The Gazette 1964/67
II—DONATIONS AND EXCHANGE Dublin University (Trinity College) Calendar, 1964-6 5; Chartered Accountants in Ireland— List of Members, 1964; Edinburgh University Calendar, 1964-65; Inter national IMW List, 1964; London University Calendar, 1964-65; Manchester University Calendar, 1964-65; National University of Ireland Calendar, 1963; New South Wales Law Almanack, 1964; Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland Yearbook, 1964; j£tee«'.r University, Belfast, Calendar, 1964-65; University College and Cork Calendar, 1964-65; University College Dublin Calendar, 1964-65; University of Wales Calendar, 1964-6 5; Uni versity of Sheffield Calendar, 1964-65; Old Testament in Hebrew; Scottish Law List, 1964. THE REGISTRY Register A DUBLIN Solicitors offer first class opportunity to Solicitor with wide experience. Apply Box. A.228. ASSISTANT Solicitor with experience in Conveyancing and Probate work required by Dublin Solicitors. Apply Box A.229. Register B CIVIL SERVANT (recently retired) with experience in legal matters seeks employment in Solicitors Office. Box No. 6.279. Register C WILL any Solicitor who may have possession of title deeds for premises 90, 91 and giA Lower Dorset Street, Dublin, the property of Thomas J. Bray and Timothy J. Bray, please communicate immediately with John P. Redmond & Company, Solicitors, 22 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin. DUGGAN—would any person knowing of the existence of a Will of William Duggan, born 1840 and who married Mary Fogarty in Co. Clare, please communicate urgently with the Public Trustee, New Zealand High Commission, New Zealand House, Haymarkct, London, S.W.I. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 & 1942 ISSUE OF NEW LAND CERTIFICATE Applications have been received from the regis tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in sub stitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such 92
Statutes 1962, Two copies; Ireland— Report on Ground Rents (Chairman—Judge Conroy—1964) ; Ireland— Statutory Instruments, 1960, 2 Bound Vols.; Ireland—Revenue Commissioners— The Law of Stamp Duties, 1964 ; Jackson, R. M.— The Machinery of Justice in England, ^th Edn., 1964 ; James, P. S.— "Law of Torts, znd Edn., 1964 ; Justice—- Report on Criminal Appeals, 1964 ; Kiedy—CT. O'Neill)— Principles of Equity as applied in Iceland, 1936. Law List, 1964 ; Law Quarterly Review— Index to Vols. i-80, 1965 ; Leach, T.— Practical Points on Leases, First Cumulative Supplement, 1964 ; Lewin, T.— Law of Trusts, \6th Edn., 1964; Lloyd, D.— The Idea of Law, 1964 ; Lowe, R. M.— Commercial Law, 1964 ; Madden, D. S.— Practical Treatise on the Registration of Deeds, 1901 ; Major, W. T.— The Law of Contract, 1965 ; Magnus, S. and M. Estrin— Company Law and Practice, $rdEdn., 1957 and Second Cumulative Supplement, 1964; McCleary, J.— County Court Precedents, Second Cumulative Supple ment to znd. Edn., 1964; Moeran, E.— Practical Conveyancing, $rd Edn., 1963 (Two extra copies); Monroe, T. G.— The Law of Stamp Duties, ^th Edn., 1963. O'Siochain, P.— Dl{ Coruil na h-Eireann, 1963; O'Siochain, P.— Outline of Evidence, Practice and Procedure in Ireland, 1953; Page, Leo— First Steps in Advocacy, 1964; Park, W. A.— Hire-Purcbase and Credit Sales, tfh Edn. 1964; Pratt D. and A. MacKenzie— Law of Highways & Supplement to zoth Edn., 1964; Redmond P. W.— Mercantile Law, 1965; Rees, S.— Probate Handbook, ^rdEdn. 1964. Sandes, R. L.— Criminal Law and Practice in Ireland, 2nd Edn., 1 964; Sergent, E. G.— The Law of Stamp Duties, tfh Edn., with Supplement, 1963; Stanford, D.— Tax Planning and the Family Company, znd Edn., 1964; Sturge, L. F.— Basic Rules of the Supreme Court, znd Edn., 1964; Tax Cases— Index to Volumes 1-40, (1875-1963); Terrell, E.— Law of Running Down Cases, i,rd Edn., 1965; Tristram, J. and H. C. Coote— Probate Practice, zznd Edn., 1965; Tristram, J. and H. C. Coote— Probate Practice, $rd Cumulative Supplement to zist Edn., 1964; Turner, J. W. and A. LI. Armitage— Cases on Criminal Law, ^rdEdn., 1964; Vandyk, N. D.— Tribunals and Inquiries, 1965; Whitaker, B.— The Police (Penguin Special) 1964; Whitakers Almanack, 1965; Who's Who, 1965; Wild, D.— Law of Hire-Purchase, znd Edn., 1964; Wilkinson, G. S.— Road Traffic Offences, Supplement to 4th Edn., 1964; Wilson, H. A. and F. W. Kelly— Seventh Supplement to Irish Income Tax incorporating Finance Act, 1964; Words and Phrases Judicially Defined—1964 Pocket Supplement, 5 Vols.; Writers and Artists Yearbook—1964 and 1965; Wortzburg, D. and J. Mills— BuildingSociety Law, izth Edn., 19(4. (Bound Volume),
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