The Gazette 1949-1952

situate in the Barony of Carbery West (East Division) and County o f Cork, being the lands comprised in said Folio.

specified in the Schedule hereto, which, it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar o f Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 22nd day o f December, 1951. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar o f Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. S chedule above referred to Land Certificate o f Richard O’Connor to 44a. 2r. j8p. o f the lands o f Coolnahinch situate in the Barony o f Kells lower and C6unty o f Meath, being the lands comprised in said Folio. Registered Owner: D enis J. O’S ullivan An application has been made by the Registered Owner to the Registrar o f Titles for the issue of a Certificate of Title in substitution for the Certificate specified in the Schedule hereto, which it is alleged, has been lost or inadvertently destroyed. The Registrar of Titles will issue a duplicate Certificate unless he is notified within 28 days from the date o f this Notice that the said Certificate o f Title is still in existence and in the custody o f some person other than the above-named Registered Owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate in question is being held. Dated this 22nd day of December, 1951. J oseph O’B yrne , Registrar of Titles. Land Registry, Central Office, Chancery Street, Dublin. NOTICE Folio 12848 C ounty C ork

RECENT LEGAL LITERATURE Taw Times, August 24th—“ Service out of the Jurisdiction—Vitkovici Horn v.

Korner ” — “ Guardianship and Maintenance o f Infants Act, 19 5 1.” August 31st—“ Legal Aid—First Report o f Law Society.” September 7th—“ Statutory Nuisance— Terms o f Abatement—I ” “ Rent Restriction—Moodie v. Hosegood.” September 28th—“ The Courts and Contracts—British Movietone News Ltd. v. London and District Cinemas Ltd.” October 12th—“ The Jury during the Hearing — Some Recent Irish Decisions ” •— “ Particulars before Discovery : Ross v. Blakes Motors Ltd.” October 19 th—“ Burdens and Pre­ sumptions in Criminal Law ” — “ Damage in Contributory Negli­ gence Act, 1945 : Drinkwater v. Kimber.” October 26th—“ Grant to a Single Administrator.” November 1st—“ Gifts Mortis Causa ” o f Bank and Post Office Deposits.” November 9th—“ Personal Duties and the Employment o f Skilled Persons Cassidy v. Ministry o f Health.” Making-Up and Repair o f High­ ways ”—“ Procedure for Writs : Duration and Acceptance of Service ”— “ Report o f Committee on Intestate Succession—I.” August 1 8th—“ Statute Barred and Unbarred ” —“ Intestate Succession Committee—II.” “ Controlled Premises sub-let furnished.” August 25th—“ Tactical Matters of Procedure.” September 1st—“ More about Declara­ tions.” “ Attornment Clauses : Portman v. Young.” September 8th—•“ Police Methods of Identification ” — “ The Use and Abuse o f Summary Judgment.” August n th—“ Liability for the



S chedule above referred to

Land Certificate of Denis J. O’Sullivan to 83a. 21-. 3p. o f the lands of Knockeenbwee Upper and five undivided nonth parts o f other part of the lands of Knockeenbwee Upper containing 80a. 3c 38p.

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