The Gazette 1949-1952

‘September 15 th—" Misrepresentation by Agents ”—■“ Judgment on Ad­ mission o f Facts ” —•“ Rent Default as a Ground for Possession.” September 22nd—“ Liability for Tres­ pass ” — “ Compensation for Im­ provements.” September 29th— Covenants to pay Income ”—“ Payments in Connectin with Company Shares.” October 6th—“ Discovery.”—“ Regis­ tered Land : Rectification of Register.” October 13th—“ Accidents in Parks and Swimming Baths ” —“ Docu­ ments privileged from Production ” —“ Safe Custody of Wills.” October 20th—“ Moneylenders’ Duty to carry on Business ”— Recent Death Duty Decisions—I ”— “ Preparation for Trial ” . October 27th—“ Recent Death Duty Decisions—II ” “ Procedural Errors and Amendments.” “ Control: Protection of Sub-Tenants.” November 3rd— New Tenancy of Shop : Reasonable Rent.” November 10th—“ The Rule in Andrews v. Partington (1791).” “ Law Society—-Harrogate Confer­ ence—Reports o f Committees.” November 17th—“ Cruelty to Chil­ dren ” — “ Registration o f Agree­ ments for Leases.” November 24th—“ Charging and

“ Recent Developments in Estoppel” (Wilson)—“ The Revocation of Testamentary Appointments on Marriage” (Mitchell). October—“ The Statutes Revised,

19 50 ” (Carr)—“ The Rent Acts and the Invention o f new Doctrines ” (Megarry)—•“ Share Values and Premiums ” (Hornsey). TheModernhaw Review, Ju ly—" The Relation between

Commercial Law and Commercial Practice ” (Devlin J.)—“ Protection o f Justices ” (Sheridan)—“ Compul­ sion, Coercion and Criminal Res­ ponsibility ” (Griffiths)—" The Indorsement of Cheques ” (Smart). October—“ Re Polemis ” (1921) (Lord Wright)—" Reform of the Criminal Law ” (Wilkinson).


hast date for lodgingnotice



First Irish 1 st February 11 th January Second Irish 1 st and 2nd February n th January Preliminary 31st March and 1st April 10th March Final 31st March, 1st and 2nd April 10th March Intermediate 19th and 20th May 28th April First Irish 27th June 6th June Second Irish 27th and 28th June 6th June Final 8th, 9th and 10th September 1 8th August Intermediate 8th and 9th Septem­ ber 1 8th August Preliminary 9th and 10th September 19th August First Irish 26th September 5th September Second Irish 26th and 27th September 5th September LECTURES, HILARY SITTINGS, 1952 C ourse A lectures will commence on Monday, 14th January, at 2.15 p.m. C ourse B lectures will commence on Friday, n th January, at 2.15 p.m. C ourse C lectures will commence on Monday, 14th January, at 3.30 p.m.

Garnishee Orders ” —“ Meaning of Widowhood in Testamentary Gifts.” The Solicitor September—“ Powers in the Nature of

Trusts ” —“ Conditions o f Sale at Auctions and their Exclusion ” — —“ Landlord and Tenant Act Reports.”

October—“ The Reform o f the Law o f Intestate Succession ”—“ Warran­ ties by Third Parties ”—“ The position o f Rent Tribunals in sub­ sequent proceedings ”—“ Controlled Properties and Premiums.” November—“ The Exclusion of un­ disclosed principals ” —“ Appeals from Courts o f Summary Jurisdiction by way o f Case Stated.” • The haw Quarterly Review, July—•“ English and Irish Secret Trusts ” (Sheridan)—

Printed by C ah ill i r C o ., L td ., Parkgate Printing W orks, Dublin.

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