The Gazette 1958-61
Bacon Pig Production Levy fixed after ist January, 1960— 235/I959- Bacon Export Subsidy Orders—164/1959. Bacon Sales Levy (Home Consumption) Suspending Orders— I 53/i959» 163/1959. i*7/*9S9, "3/1959. 7/i96°> ^0/1^60. Bovine Tuberculosis (14 Day Test) (Amendment)—27/1960. Bovine Tuberculosis—Cavan and Monaghan declared clear ance areas after zoth July, 1959—116/1959. Bovine Tuberculosis—Limerick County north of River Shannon declared a clearance area after i6th November, 1959—190/1959. Bovine Tuberculosis—Prohibition of movement control extended to County Limerick north of Shannon— 191/1959. Committees of Agriculture—Salary scale of Instructors in Horticulture equated to that of Instructor in Agriculture after ist January, 1960—225/1959. Dead Turkeys exported before 3ist December, 1959 need not be killed on licensed poultry premises—188/1959. Home-Grown Wheat—National Percentage for Cereal Year, 1960-61 fixed at 75%—222/1959. Johnstown Castle Agricultural College (Amendment) Act, 1959 to come in to force on i8th January, 1960—6/1960. Sea Fisheries Act, 1952—Part II in force from i8th January, 1960—3/1960. Sea Fishing—All vessels over 75 feet in length must hence forth be licensed—4/1960. Tobacco—Maximum areas to be grown in 1960 fixed— 223/1959. COMMODITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Building (Safety, Health and Welfare) Regulations, 1959 in force from 1st April, 1960—227/1959. Dead Poultry and Rabbits—Licences issued to expire on jist December, 1959—171/1959. Statistics (Census of Distribution) to be taken for 1959— 5/1960. CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Control of Exports of Personal Cotton Clothing prohibited save under licence—35/1960. Electric Filament Lamps—176/1959. Pneumatic Tyres for Motor Vehicles—237/1959. Pneumatic Tyres for Bicycles—238/1959. Sparking plugs and component parts thereof—160/1959. Sugar—Importation prohibited during 1960 save by Sugar Co.—220/1959. Wool—Restrictions on importation extended to sheepskin •with wool on—8/1960. Woven cotton piece goods—177/1959. Woven woollen and synthetic piece goods—18/1960. COUNTY AND TOWN MANAGEMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Local Offices (Gaeltacht) (Amendment)—21/1960. Local Officers (Irish Language in Gaeltacht) (Amendment) Regulations, 1960—22/1960. Navan (An Uaimh), Co. Meath Urban District—Alteration of Boundaries—54/1960. Tramore, Co. Waterford, and adjoining townlands may grant to occupiers a licence for camping under the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948—141/1959. Youghal, Co. Cork, and adjoining townlands may grant similar licences—142/1959. Rubber Boots and Shoes—239/1959. Silk or artificial silk hose—19/1960.
Vocational Education Committees—Additional and plemental grants for year 1959-60—218/1959. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE—EMERGENCY AND OTHER DUTIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Aluminium Sheet—strip and foil—Customs Duty suspended in 1960—224/1959. Aluminium Capsules for Bottles—Customs Duty of 50% full imposed after 2oth October 1959. Cardboard Tubes—Customs Duty of 50% full imposed after 22nd September 1959—154/1959. Coated Aluminium Strips imported before ist October 1961 exempted from duty—13/1960. Disinfectants and Tablets—Scope of Customs Duty extended after ist September 1959—145/1959. Electric Switches—Customs Duty suspended after 13th Nov ember 1959—186/1959. Hydrocarbon Oil—Duty of id. per gallon imposed after ist January 1960—219/1959. Iron or Steel Hexagonal Mesh Wire Netting—Customs Duty of £45 per ton (full) imposed after loth November 1959 —184/1959. Isinglass and Edible Gelatine—Customs Duty suspended until 3ist October 1960—180/1959. Leatherboard—Customs duty of 50% full extended to similar material—26/1960. Medicinal Tablets—Customs Duty of 75 % full imposed after 22nd September 1959—155/1959. Paint and Varnish Driers (Solid or Liquid)—Customs Duty of 50% full imposed after 22nd September 1959— 156/1959. Rubber Textile Flooring Coverings—Customs Duty of 60% full imposed after 8th September 1959—151/1959. Steel or Iron Strand Wire and Barbed Wire—Customs Duty of £30 per ton (full) imposed after loth November 1959 —183/1959. Toy Balloons—Minimum duty of 6d. full per dozen articles imposed—25/1960. Vegetable and Fish Oils—Duty of 50% full imposed after nth December 1959—212/1959. Wooden Handles—Customs Duty of 50% full, 33}% prefer ential, restored after 23rd October 1959—170/1959 EMPLOYMENT REGULATION AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Aerated Waters and Wholesale Bottling Joint Labour Com mittee—Minimum Remuneration and Terms of Employ ment of Workers fixed after 3131 October 1959—181/1959. Boot and Shoe Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay fixed after 20th February, 1960—31/1960. Button-making Joint Labour Committee — Minimum Remuneration and Terms of Employment of Workers fixed after 2nd January, 1960—229/1959. Creameries Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay and conditions of employment fixed after 6th February 1960—24/1960. Furniture Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay fixed outside Dublin after 21 February 1960—36/1960. Furniture Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay fixed in Dublin after 29 February 1960—41/1960. General Waste Materials Reclamation Joint Labour Com mittee—Minimum Rates of Pay fixed after 2nd January 1960—231/1959. Handkerchief and Household Piece Goods Joint Labour Committee—Minimum rates of pay and conditions of employment fixed after znd January 1960—230/1959. sup
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