The Gazette 1958-61
CUSTOMS AND EXCISE—EMERGENCY AND OTHER DUTIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Aluminium Sections—Specified duty imposed after 17 April T95.9—59/1959- Aluminium Sheet and Strip—Customs Duty suspended until 31 December 1959—109/1959. Asbestos Pressure Pipes—Specified duty imposed after 28 April 1959—67/1959. Carry Cots—Duty of 75% (full), 50% (preferential) imposed after 18 July 1959—121/1959. Cider and Perry—Existing low duty limited in scope— I37/I959- Fluorescent Lighting and Fluorescent Tubes—Modifications in Customs Duties after 22 May 1959—82/1959. Gloves (Woollen or Knitted)—Duty of 45/- per dozen pairs imposed after 29 May 1959—86/1959. Hydrocarbon Oils, including Petrol and Diesel Oil—Excise Dutv of 2d. per gallon imposed after 17 June 1959— 104/1959. Iron and Steel Wool—Specified duties imposed after 4 June I959—94/I959- Isinglass and Edible Gelatine—Duty suspended if imported before jist October 1959—65/1959. Hoods made of Fur or Felt—Specified duty imposed after 20 March 1959—47/1959. Metal Containers for Brewing Industry—Exemption from duty granted in some cases—101/1959. Miscellaneous Customs Duties imposed as a result of the lifting of the Special Import Levy after 16 April 1959—63/1959. Plumber's Brassware—Duty of 50% (full), 33J% (preferential), imposed after 23 June 1959—105/1959. Special Transport Levy lifted on certain articles and reduced on others after 16 April 1959—63/1959. Stainless Steel Butter Churns—Duty of 50% (full), 33^% (preferential) imposed after i July 1959—108/1959. Tip-Up Chairs in Cinemas and Theatres—Specified duties imposed—97/1959- Vitreous Enamelled Hollow-Ware—Customs duty of 3/9 (full), 1/6 (preferential) imposed after 9 June 1959— 98/1959. Wheat imported after 10 August 1959 freed from previous duty of £2 per ton—132/1959. Woven Tapes—Specified duty imposed after 28 April 1959 68/1959. EMPLOYMENT REGULATION AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Conditions of Employment (Nylon, Rayon and Terylene Yarn Winding Industry (Exclusion) Regulations 1959— 120/1959. Nylon and Rayon Industry—Women allowed to work until ii p.m. on specified days—120/1959. Rubber Footwear Industry—Women allowed to work until ii p.m. on specified days—36/1959. FINANCE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Central Bank of Ireland (Form of Statement of Accounts) (Balance Sheet) (Amendment) Regulations 1959—99/1959- Death Duties (Payment in Stock of 5^% Exchequer Stock, 1971-74) (Conditions of Acceptance) Regulations 1959— 74/1959- Exchange Control Regulations 1959 relating to conditions of importation and exportation of goods—44/1959. Exchange Control (Amendment) Regulations 1959—140/1959.
Legal Tender Fund Note—Irish Government Security for advances under Section 5 (7) of Bretton Woods Agreements Act 1957 now an additional asset—92/1959. Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Act 1959 establishing new Department of Transport and Power to come into effect on 27 July 1959—124/1959. Referendum (Prescribed Forms) Regulations 1959—83/1959. Referendum and Presidential Elections (Local Returning Officers Charges and Accounts) Regulations 1959— 81/1959. Shannon Free Airport Development Co. may borrow under a guarantee up to £200,000 under the State Guarantees Act 1954—49/1959. Statistics—Census of Distribution for 1958 to be taken— 43/!959- Statistics—Census of Production for 1958 to be taken— 77/1959- Transport, Fuel and Power—Transfer of Departmental Administration and Ministerial Functions to new Depart ment after 27 July 1959—125/1959. HARBOURS AND HYDRO-ELECTRIC WORKS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Drogheda Harbour Rates revised after 27 August 1959— 138/1959. Limerick Harbour Rates revised after i June 1959—80/1959. HEALTH SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Ballyfermot Dispensary District, Dublin, formed into new Dispensary District of Dublin Public Assistance Board after 14 April 1959—56/1959. Longford County—Boundaries of Dispensary Districts varied —41/1959. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Air-Raid Precautions (Approval of Expenditure by Local Authorities) (Simplified Procedure) (Amendment) Regu lations 1959—126/1959. Defence Act 1954—Some roads bordering Gormanston Aerodrome, Co. Meath, controlled—37/1959. Defence Forces (Pensions) (Amendment) Scheme 1959— 66/1959. District Court—Times fixed for holding Courts in Co. Limerick and Co. Kerry—25/1959. District Court—Glengarriff, Co. Cork, appointed as Court for former District Court Area of Reinmee, Co. Cork— 75/I959- Solicitors' Accounts (Amendment) Regulations, 1958— 193/1958. Women Garda Sergeants and Garda Siochana Pay—51/1959. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Censorship of Films—Reduced fees in specified cases— 115/1959. Forestry Act 1946—Cost of obtaining an order to levy on foot of an unsatisfied award by the Appeal Tribunal fixed at 2 guineas—61/1959. Forestry Act 1946 (Part III) (Lay Commissioners) Regulations 1959—60/1959. Game Birds Protection—78/1959. Forestry Act of 1946—Standardisation of applications for payment of compensation, including those relating to applicants unable to show full title—62/1959. Minister of Lands may acquire for forestry purposes land held in common where some of the co-owners are unwilling to sell their undivided share—60/1959.
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