The Gazette 1964/67
Duty Mitigation, zndEdn., 1964 ; Belfast and Northern Ireland Directory—1964 and 1965. Bingham, L.— Motor Claims Cases, •jth Edn., 1964 ; Bingham, R.— All the Modern Cases on Negligence ind Edn. and Supplement, 1964. Blanchard, Jean— Ecclesiastical Law of Ireland, 1963 ; Bowett, T. W.— The Law of International Institutions, 1963. Braghouse, H.— Short forms of Wills, Uh Edn., 1964. Buckley, J.— The Companies Acts, i^th Edn., 1957, bound with Supplement, 1964. (English) Catholic Directory, 1965. Cheshire, G. C. and C. H. S. Fifoot— Law of Contract, 6th Edn., 1964; Chutty, J. and I. H. Jacob— Queen's Bench Forms, lyth Edn., 1965 ; Chubb, B., ed— Source Book of Irish Government published by Irish Institute of Public Administration, 1964; Cordery, W.— Law relating to Solicitors, Second Cumulative Supplement to 5 th Edn. 1964; Cross, R. and N. Wilkins— An Outline of the Law of Evidence, 1964 ; Grotty, J.— Practice and Procedure in the District Court, 1961, two extra copies ; Current Law Citator, 1947-1963 ; Current Law Yearbook, 1963 ; Dias, R. W.— Bibliography of Jurisprudence, 1964; Dias, R. W.— Jurisprudence ind Edn.. 1964; Edwards, J. Lloyd— The Law Officer of the Crown, 1964 ; England— Public General Acts of 1964, 2 Vols., 1965 ; English and Empire Digest: Third Cumul ative Supplement, including cases from 1952 to 1963, 2 Vols., 1964 ; English and Empire Digest— Interim Index —Vols. 1-36, 1964; English and Empire Digest Replacements—Volume 37 (Pawns and Pledges to Pri^e Law), 1964 ; Volume 39 (Receivers to Sale of Goods), 1964; Volume 43 (Small Holdings and Solicitor}, 1964; Volume 44 (Specific Performance to Stock Exchange), 1965 ; Erskine-May, Parliamentary Practice, \-fth Edn., 1964. Farrand, J. T.— Conveyancing Contracts, 1964; Parley, D.— Social Insurance and Social Assistance in Ireland, 1964; Fried Mann, J.— Law in a changing Society, 1964; Gibson, J.— Conveyancing, i<)th Edn., 1964 ; Gledhill, A.— The Republic of India, ind Edn., 1964 ; Goode, R. M.— Hire Purchase Law Supple ment, 1964 ; Griswold, E. N.— Law and Lawyers in the United States. (Hamlyn Lectures, 1964); Griffith, J. A. and H. Street— Casebook of Administrative Law, 1964; Halsbury, Earl of— Laws of England, srd (Simonds) Edn., Vol. 43—Consolidated Table of Statutes, 1964; Halsbury, Earl of— Laws of England— ?,rd. (Simonds) Edn., Cumulative Supplement, 1964; Heuston, R. F. V.— Essays in Constitutional Law, ind Edn., 1964; Hamilton, R. N.— Solicitors Guide to Development and Planning, tfh Edn., 1964 ; Heward, F.— Guide to Chancery Procedure, ind Edn., 1964. Incorporated Law Society— Law Directory, 1965 ; Irish Catholic Directory, 1964 and 1965 ; Irish Ecclesiastical Record Index, 1918-1963 ; Ireland—
4. Conduct of research demonstration, training and other projects for developing countries. During its first five years the Institute will receive £250,000 from the United Nations Special Fund including the services of eleven International experts w ho will later be replaced by Irishmen. The address of the Institute is 4, Kildare Street, Dublin. Interested persons should write to J. A. Meagher, Chairman, An Foras Forbartha Teoranta, 4, Kildare Street, LAW The World Peace Through Law Centre will sponsor the Washington World Conference on World Peace Through Law at Washington, D.C., U.S.A., on September 12-18, 1965. The highest judicial official and the bar association president of 120 nations will be the Special Honored Invitees. More than 2,000 members of the legal profession are expected to attend and it will be the most important represent ative and influential international assembly of the legal profession in history. The purpose of the Conference will be to advance the substantial accomplishments of the First World Conference at Athens in 1963. It was there that lawyers and jurists from more than 100 countries established the Center and adopted a global work program to strengthen law and legal institutions internationally towards the universal acceptance of the Rule of Law in the resolution of disputes between men and nations. The program will emphasis new legal needs in a changing world to include arbitration, space law, human rights, disarmament, foreign investments, etc. All lawyers, jurists, legal scholars and interested observers are cordially invited to the Conference with a registration fee of $50 for individuals from the United States and $10 for persons outside the United States. Requests for additional information should be addressed to the World Peace Through Law Centre, 400, Hill Buildings, Washington, D.C. 20006. U.S.A. LIBRARY ACQUISITIONS List of Books acquired in the Library since March, 1964. I—ACQUISITIONS Abrahams, G.— Police Questioning and the Judge's Rules, 1964; Adkin, B.— Law of Dilapidations, 6th Edit., 1964; Alien, C. K.— Law in the Making, -jth Edn., 1964; Anson, C. J.— Lav of Contracts., and Edn., 1964 ; All England Law Reports—Index and Notes-Up, 1963 and 1964; Argent H. D.— Death Dublin, 2. WORLD PEACE THROUGH
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