 1971, as passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas, are available from the Government Publications Sale Office and have liecn so available at all times since the enactment of the Bill—price 4p, postage extra. The date on which the Bill became law (i.e. 7 December, 1971) was published in "Iris Oifigiúil" on 10 Decem- ber, 197!. Yours faithfully R. B. Toal. 214
The Secretary, Department of Justice, 72/76 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
16 May 1972
Dear Sir, I am directed by the Council to refer to your letter dated May 3rd on the subject of the delay in publish- ing the Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1971. You state that the text of the act in bilingual form is expected to be on sale through the usual channels within the next two months. This Act is of vital im- portance to the solicitors' profession and their clients and I am directed to enquire whether an English only version is available. The Act contains certain provis- ions which must be operated within twelve months in order to obtain certain relief and it is a serious matter that the profession cannot obtain copies of it. Please state whether the Bill as parsed by both houses is now on sale in the Government Publications Sales Office so that the profession can he informed. The Council understand the normal practice is to publish the English version of statutes immediately after enactment and
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