The Gazette 1955-58
Improvements made
in pursuance of Tenancy
Binding over on complaint and otherwise (Jones)— {Crim. L.R., August, 1955). Burden of Proof and Private Street Works— (S.J., 6th August, 1955). Certiorari and the Problem of Locus Standi (Yardley)-(L.jg.R., July, 1955). Changing Role of the Corporation and its counsel (Berle)— (N.Y. Assoc. Bar Record, June, 1955). Commonwealth and Empire Law Conference— (L.T., 29th July, 1955 and 6th August, 1955). (S.J., 30th July and yth August, 195 5). Committees for Trial (Garner)— (Crim, L.R., August, 1955). Compulsory Purchase Procedure (Sweetman)— (The Conveyancer, July-August, 1955). Covenant to Repair—(I.L.T., 23rd July, 1955). Deckrations as to Domicile— (The Solicitor, June, Departmental Committee on Summary Trial of Minor Offences—Sharpe Report— (S.J., 23rd July, I 955)- Draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind (Johnston)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955)- Direction to Jury on Burden of Proof in Criminal Cases (Glanville-Williams)— (Crim. L.R., August, Dependent Relative Revocation (Newark)— (L.QR. July, 1955)- Effect of Under-Insurance— (The Solicitor, April, I 955)- " Engaged Services " in Salvage Operations— (The Solicitor, August, 195 5). English and French Legal Methods in Crime (Devlin) — (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Factories Act, 1955— (I.L.T., 3oth July and yth August, 1955). Finality of Architect's Final Certificate—" Windsor R.D.C., v. Otterway "— (The Solicitor, August, J 955)- Finder's Reward— (Law Notes, July, 195 5). Guarantees in International Economic Law (Wells)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Hire Purchase Agreement—Motion for judgment in default of appearance for balance due granted, but possession of farm implements refused, as 75% of price paid by defendant—" United Dominions Trust Ltd., v. Byrne " (Murnaghan J.) — (I.L.T., 2 3 rd July, 1955). Historic Courts—The Old Bailey—(L.T., 2 9th JulY, I955)- Homicide upon Provocation— (L.T., 6th August, House of Commons Disqualification Bill, 1955— (S.J., 23rd July, 1955).
Contract— (S.J., 6th August, 1955). In charge of a Motor Vehicle— (L.T., 29th July, Injunction Procedure— (Law Notes, August, 1955). Interim Income of Entailed Personalty : " Re Crossley's Settlement Trusts "— (S.J., 3oth July, I 955)- Jurisdiction in Actions of Contract— (Law Notes, August, 1955). Legislative Jurisdictional Principle in a Policy— Centred Conflict of Laws (Briggs)— (Int. & Compar. L.Q., July, 1955). Landlord's Claim for Damages for Breach of Contract (West)— (The Conveyancer, July-August, !955)- Liability of a Landlord to a Third Party when Tenant responsible for all repairs— (The Solicitor, April, !955)- Liability for Damage done by Animals : " Wormald v. Cole"— (The Solicitor, August, 1955). Loss of Damage to car clause in Insurance Policies— (The Solicitor, April, 1955). Managing Director—Position of— (The Solicitor, May, 1955). Monetary Law in France—Latest Developments (Vasseur)— (Int. & Compar. L.O., July, 1955). • Non-Completion of Contracts for the Execution of Work— (The Solicitor, June, 1955). Obscene Publications—Society of Authors Draft Bill (Eddy)— {Crim. L.R.., April, 1955). Occupier's Liability—Law Reform Committee Report (Heuston)—(M.L.R., May, 1955). Order for Rescission (Bate)— (The Conveyancer, March-April, 1955). Onus of Proof in Private Street Works : " Huyton U.D.C. v. Hunter "—(L.T., 24th June, 1955). Open Prisons and Borstals (Cowan)—(C.L/.R., March, 1955). Ownership in Rivers (Wisdom)— (The Conveyancer, May-June, 1955). Order for Examination of Witness ' 5. Costs (L.T., 4th March, 1955). 6. Fees payable (L.T., ijth April, 1955). Paramount occupation under Agricultural Holdings Acts— (S.J., 9th April, 1955). Particulars refused—Defamation—Names of patrons deterred by broadcast from spending holidays in camp—" Irish Holidays Ltd. v. Gorham " (Haugh J.).— (I.L.T., 28th May, 1955). Penalties and Hire Purchase Agreements— (Lan> Notes, June, 1955). Personnel of the Criminal Law in England and U.S.A. (Smith)— {Camb. L.J., April, 1955). Positive Covenants and Third Parties : " Williams 34
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