The Gazette 1955-58
The outgoing Honorary Secretary's Report for the Association's work in the year 1955-56 dealt with the activities in endeavouring to secure the improvement of setting up of a special Committee to consider Workmen's Compensation; the fur nishing of a report to the Department of Justice for the reorganisation of the Dublin Metropolitan and County District Courts; the activities of the Association's Social Sub-Committee during the year; the further revision of the Association's standard form of contract for sale by private treaty; the drafting of a precedent form of tenancy agree ment for private dwellings and other general matters. At the Annual General Meeting of the Association on the ijth October, the following Sub-Com mittees were set up :— (a) Court Areas ; (b~) Circuit
and District Courts; men's Compensation; (/) Letting Agreement;
(c) Emergency; (d) Work (f) Social and Lectures;
(g) Annual Dinner. Any member of the Association who wishes to put forward any matter for consideration by one of these Sub-Committees is requested to write to the Honorary Secretary of the Association. The annual dinner has been fixed for the i5th of December, 1956, at the Solicitors' Buildings. Mr. Fitzpatrick, District Justice, will be assigned for the next four months to assist Mr. Hannon, Senior District Justice, with Dublin metropolitan civil work. The Association have protested to the Department of Justice about the present position of the Lists at Kilmainham (County Dublin) District Court.
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