The Gazette 1955-58

v. Unit Construction Co."— (The Conveyancer, July-August, 1955). Perfecting of Orders in Chancery (Burks)— (Camb. L,./., April, 1955). Power of Advancement by Trustees— (S.J., 6th August, 1955). Prosecution of the Accused—English and French Methods (Hamson)— (Crim. L.R., March, 1955). Prohibition—Conditional Order agst. Commission to hear evidence of compounding and dispensing refused—" The State (Pharmaceutical Society) v. Fair Trade Commission "—(Haugh, McLoughlin and Murnaghan JJ.)— (I.L.T., 28th May, 1955). Protection of Sheriff— (S.J., 2nd April, 1955). Prescription Act, 1832: " Reilly v. Orange"— (S.J., 4th June, 1955). Premiums in Disguise— (L.T., I3th May, 1955). Registration of Estate Contracts (Rowley)— (The Conveyancer, March-April, 1955). Rabbits—Right to take, contested : " Mason v. Clarke "— (S.J., yth May, 1955).— (The Solicitor, August, 1955). Registration of Mortgages—Application for Extension of Time— (I.L.T., 4th June, 1955). Requisitioned Housing Act, 1955 (England)— (The Conveyancer, July-August, 1955). Restrictive covenants—Are they obsolete— (S.]., 9th April, 1955). Rule against Perpetuities—Powers in relation thereto (Devon)—(L.jg.R., April, 1955). . " Rule of Law "—Setting up of Administrative Division of High Court— (I.L.T., 4th June, 1955). Roman Action of Nuisance (Actio de Effusis vel Dejectis) incorporated in Scots Law (Stein)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Sale of Land Subject to restrictive Covenants : "Cooper v. Critchley "—(L.T., nth February, Sale of Undivided Shares in Land.— (L.T., 1 3th May, J955)- Scots Law—Some characteristics (Walker)— (M.L.R., July, 1955). Sea Shore— (I.L.T., 28th May and 4th June, 1955). Service ofDocument on Criminal Lunatic in presence of Governor—" Zyborskaz>. Zyborski"— (I.L.T., 2ist May, 1955). Seven Polish Seamen (Craine)— (Crim. L.R., February, 1955). Solicitor's Articled Clerk—Covenants in restraint of trade— (S.J., 23rd July, 1955). Solicitor's Costs—Contentious or Non-contentious Lump Sum Bill— (L.T., 6th May, 1955). Solicitors—Are they generally inefficient ?— (Law Inst. ]., Vie., December, 1954).

Sport as a Charitable Object : (L.T., 9th July, 1955). Straying Children and Animals : " Carmarthen Co. Councils. Lewis" (H.L.)— (L.T., lyth June, 195 5). Standard Rent established by concurrent lease : "•Anspach v. Charlton Shipping Co."— (S.J., 2nd April, 1955). Strikes— (S.J., 2nd July, 1955). Soviet Views on Private International Law (Drucker) —(Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Sovereign Immunity—Substantiation of Claim : " Ysmael v. Republic of Indonesia " (P.C.)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Supreme Court of Judicature— (L.T., 6th August, Taxation and Powers of Advancement (L.T., 22nd July, 1955). Taking the Oath—Each Guard to be sworn separately— (I.L.T., I2th March, 1955)- Tax Avoidance—Attitude of the Legislature and of the Courts (Wheatcroft)—(M.L.R., May, 1955). Testamentary Gifts not now readily implied : ("Re Arnould ")— (S.T., 2ist May, 1955)-' The Territorial Sea and Natural Resources (Oda)— (Inf. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Testamentary Omissions in Wills: "Re Follett" (C.A.)-(J'.T., yth May, 1955). Tenants in Common: "Bull v. Bull"— (The Solicitor, June, 1955). Time Limit for Ratification of U.N. Charter Amend­ ments (Schwell)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, Treasure Trove—Whose ?—(LL.T., :8th and 25th June, 1955)- Trusts for Sale and the Doctrine of Waste (Gray)— (Conveyancer, March-April, 1955). Underlessees and Relief from Forfeiture—(L.T., 22nd and 29th April, 1955). Undivided Shares—Contract requires writing : "Cooper v. Critchley"— (S.J., 2nd April, 1955)- Unjust Enrichment by Bribery (I.L.T., I9th and 26th February, jth and i2th March, 1955)- Unreasonable Refusal of Consent to Assign and the Rent Acts—(L.T., 29th July, 195 5). Writers and the Law—Lord Clarendon—(-L.T., 1 5th April, 1955). INDEX OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS. Published since February, 1955. • " Re Morgan "—


Agricultural Produce Eggs,


Regs. 1955—



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