The Gazette 1958-61
Paper Box Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Remuneration and Terms of Employment of Workers fixed after iyth October 1959—168/1959. Shirtmaldng Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay fixed after 2nd January 1960—232/1959. Tailoring Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay and conditions of employment fixed after 2nd January 1960—233/1959. Tobacco Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay fixed after I2th December, 1959—210/1959. Women's Clothing and Millinery Joint Labour Committee —Minimum rates of pay and conditions of employment fixed after I2th December 1959—215/1959. FINANCE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Exchange Control (Amendment) Regulations, 1959 extended to Shannon Customs-Free Airport—161/1959. Income Tax (Purchased Life Annuities) Regulations, 1959— 152/1959. Income Tax—Regulations to apply P.A.Y.E. scheme to employment—28/1960. Land Bonds—Rate of Interest fixed at 5}% in respect of the purchase price resulting from the acquisition of lands by the Land Commission in 1960—228/1959. State Guarantees Act, 1954—St. Patrick's Copper Mines may borrow up to an additional £550,000—236/1959. Trustee Savings Bank—Rate of interest payable by Minister increased to 3 % per annum on moneys deposited with him by Bank—150/1959. HARBOURS AND HYDRO-ELECTRIC WORKS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Dublin Port—Livestock may not be shipped from there after 23rd December 1959 without a licence from the Minister for Agriculture—221/1959. Westport Harbour Commissioners, Co. Alayo, may charge i/— per ton on seaweed meal after loth October, 1959 —162/1959. Wicklow Harbour Works—Period for completion extended to 27th September 1961—159/1959. HEALTH SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Dublin Public Assistance District—New Registrar's District of Ballyfermot formed on 2ist December 1959 and areas defined—214/1959. Kerry Co. Council may henceforth make By-Laws for the prevention of obstruction and danger to users of seashore —182/1959. Health (Officers Age Limit) Declaration 1960—1/1960. Opticians Act 1956—5th August, 1959 appointed as day for setting up registers of ophthalmic opticians and dispensing opticians—143/1959. Opticians Act, 1956—Prohibition and restriction on pre scription and sale of spectacles effective from ist December 1959—I72/I959- Public Health Act (Amendment) Act, 1907 (Application of Section 82 to County Health District of Kerry)— 182/1959. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Arbitration Act 1954—Part V relating to Foreign Awards in force from ist February 1960—14/1960.
Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Order 1960 lists States parties to Geneva Convention on Arbitration, 1927, who will reciprocate in enforcing foreign arbitral awards— 15/1960. Chief Superintendents and highest officers of Garda—Scale • of pay applicable from 1st April 1958—146/1959. Companies Acts (1908-1959) Forms Order 1960—16/1960. Garda Siochana candidates may have concessions as to age, if previously serving members of permanent Defence Forces—234/1959. Garda Sfochana (Appointments) Regulations 1960—38/1960. High Court and Supreme Court Rules 1959—I 39/ I959- High Court and Supreme Court Rules 1959 (No. 2)— 189/1959. Land Purchase Act Rules 1960 in force from 28th January 1960—20/1960. Land Registration Fees amended after 3Oth September 1959 Maritime Jurisdiction Act 1959—straight base lines pre scribed—173—1959. Maritime Jurisdiction Act 1959—Charts to be used in evidence to establish territorial seas and fishery limits—174/1959. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Coras Trachtala Teoranta dissolved on ist September 1959, and its property and liabilities transferred to Coras Trachtala—148/1959. Coras Trachtala appointed on ist September 1959 a Statutory Board to carry on promotion of exports—147/1959. County and City Managers' Association—do not require a Negotiation Licence under Trade Union Acts to carry on negotiations—17/1960. Electricity Supply Board Officers' Association—sum required for Negotiation Licence under Trade Union Act reduced by 75%—n/i96°- Greyhound Race Track (Totalisator) Regulations 1960— 23/1960. Industrial Grants Act 1959—in operation from 26th August 1959—144/1959. Seamen's Union—Sum required for Negotiation Licence under Trade Union Act reduced by 75%—175/1959. Undeveloped Areas Act 1952 extended to Birr area, Co. Offaly —158/1959. SOCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Social Welfare (Age Limit for Offices) Declaration 1960 fixing age limit at 65 years—2/1960. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Carriage of Wheat—Licensed Millers may use their own unlicensed vehicles for this purpose—149/1950. County Donegal Railways (Donegal—Ballyshannon) Termi nation of railway services after ist January 1960— 178/1959. County Donegal Railway (Killybegs—Strabane and Letter- kenny—Strabane)—Passenger services to terminate on ist January 1960—179/1959. County Donegal Railways—Abandonment of railway lines on said sections authorised after i6th February 1960 —9/1960. Dublin Street Service Vehicles (Lost Property) Bye-Laws 1959 —169/1959. 74
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