The Gazette 1946-49

August, 1946

Vol. 40 No. 4


Secretary : , ERIC A. PLUNKETT

president : DANIEL O'CONNELL.



MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL JUNE lyth. The President in the chair: Also present: Mr. Roger Greene, Vice-President; Messrs. H. St. J. Blake, P. O'Connor, W. L. Duggan, L. E. O'Dea, J. P. Tyrrell, P. R. Boyd, W. J. Nor– man, W. S. Hayes, H. P. Mayne, J. R. Quirke, J. J. Lynch, J. B. Hamill, A. Cox, G. A. Overend, J. J. Dunne, H. O'Donnell, J. J. Bolger, C. G. Stapleton, P. F. O'Reilly. The following was among the business transacted: Report of the Court Examiners on the First and Second Irish Examinations and the Intermediate Examination held in June was considered and adopted. On the recommendation of the Court of Examiners, the Council granted Petitions and Memo– rials under Section 16'from two law clerks seeking permission to be bound under indentures of apprenticeship for three years only. Land Registry Costs THE Council referred to a Committee the considera– tion of the scale of Land Registry costs, with par–

ticular reference to the scale of fees in Part I of the Schedule of Costs appended to the 1937 Rules in cases where the value of the lands is less than £1,000. Industrial Relations Bill, 1946 THE Secretary reported that under Section 19 of the Bill the right of audience of barristers and solicitors before the Industrial Court is limited to such cases as may be prescribed by regulations to be made by the Court, and read correspondence with the Minister for Industry and Commerce on the subject. A deputation was appointed to seek an interview with the Minister and it was ordered that the General Council of the Bar of Ireland should be requested to appoint representatives to form a joint deputation with the representatives from the Council. Applications under Section 47 Two applications by solicitors for liberty to obtain practising certificates under Section 47 were con– sidered and granted on payment of the current duty. 21

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