The Gazette 1958-61
North Bull Island, Dollymount, Dublin a preserved area for specified game birds—78/1959. Pheasants, Partridge, Quail, Mallard and Plover—Killing prohibited within specified times—78/1959. Office Premises Act 1958 in operation from i April 1959— 29/1959. Office Premises (Clothing Accommodation) Regulations, '959—34/ r959- Office Premises (Overcrowding) Regulations 1959—30/1959. Office Premises (Minimum Temperature in Workrooms and Cloakrooms) Regulations 1959—3i/*959- Office Premises (Sanitary Conveniences) Regulations, 1959— 32/1959. Office Premises (Washing Facilities) Regulations 1959— 33/1959- POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Foreign Parcel Post Amendment (No. 4) Warrant 1959— 48/1959. Foreign Parcels—Maximum Postage increased from 5O/- to 7o/- and Insurance rates increased after i April 1959— 48/1959. Foreign Post Amendment (No. 6) Warrant 1959—47/1959. Foreign Post—Increase in rates for letters, postcards, and small packets after i April 1959—47/1959. Inland Post Amendment (No. 9) Warrant 1959—46/1959. Parcel Post—Permissible Weight raised to 15 Ib. after i April 1959—46/1959. Post Office Savings Bank Regulations 1921 (Amendment) Regulations 1959 authorising depositors to open more than one account—64/1959. Telephone Regulations introducing revised charges for trunk calls inland and to Britain from i August 1959—118/1959. SOCIAL SERVICES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) (Amendment) Regu lations 1959—131/1959. Unemployment Insurance—Men who have no dependents in rural areas excluded from 10 June 1959 to 3 November Unemployment Assistance—Restrictions imposed on certain rural dwellers from n March 1959 to 3 November 1959— 38/1959. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS General Bye-Laws for the Control of Traffic 1937 (Amend ment) Bye-Laws 1959—58/1959. International Convention for Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954 accepted by 11 named countries, including Ireland—69/1959.
Mercantile Marine (Ship's Name) Regulations 1959—119/1959. Oil Pollution of the Sea (Convention Countries) (Mis cellaneous) Order 1959—69/1959. Pedestrian Crossings controlled—58/1959. Road Vehicles (Index Marks) (Amendment) Regulations 1959—107/1959—136/1959. Road Vehicles—New Index Marks for Limerick City, County Galway and County Sligo—136/1959. Road Vehicles—New Index Marks for Dublin Corporation and Dublin County Council—107/1959. Shannon Customs-Free Airport—Exchange Control Regu lations 1959 applied there from I May 1959—79/1959. Ships' Names—Applicant must first submit name for approval to General Register Office—119/1959. Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations 1959 to indicate new pedestrian crossings—57/1959. TEXT BOOKS FOR LAW STUDENTS The Publications Committee of the Society are considering a project for the publication at the Society's expense of handbooks, manuals and textbooks for law students. The project at present is at the exploratory stage, but as far as can be seen the field to be covered is as follows :— 1. The Practice and Procedure of the Court and the Circuit Court. 2. Registration of Title. 3. Registration of Deeds. 4. Probate and Executorship Law and Practice. 5. The Law of Landlord and Tenant. The Committee would consider proposals from barristers, solicitors, and court officials for the writing and publication of works suit able for students on any of the above mentioned subjects either alone or in collaboration. Those interested should communicate with the undersigned. ERIC A. PLUNKETT, Secretary, The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
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