The Gazette 1971
Moral Leadership Required If our only goal is an earthly city invented and engineered by men, nothing can prevent those who have power and are confident from imposing their views on the community. Freedom does not consist in the possession of things. It is not the power of doing what we like, hut the right to do what we ought. Leadership must seek and find a moral response. Perhaps our profession, the quality of whose services are not condi- tioned by a market economy, could help to spread a true insight into social function, could provide a new and more compelling example of the rules of reason and prudence common to all men thereby establishing an orientation or principled standpoint, which would serve to act as a corrective to acts of deviation. Law can condition progress, it can nourish environ- ment conducive to progress and in the end must interpret progress. Perhaps the proper criticism of our profession is that we have, failed to make our voices heard, and have neglected to help to educate the public conscience so as to ensure constant and insistent demand for recognition of the fact that society has a moral purpose based upon recognition of man's self as a person possessing intrinsic dignity and hence entitled to an opportunity of fulfilling the potentiality of his being. Before concluding my remarks I would like to express my gratitude to my two vice-Presidents and the Mem- bers of the Council for the way in which they supported me during my year of office now drawing to a close. The complexity and responsibility of the Society's work is increasing from year to year and the TheLonger-Term Savings Plan. Abreakthrough in LifeAssurance. A new whole life with profit contract from Friends' Provident which combines: • Flexibility of choice to the policyholder. | Generous (and profitable) discontinuance terms. • Substantial protection cover. Ask your Insurance Broker or our local branch for our new prospectus for this plan.
duties of a President are becoming more onerous. My experience and I am sure that of my predecessors in office has been that no Member of the Council ever failed in supporting the President or in carrying out any job however difficult which they may he asked to perform. For this I am personally grateful. I would also like to pay tribute to the Secretariat, Mr. Gavan Duffy and to Mr. Fitzpatrick and the office staff with whom I had the opportunity of close association during my year of office. I now have pleasure in moving the adoption of the Report of the Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Gerard Doyle. Messrs. J. F. Buckley, Quentin Crivon, John Donovan and Walter Beatty addressed the meeting on various matters arising on the Report. The President stated that the questions raised and observations made would be carefully considered by the Council. He then put the motion to the meeting and it was passed unanimously. Thursday 23rd November 1972 was appointed as the date of the next Ordinary General Meeting of the Society. Mr. D. B. Gilmore then moved that the Senior Vice- President should take the chair. Mr. James W. O'Donovan then took the chair and Mr. Gilmore then moved a vote of thanks to the President for his dis- tinguished service to the Society during the year. Mr. O'Donovan addressed the meeting on the motion which was carried with acclamation. The President returned thanks and the chairman declared the meeting closed.
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