The Gazette 1971

CIRCUIT COURT ORDERS IN FORCE The following Statutory Instruments affect the Circuit Court Rules 1950 in so far as they revoke, amend or add to those contained in the aforesaid Rules.

S.I. No. 308 of 1970. Circuit Court (Fees) Orders (1) Circuit Court (Fees) Order 1956. S.I. 249 of 1956 —Revoked by S.I. 53 of 1966. (2) Circuit Court (Fees) Order 1966. S.I. 53 of 1966 —Revoked by S.I. 237 of 1970. (3) Circuit Court (Fees) (No. 2) Order 1966. S.I. 142 of 1966—Revoked by S.I. 237 of 1970. (4) Circuit Court (Fees) Order 1970. S.I. 237 of 1970 —(Current Fees Order). New Circuits Orders (1) Circuit Court (New Circuits) Order 1960 S.I. 70 of 1960. (2) Circuit Court (Alteration of Circuits) Order 1964 S.I. 206 of 1964. (3) Circuit Court (Alteration of Circuits) Order 1969 S.I. 201 of 1969. Statutory Instruments under Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act, 1967 (1) S.I. 42 of 1967— Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act, 1967—(Commencement) Order 1967. (2) S.I. 43 of 1967— Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act, 1967—(Forms) Regulations 1967. (3) S.I. 152 of 1967— Ground Rents Registers Regu- lations 1967. (4) S.I. 153 of 1967— Circuit Court (Fees) (Amend- ment) Order 1967—Revoked by S.I. 237 of 1970. (5) S.I. 149 of 1970— Circuit Court Rules (No. 1) 1970. Prescribing Rules (Appeals to the Court) under the Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act, 1967, and Local Government (Planning and Development! Act, 1963. ' LEGAL APPOINTMENT

(1) Statutory Instrument No. 212 of 1954—Circuit Court Rules 1954. Revoking the scales of costs as set out in the "third schedule" in 1950 Rules and substituting new scales of costs. Note : Part of this Statutory Instrument revoked by Statutory Instrument No. 118 of 1967 only in so far as it relates to the scales of costs set out in the "Third Schedule". (2) Statutory Instrument No. 1 of 1955—Circuit Court Rules 1955. Prescribing counsel's fees in District Court Appeals, Malicious Injury applications and workmen's compensation cases. Note : This Statutory Instrument was revoked by Statutory Instrument No. 118 of 1967. (3) Statutory Instrument No. 270 of 1956—Circuit Court Rules 1956. Amending six-day costs in 1950 Rules. Note : This Statutory Instrument was Revoked by Statutory Instrument No. 128 of 1966. (4) Statutory Instrument No. 148 of 1961 —Circuit Court Rules 1961. Mode of address of Judges. (5) Statutory Instrument No. 84 of 1962 —Circuit Court Rules 1962. Form of official seal for use in Circuit Court. Note : This Statutory Instrument was revoked by Statutory Instrument No. 164 of 1962. (6) Statutory Instrument No. 164 of 1962—Circuit Court Rules (No. 2) 1962. Dealing with form of official seal for use in Circuit Court. Note : This Statutory Instrument was revoked by Statutory Instrument No. 3 of 1963. (7) Statutory Instrument No. 3 of 1963—Circuit Court Rules (No. 1) 1963. Revising form of official seal in Circuit Court. (8) Statutory Instrument No. 167 of 1964—Circuit Court Rules (No. 1) 1964. Prescribing the days and hours on and during which Circuit Court offices shall be open for public business. Revoking Order 6 of Rule 1 of the Circuit Court Rules 1950. (9) Statutory Instrument No. 202 of 1965— Circuit Court Rules (No. 1) 1965. Prescribing, inter alia, special Statutory Declaration of service relating to ser- vice by registered post under Section 7 of the Courts Act, 1964. (10) Statutory Instrument No. 128 of 1966— Circuit Court Rules 1966. Prescribing new six-day costs and revoking Statutory Instrument No. 270 of 1956. (11) Statutory Instrument No. 37 of 1967 —Circuit Court Rules 1967. Providing for revision in amount of fee payable to summons servers. (12) Statutory Instrument No. 118 of 1967 —Circuit Court Rules (No. 2) 1967. Prescribing new scales of costs and revoking the scales of costs set out in the third schedule in S.I. No. 212 of 1954 and also revoking S.I. No. 1 of 1955. (13) Statutory Instrument No. 215 of 1967—Circuit Court Rules (No. 3) 1967. Providing for increase in six- day costs and revoking S.I. No. 128 of 1966. (14) Statutory Instrument No. 308 of 1970. New six- day costs and revoking S.I. No. 215 of 1967. (15) Statutory Instrument No. 41 of 1971. Decimal- isation of all costs including six-day costs and revoking

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