The Gazette 1971

Legal publications

2, 30

Bourke v. Bourke (General Damages for injuries not upheld Bradley v. Bradley (Wife's Costs) Butchers may open shops on Saturday nights (Quinn v. Attorney-General) Byrne v. Ireland (State Immunity) Collins v. Tornafulla Co.-Op. Ltd. (Award of £18,695 damages upheld) Gillespie v. Fitzpatrick & Macartney (No. 2) Hickey v. Electricity Supply Board (Claim statute barred) Kelly v. Kelly (Nullity decree granted) Loftus v. Attorney-General (Registration of political parties under Electoral Act held valid) Racing Board loses appeal in Director's Jackpot transaction — Mullen v. Irish Fishmeal Co. (Custom to land boats) Re McNaughton, Deed.—McNaughton v. Murray —(Will) McMahon v. Attorney-General (Secrecy of Elec- toral Ballot) O'Brien v. Radio Telefis Eireann (Television Transmission to be shown to jury) O'Shaughnessy v. Attorney-General (Non-Avail- ability of Civil Legal Aid held constitutional) ... Orpen v. Van der Schoot (Shipping collision) People (Attorney-General) v. Furlong—(Extradi- tion) Perry v. Woodfarm Homes Ltd. (Injunction) Premier Meat Packers v. Minister for Agriculture Procedure under Committee of Public Accounts Act 1970 Held constitutional by H : gh Court Held unconstitutional by Supreme Court—(In Re Para** Haughey) Quigley v. Creation Ltd.—Defamation Revenue Commissioners v. Moroney (Death State (Carthew) v. District Justice McGahon (Cer- tiorari) State (Langan) v. Attorney-General—Solicitor withdraws—Case sent back State (Meade) v. Cork County Council (Man- damus) W. v. W.—Guardianship of Infants—Custody of Children Duff v. Racing Board Duties) Judge anticipates new law on widow's damages Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act 1967. Breach of Covenant by Tenant Lawyers indict British on treatment of prisoners Lawyer's Negligence—I.B.A. Conference Report 1970 Part I Let Judges by judged—Justice unpublished report ... Local Authorities Solicitor's Association Part II Magistrates told to give reasons Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 1971 Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Northern Lawyers oppose imprisonment without trial Judicial Salaries increased

Legislat'on empowering Society to prescribe system of legal education—Deputation received Liability for Estate Duty on Marriage Gifts criti- cised Negligence in failure to serve witness summons ... On purchase of ground rents—landlord's solicitor not entitled to costs until matter completed Particulars Delivered Stamp—Forms out of print ... Precedent Bank and Engrossment Service President and Vice-Presidents, 1971-72 Registered Land in case of separate folios, solicitor for purchaser entitled to treat each folio separa- tely and duly apportion them Road accidents, fees fqr defending prosecution ... Sale of premises with contents of property—Charges payable Single Costs Committee pressed Solicitor acting for group of purchasers must charge scale fee Solicitor holding title deeds in trust for bank en- titled to Irs costs Solicitors' Accounts (Am.) Regulations 1971 Solicitors' Act 1954 Apprenticeship and Education (Am.) Regulations 1971 Solicitors Remuneration Acts—Full fee chargeable if goodwill included in sale Solicitors obligation to preserve secrecy re client's income 112 Solicitors' Remuneration—Applications for increase 31, 140 Stakeholder, rights of—who receives deposit—no action 112 Subdivision application—responsibility for marking map 113 Superior Court Offices should open all the time during normal business hours 30 Third party procedure—Leave of Court by defen- dant unnecessary 112 Time costing—Principles applicable 31 Undertakings by Solicitors to banks 197, 140 Wylie, Mr. J. W., to write book on Irish Land Law 2, 30 Court ban on millionaire's £200,000 95 Current Law Digest 56, 85 Court Orders—List of available material 122 Dail Questions Adoption 62 Dail Budget Debate on Death duties 62 Listening Devices 62 Dispute in Unidare gots back to Labour Court 17 Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association—Circuit Court Draft Orders available 24 Editorials Compton Commission Report 176 Contempt of Court 76 Law and the Individual 176 State Immunity U5 Secrecy of the Ballot 141 Estate Duty—Council protest on Imposition to Mar- riage gifts 99 European Community Legal Association 116 Examinations Examinations—Notice to candidates re open book system 106 Examination grading system 25 Examination Results Book-keeping ' 25, 152 First Law 26, 153 Second Law 26, 153 Third Law 26, 153 First Irish 152 Second Irish 152 Finance Bill 1971 81 Former Judge fined £75 over Death Crash 132 Higher Prices for Freeholds 60 Human Rights left unratified 163 Interview with Mac Bride—Protecting the Rights of Man 93 International Bar Association—Monte Carlo Con- ference 184 Irish Unreported Cases Aherne v. Thompson and Quinlan—Award for future loss 186 Becton-Dickinson v. Lee (No. 2>—Trade dispute 23 Bedford v. Butler (Practice—Judgment in Central Office) .. 89 140 106 122 140 68 140 112 30 175 115 30 68 3 2

186 21 20 126 186 186 89


22 89





130 158


21 23

128 158 132





160 131 159 131 108 132 104 135 162 95 191 17 135 136 195 195 26 26 26 138 26 166 107 107 166 166 195 63

71 - 76 146-151

Obituary Branigan, Patrick (Longford) Browne, Percival (Dublin) Burke, John (Cork) Cusack, Patrick (Ballyjamesduff) Koenigs, Frederick W. (Dublin) McGowan, Gerrard (Balbriggan) Neville, Richard M. (Cork) O'Connor, Mary Frances (Cork) O'Donnell, Hugh (Carlow) O'Flynn, Patrick (Galway) O'Driscoll, Michael C. (Cork) Seery, John (Mullingar) Walsh, Dermót - (Dublin) White, Daniel (Dublin) Ordinary General Meeting—Galway Welcome to Guests

31 32 32 33

King's Hospital Solicitor's Buildings

Fair Trade Commission to investigate practices of profess : on

Time Costing

33 197

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