The Gazette 1955-58
COURT FEES ORDERS. The following orders, which have the effect of substantially increasing the fees payable in the different offices of the Supreme Court and High Court, Circuit Court and District Court, came into force on ist October, 1956, and can be obtained from the Government Publication Sale Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin, at the stated prices:— (1) Supreme Court and High Court (Fees) Order 1956—S.I. No. 251 of 1956—is. 6d. (2) Circuit Court (Fees) Order 1956—S.I. No. 249 of 1956—is. (3) District Court (Fees) Order 1956—S.I. No. 250 of 1956—9d. (4) Court Fees (Temporary Variation) Order 1956—S.I. No. 258 of 1956—4d. The effect of this last order is to authorise up to the 3oth November, 1956, the use of adhesive stamps in the collection of Court fees in cases where, but for the provision of this Order, impressed stamps would be required. CRIMINAL APPEAL RULES 1956 The Criminal Appeal Rules, 1956, which replace the Criminal Appeal Rules, 1924, came into force on ist October, 1956, and deal with the procedure relating to criminal appeals in the Court of Criminal Appeal. ; The Criminal Appeal Rules, 1956—S.I. No. 252 of 1956 may be purchased from the Government Publications Sale Office for z/-d. each. DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR FEES REGULATIONS 1956. The Diplomatic and Consular Fees Regulations, 1956—S.I. No. 263 of 1956—come into force on ist November, 1956, and may be obtained from the Government Publications Sale Office for is. These Regulations repeal all former Regulations relating to diplomatic and consular fees, and pre scribe increased fees in lieu thereof. For instance the fee for noting a bill of exchange or for administer ing an oath is 155. and for each diplomatic signature attached to an exhibit referred to in an affidavit, the fee will henceforth be ys. 6d., and for initialling every alteration or interlineation, a fee of 55. will
become payable. The fee for each execution of a power of attorney attested by such officer is £i, while the fee for a certificate of a person's identity and for each attested signature of such an officer is £i. The fee for directing a search in a public record office, apart from the expenses involved, is £i. The fee for verifying a translation of a document per 100 words is also £i. The fee for the issue of an Irish passport, or a full visa is now £i IDS. od. The fee for acting onbehalfof anlrish claimant either to property situate abroad or to the estate ofa deceased person situate abroad is 2 \ per cent, of the net value of any bequest or distributive share recovered, if legal assistance is engaged, or 5 per cent, of such bequest or share otherwise. Finally the fee for taking evidence on commission is £2 per hour. MEDICO-LEGAL SOCIETY. The Medico-Legal Society of Ireland which was recently formed, held its first meeting on the 29th October, 1956, at the Dolphin Hotel, Dublin, when Judge A. McCarthy, S.C., delivered a paper on " The Mind and Crime." There was a representa tive attendance present including many members of the solicitors' profession (fuller details will be given next month). The object of the Society is to promote Medico- Legal knowledge " which as the President of the Society, Dr. J. P. Brennan, said, " is coming more and more into our daily lives and into the public eye." Membership of the Society is open to mem bers of the medical and legal professions in Ireland and to such others as are specially interested. Meetings will be held regularly from October to April. Solicitors and solicitors' apprentices (who may join as associate members) are invited to become members of the Society which has the full approval of the Law Society. Full particulars may be obtained from Mr. M. J. Leech, Hon. Secretary, c/o Solicitors' Buildings, Dublin. THE DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION. The Council and Officers of the Association for the year 1956-57 are: President, Frank Connolly; Vice-President, J. B. McGarry; Honorary Treasurer, R. O'Connor; Honorary Secretary, C. Hyland; Honorary Auditors, P. Glynn and E. Crowley; Council, Messrs. E. McCarron; E. Byrne, J. A. G. Cullen; Leslie Kearon; James M. Farrelly; K. Burke; S. Millington; F. Gibney; and V. Wolfe. 45
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